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  • #31
    Bill Self has good chance of being retired by the time another truely elite Wichita native shows up. Both teams recruit nationally and from a whole different pool of players. It's going to be sometime before that changes, if ever.
    In the fast lane


    • #32
      Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
      Recall my comments of the past. I have never been opposed to one and dones against top BCS schools. I was 100% for the game with Syracuse. If I was for that game, why wouldn't I be for a game with the ChicKUns? We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by playing KU. If we beat them or are even competitive against them we win. The ONLY thing that could hurt us would be to get blown out and friend... that ain't happenin'.

      I hate KU so much I can taste it. I have watched Bradley, NIU and a whole host of other schools whip their ass. I want our turn. It would really mean a lot to me to watch KU go down against the Shockers. Yes, it is personal with me. Yes, I am quietly obsessed. Yes, their continued stonewalling of the Shockers has finally gotten to me.

      If they will pay us a respectable sum of money to come to their building, I say we go. **** it! It's time for the Shockers and the Jayhacks to lace 'em up.

      I'm not scared. I know Gregg Marshall isn't scared. I know Tekele Cotton isn't scared. I know Cleanthony Early isn't scared. I know Fred VanVleet isn't scared. Are you?


      If nobody is scared, and I agree with that, why does a pay date even matter. Who cares if we get paid one cent. Would the money be nice? Yes, but won't make or break, our program. The opportunity to play, compete and potentially win far out ways cold hard cash. I would go even farther and say we will play them multiple years in Lawrence until they see their actions are self depreciating and come to the good ole air cap.


      • #33
        I say a game at Sprint, if we are only to do one game.


        • #34
          @SHOXMVC: has it right. Our fans deserve the game, even if we just watch it on TV. And our program needs the quality opponent.
          In the fast lane


          • #35
            Originally posted by KC Shox View Post

            Anyway, here's my two cents - KU will never play us for one gosh damned reason; as long as they continue to go in our backyard and cherry pick our best city league and Wichita metro talent away from us, they have no reason to play us here in Wichita.

            Everyone knows that KU recruits in major basketball hotbeds/meccas. They go to these places and schedule games to promote and advertise themselves. Why do they need to come to Wichita when they get recruits for free. Until we start keeping our best talent here in Wichita and away from them, they have no reason to come here.

            There's more to it, but IMO that's a major reason. I guarantee you that if we landed Conner and Perry and continued to keep our Wichita talent, their minds would be changed real fast. But alas, we aren't there yet. Perhaps someday.
            I think there is a lot to what you are saying. Remembering back to the 80s, only after Antoine Carr, Greg Dreiling, and Aubrey Sherrod picked WSU over Ku did they start a brief series with WSU (also a little win in New Orleans helped too).


            • #36
              I think we should take a one and done with KU with only one condition. Bill Self agrees not to wear his toupe'.


              • #37
                Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
                @SHOXMVC: has it right. Our fans deserve the game, even if we just watch it on TV. And our program needs the quality opponent.
                We need top quality home non-con opponents. That is if we want atmospheres like Creighton.


                • #38
                  I don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread already (I can't bring myself to read another "Why won't KU play us" thread)...and I told myself I wouldn't bring it up on here because I didn't want idiot WSU fans posting on, but what the hell... Since our game Saturday, a KU fan started this very same thread on Phog and it's been at the top of their forum since Saturday and the longest running thread in the last few days. Lots of replies bashing WSU and how crappy we are....the OP has gotten 79 1 star votes since starting the it's obviously not a popular subject, but it'll give you insight to why KU fans don't want to play us. A minority of KU fans like us and would like to see the game.


                  • #39
                    I heard a rumor that Danny Ainge has been seen shuttling between Lawrence and Wichita - maybe he's negotiating a scheduling deal between KU and WSU?



                    • #40
                      I'd rather play Duke or Kentucky. In that order.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by martymoose View Post
                        I don't know if it's been mentioned in this thread already (I can't bring myself to read another "Why won't KU play us" thread)...and I told myself I wouldn't bring it up on here because I didn't want idiot WSU fans posting on, but what the hell... Since our game Saturday, a KU fan started this very same thread on Phog and it's been at the top of their forum since Saturday and the longest running thread in the last few days. Lots of replies bashing WSU and how crappy we are....the OP has gotten 79 1 star votes since starting the it's obviously not a popular subject, but it'll give you insight to why KU fans don't want to play us. A minority of KU fans like us and would like to see the game.
                        What is the"OP"?


                        • #42
                          Or, we could play them in the off season at a neutral court to avoid conflict. Koch could up the ante for us with a $ 1 mil. incentive.:applouse:


                          • #43
                            How did they manage to let the Shockers do that on the sign. The wording is wrong . It should say "why won't" instead. This was probably superimposed over the image.
                            P.S.- I used to live about 3 blocks from Disneyland and practically lived at Downtown Disney.


                            • #44
                              This topic has been beaten, tortured, mutilated, and defiled on both boards to a point beyond recognition. This game will not happen. The KU fans will tell you it's because it must be on their terms and that WSU will not accept their terms. Their terms will always change. Their logic for why the game should not happen will always change. It will frustrate you to death, but here's the deal that none of us like: Their program is at a point where they can be illogical, inconsistent, and insufferably snobby, and they don't need to be objective about it. They have played in 133 NCAA tournament games. We have played in 18. They will always point to that as providing all the evidence they need to say they can dictate terms. On some level, they would be right. And if we're all being honest, we would do the same thing too.

                              We don't need to measure our program by Kansas. We don't need to play Kansas. As someone said, I would much rather play Kentucky or Duke. If we bring this topic up every single time we're having a good year, we are going to perpetuate their belief that we are "little brother" whining to mom about how big brother won't let us play too.

                              If you really want to pick a legitimate fight, go ask KU why it should have any home football games. On their logic, they should be on the road in buyout games all the time.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Trueshock View Post
                                How did they manage to let the Shockers do that on the sign. The wording is wrong . It should say "why won't" instead. This was probably superimposed over the image.
                                P.S.- I used to live about 3 blocks from Disneyland and practically lived at Downtown Disney.
                                I hope this is some subtle intentional irony that I've missed. Otherwise, we need a special needs board.

