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  • #91
    Originally posted by owenc View Post
    I doubt it was televised but no I don't have a tape of it. I used to have a bookmark with a great Eagle story about the whole thing but it long since went behind their unsearchable pay per view stuff.
    I will wager that you can't even name this "mistreatment" that was the subject of the dispute.


    • #92
      So....what in the world happened 20 years ago with people long gone??
      In the fast lane


      • #93
        I think someone said KU didnt like ud having the Shocker Sports channel as the only TV for games at Leavitt arena.
        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


        • #94
          Originally posted by owenc View Post
          I know it is generally frowned upon to inject facts into a thread like this but consider this my annual tilt at windmills post on this subject. WSU fans seem to always remember the 1981 game like it was yesterday but conveniently forget the 9 games played since then. KU did play WSU first at home and then two games in Kansas City and finally a series of 3 one and one games. 9 games over 10 years (4 in Lawrence, 3 in Wichita and 2 in Kansas City)

          KU decided not to renew the series after the 1992 game in Wichita. He did so because that game was an absolute disaster. WSU behaved incredibly badly on every level. You can say whatever you want about KU expecting everyone to treat them like kings but they do deserve to be treated at least like any other team. They had already scheduled the 1993 game in Lawrence and honored that but Roy Williams swore they would never play WSU again. Then in 1993 WSU accused him of running up the score in retaliation for the previous year's treatment (which was probably a fair accusation).

          Now you can say this was 20 years ago and you can say the coaches and administration have turned over but I can assure you that no one at KU has forgotten about all the crap that went down at that 1992 game. So say that KU is scared or stuck up or whatever but if you don't acknowledge that there were legitimate reasons why KU ended the series after committing to it for over a decade then you just aren't being genuine. Like my grandfather used to like to say, "act like an a-hole, get treated like an a-hole". WSU has no one to blame for that series ending but themselves.

          It is worth noting that KU does play nearly every other team in the state at least every other year (K-State obviously, Fort Hays, Emporia, Pitt State, Washburn plus UMKC quite a bit). They just don't play WSU. That isn't some sort of accident. It is very intentional.
          I have a lot of respect for who you are and what you do, but I am sick and tired of the "we were treated bad" ****. You think WSU was treated with ANY respect in Lawrence? The fans were TERRIBLE to the team, coaches and fans. I know, I was there. I was in Kansas City where, as usual, the majority of KU fans were total asses to WSU fans. I was also there when KU played in Wichita and lost. Surprisingly, Jayhawk fans were mostly quiet that day. I am going to have to refresh my memory on the other 2 times you claim they played in Wichita. I remember 1 rout and I can't say I remember anything bad happening at that game (it was over before the 1st timeout) and I sat on the floor so I am pretty sure I had a decent perspective. Perhaps I missed a game (unlikely but not impossible).

          Your grandfather must not have been a KU fan or else he was a hypocrite.

          There is nobody of importance remaining in either athletic department from 1991. Coach Self, whom I have a TREMENDOUS amount of respect for, has told Gregg he will not play a GM coached team. KU doesn't want to play WSU in basketball because they don't want to take the chance, however small, they might lose, period, end of discussion. Your made up story of how you perceive someone was treated 22 years (if it even happened as you describe) ago is complete bs.

          What were the 3 years KU played in Wichita after '81?


          • #95
            Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
            I think someone said KU didnt like ud having the Shocker Sports channel as the only TV for games at Leavitt arena.
            We have a winner. With KU, it's always about money, and making sure they can grab as much as humanly possible. Those were one-sided TV rights, before the days of 16 ESPN channels. Never mind that they never mention what the split was for the games in Lawrence. But KU got pissed that someone was "making money off of them," and they took their ball and went home.

            Objectively, I think that was a mercy killing, because I seem to recall we were losing games by 30-50 in those last three. But nonetheless, still a petulant excuse.


            • #96
              Originally posted by owenc View Post
              No, they played 3 one and one series in a row and then after 1992 Roy Williams said they would never play WSU anywhere again. They had already scheduled the 1993 game in Lawrence and it was played. I'm pretty sure no games were ever discussed again until Self/Turgeon which was 10 years later.
              Light is slowly being shed on your conspiracy theory. Is this the same butt stung Ol Roy that had a couple Presbyterian College fans kicked out because they yelled during free throws? This is going to end up being both sad and funny I fear.


              • #97
                If you make the point the series was ended because WSU was no longer competitive, there is zero argument. WSU was a mess and KU was in the FF about every season then. No problem with that at all.

                What's the excuse the last 12 years?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by tw805 View Post
                  I will wager that you can't even name this "mistreatment" that was the subject of the dispute.
                  Well you aren't new here so I'm assuming you are just baiting me but what the hell I'll take the bait.

                  As I remember it there were really four issues:

                  1) When KU and WSU negotiated the deal KU was given a large number of tickets to the game that the they could sell. They of course sold the crap out of them to Wichita fans who normally don't get to see a KU game. Then when it came time to deliver WSU said they only had like 1/4 the tickets they'd promised available. KU had to call up a couple thousand fans last minute and tell them they did not actually have tickets they'd already purchased.

                  2) When KU showed up for the game they were told the visitors locker room was unavailable due to renovations. They had to change in an alcove off the hallway or something. This of course meant that after the game they did not get showers and had to ride back to Lawrence unshowered.

                  3) During the game the crowd got really out of control (mostly students I'm assuming). They were throwing things onto the floor and pelting the players on the bench with coins. KU called a timeout just to try and get the refs to do something about the crowd (which apparently didn't happen). I believe one of the KU bench players actually had blood drawn by something that hit him in the head.

                  4) Late in the game with KU up 30 there were several incidents with WSU players and hard fouls, etc that Roy didn't feel like were being addresses by the refs.

                  Now #4 may well have just been Roy being the crybaby that Roy was (although that was mostly later) but the others really did sound out of control. #3 was the thing that made the news but I'm sure #1 was the real issue as far as the administration was concerned. #2 was just an a-hole move all around.


                  • #99
                    Old news, but now my dander is up.

                    *******. GFY

                    Speaking to Lawrence Rotarians on Monday, Sheahon Zenger, Kansas University athletics director, didn’t hold back when asked whether he would consider playing Wichita State University in basketball.He said that any scheduling decisions would be done in consultation with Coach Bill Self and his staff.


                    • Originally posted by owenc View Post
                      Well you aren't new here so I'm assuming you are just baiting me but what the hell I'll take the bait.

                      As I remember it there were really four issues:

                      1) When KU and WSU negotiated the deal KU was given a large number of tickets to the game that the they could sell. They of course sold the crap out of them to Wichita fans who normally don't get to see a KU game. Then when it came time to deliver WSU said they only had like 1/4 the tickets they'd promised available. KU had to call up a couple thousand fans last minute and tell them they did not actually have tickets they'd already purchased.

                      2) When KU showed up for the game they were told the visitors locker room was unavailable due to renovations. They had to change in an alcove off the hallway or something. This of course meant that after the game they did not get showers and had to ride back to Lawrence unshowered.

                      3) During the game the crowd got really out of control (mostly students I'm assuming). They were throwing things onto the floor and pelting the players on the bench with coins. KU called a timeout just to try and get the refs to do something about the crowd (which apparently didn't happen). I believe one of the KU bench players actually had blood drawn by something that hit him in the head.

                      4) Late in the game with KU up 30 there were several incidents with WSU players and hard fouls, etc that Roy didn't feel like were being addresses by the refs.

                      Now #4 may well have just been Roy being the crybaby that Roy was (although that was mostly later) but the others really did sound out of control. #3 was the thing that made the news but I'm sure #1 was the real issue as far as the administration was concerned. #2 was just an a-hole move all around.
                      Oh come on, man. I have never even heard those allegations as rumor before today. You know it was the statewide pay channel issue. And it largely had nothing to do with Roy Williams, other than he toed the party line.


                      • Originally posted by owenc View Post
                        Well you aren't new here so I'm assuming you are just baiting me but what the hell I'll take the bait.

                        As I remember it there were really four issues:

                        1) When KU and WSU negotiated the deal KU was given a large number of tickets to the game that the they could sell. They of course sold the crap out of them to Wichita fans who normally don't get to see a KU game. Then when it came time to deliver WSU said they only had like 1/4 the tickets they'd promised available. KU had to call up a couple thousand fans last minute and tell them they did not actually have tickets they'd already purchased.

                        2) When KU showed up for the game they were told the visitors locker room was unavailable due to renovations. They had to change in an alcove off the hallway or something. This of course meant that after the game they did not get showers and had to ride back to Lawrence unshowered.

                        3) During the game the crowd got really out of control (mostly students I'm assuming). They were throwing things onto the floor and pelting the players on the bench with coins. KU called a timeout just to try and get the refs to do something about the crowd (which apparently didn't happen). I believe one of the KU bench players actually had blood drawn by something that hit him in the head.

                        4) Late in the game with KU up 30 there were several incidents with WSU players and hard fouls, etc that Roy didn't feel like were being addresses by the refs.

                        Now #4 may well have just been Roy being the crybaby that Roy was (although that was mostly later) but the others really did sound out of control. #3 was the thing that made the news but I'm sure #1 was the real issue as far as the administration was concerned. #2 was just an a-hole move all around.
                        FIrst, NONE of this matters when talking about playing from 2003 to current BUT:

                        1)Proof. Show me a contract saying WSU, with a season ticket base of (at the time) 5-7k promised KU the MAJORITY of the remaining available tickets.

                        2)I won't even argue this point, although I'd like some corroboration. The facilities at HLA were awful at the time. That KU couldn't find a work around speaks to their stupidity (again, if that's how it went down) as much as the conditions spoke to WSU failures.

                        3)Proof. I don't remember any of that. No blood was drawn unless there is proof, that's total horseshit.

                        4)Whatever. Again, I think this is Roy being a ***** and KU fans being butt stung for losing to Valley teams all the time when it matters. Was he worried about some bench warmers getting feisty? Perhaps Roy still had starters in and was running up the score? I'm sure that NEVER HAPPENED.


                        • Reading through the posts in this thread, it seems like WSU is only interested in playing KU when WSU is perceived to be good. There didn't seem to be much angst in Wichita when the series ended back in '93. There was no outrage in the years 2007-2011 when WSU never made the tournament.


                          • Some serious paranoia on the last page of this thread, and not from the WSU side.


                            • Originally posted by ABC View Post
                              Let's face it: for every reasonable KU fan there seem to be 5,10 total diques, at least on the message board. Some pretend to be college basketball fans, but really they are fans of being fans of a program that has had a boatload of success.

                              Many are just outirght dimwitted, uninformed, some weird combination of narcissism and insecurity, arrogant, fat brained, little penile, fat mouthed, arst-faced jerks.
                              And most of those reside in Johnson County, the Center of the Universe.
                              Deuces Valley.
                              ... No really, deuces.
                              "Enjoy the ride."

                              - a smart man


                              • Originally posted by BergundyJungle View Post
                                Reading through the posts in this thread, it seems like WSU is only interested in playing KU when WSU is perceived to be good. There didn't seem to be much angst in Wichita when the series ended back in '93. There was no outrage in the years 2007-2011 when WSU never made the tournament.
                                Oh God, why was this thread started again?

                                You leave scraps out and you will get pests.

                                Please just go back to the KU forum. They aren't going to play each other, end of conversation. Nobody here thinks WSU is on the same level with KU's program. Thats ok, neither are about 342 other D1 schools. I don't care what you as a KU fan thinks of WSU and I sure as heck don't get a KU fan caring what a WSU fan thinks.

