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Silent Night - lessons from a small school

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  • #16
    Don't students get let into the arena before all others? Or am I mistaken?


    • #17
      Bottom line. People who want to be there the most get there for the good seats. If that is not students, we still have the same problem. The student section is lethargic at times.


      • #18
        Kudos to the band. They are really fun this year. Does anyone know the lyrics to the song they sing. I can't make them out and I don't recall hearing it in the past couple of years. My section can definitely help out with making some nose. I'd like to call out section 119. I look around and see many, many people sitting quite with their arms folded on their chest. I even get some nasty looks when I bring the noise. leaves me wondering what the Eff is with these people. No matter what, my family brings the noise and we have fun!
        When your not practicing, someone somewhere is and when you meet him...he'll beat you.


        • #19
          Oh yah, if you want pictures from section 119 being quite as described above, I've taken a few. Time for this section to get rocking! Drink some ensure, take a nap or do whatever it takes to bring the noise next home game. Because, I am always ready!
          When your not practicing, someone somewhere is and when you meet him...he'll beat you.


          • #20
            Originally posted by AdamCC View Post
            As a student, I can tell you that there are a couple problems with the student section. These are not just my own opinions; if you talk to most students who regularly attend games they would agree.

            - GA tickets - I'm fine with having a GA section, but put it somewhere else so that there is an actual student section devoid of people over 30 (and some of these people sit in the front row).

            - Do seating differently. Do the group thing like KU or something else, because I am sick of having the same people who make our typical student look ridiculous at the front of the student section because they have too much time on their hands and show up early (some of these people are in the category above). Hate to break it to ya, but 50 year olds or people who have sat there for >6 years DO NOT BELONG IN THE STUDENT SECTION.

            Some of it has to do with the makeup of the university (commuter, international student base, etc.), but I would bet that if you change the environment and give the students a greater feel of autonomy that you'd see better chants, gimmicks, signs, etc.
            This post is lame. Not a single excuse that cannot be overcome...first, the students get first shot at reserving the GA tickets. If you want less fifty year-olds; reserve more seats for each game. If you don't like who gets there first, organize and have people there early to reserve seats on your behalf. Chants can come from anywhere - Write down and hand them out

            Don't wine about a situation you do not like, do something about it. I was at school in the 90's and would have killed to have a top-25 team and an awesome arena.....


            • #21
              DON'T START NO STUFF
              WON'T BE NO STUFF

              something like that. :) We are singing it as loud as we can from section 118. Only a row of us have got it going so far. Hopefully it catches on. It's fun, I don't care if other places do it too.
              "He called me around noon and was thrilled," Brandt said. "He said he was going to be a Shocker forever." -- RIP Guy, you WILL indeed be a Shocker forever!


              • #22
                Awesome, thank you SF.
                When your not practicing, someone somewhere is and when you meet him...he'll beat you.


                • #23
                  I love that chant. Maybe if they would post the words on the scoreboard, others would join in too.

                  By the way, kudos to the band and students this year. The student crowd is larger than it has been in years, and the band is the best its ever been IMO.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by MadDog View Post
                    I love that chant. Maybe if they would post the words on the scoreboard, others would join in too.

                    By the way, kudos to the band and students this year. The student crowd is larger than it has been in years, and the band is the best its ever been IMO.
                    Ditto for me on the band. Better songs, better sound.

                    You should hear their arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner - it is freakin' awesome, but the vocal soloists have gotten the nod so for for the men's games (good this year, too, BTW).

                    Basketball Season Tix since '77-78 . . . . . . Baseball Season Tix since '88

