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From an Air Force Fan...CONGRATS

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  • From an Air Force Fan...CONGRATS

    Congrats on the road win and good luck for the rest of the season (hope you win them all). For the game it's a mixed bag from my perspective. I give your team all the credit and wish my team had done the 'little' things.

    Not trying to be one of 'those' fans but I'll comment on a few things from an AF perspective and reference some of the comments in you game thread.

    First, with the way your coach subsituted and the conditioning of your team, the altitude was not as much a factor as some who watched live or on TV/web think. More so defending the movement of our offense maybe 'combined' with the altitude was a little of a factor. Your team was not tired in the first 10 minutes when trying to defend the backdoor in the Princeton and we scored, it was there, so maybe it's a new offense to learn to defend. You did an excellent job 'picking your poison' to deny good looks from the 3 and it worked with us below our average at only 33%.

    You bigs did a great job on the offensive end combined with defensive errors on our part. Very good on your part and they are the obvious strength of your offense.

    PF's and 'home court advantage' are always something to discuss especially when the away team. Again, as I commented on above, the cutting and trying to backdoor, etc with the Princeton, make it easier to commit a holding or blocking penalty as you are trying to stay with your priority and I believe that was where many of your PF’s came from. I loved the physical play of your team but truly thought even they got away with more holds not called and/or 3 seconds in the paint…..

    But the big ‘but’ is that while we went to the line way more than you, YOUR team did what they needed to and made your FT’s. Bottom line…we go 14-25 (also missing some front end 1-1’s while you went to the line for 10-14) and we lose by 3 points it’s on our team (combined with your good play as commented on above)……and again, kudo’s to your players…be proud of them.

    I am happy with the effort my Falcons gave and wish you all the best. Thanks for letting me stop by and post.


  • #2
    Great breakdown and probably not as complimentary of your own team as you should have been. I am glad our guys grinded out a win, and while I don't want to say they didn't deserve to win, man, a few made free throws puts the Shocks in a terrible spot.

    Kudos always go out to those that choose to serve, and those kids are already winners in my book.

    Thanks for the kind thoughts and good luck also to you the rest of the way. If that's the last place team in the MWC, then that's the best conference top to bottom in the country.

    By the way, RTRPI has WSU at 12.


    • #3
      Thanks ltc. We are fortunate to have come out of your place on top. AFA beat us in a lot of ways...we did have the rebounding advantage but not very much else.

      That game had my heart pounding.


      • #4
        Oxygen FTW! The altitude was definitely a factor as one of our star players mentioned that it really bothered him. Also our team has been fighting various illnesses recently so it can't help to run your arse off where the air is rare. Then to top if off, Carl Hall has a minor heart condition. That kind of lingered in the back of my mind. I'm glad it didn't appear to slow him down.

        Had EO played, the game wouldn't have been so close.




        • #5
          The back door was killer. Hall couldn't keep up. Good game!
          Livin the dream


          • #6
            Your Air Force team plays very smart, and I look for you to win more games than the prognostications. That offense of back door plays is tough and about the time a team gets that figured out, you start draining 3's. We wish you the very best from here and thanks for your input. Your team's experience and solid hustle will pay dividends as time marches on this Season.
            Shocker basketball will forever be my favorite team in all of sports.


            • #7
              on our post game show, Kennedy ended with a reminder of what a quality win this really was...I think AF will beat a lot of decent/good teams.


              • #8
                Thanks for stopping by and giving us such detailed analysis. We appreciate it. I respect the hell out of the Academy! Good game. Go out and terrorize the MWC!
                Deuces Valley.
                ... No really, deuces.
                "Enjoy the ride."

                - a smart man


                • #9
                  AFA has some classy fans. Put up with a very loud and large Shocker contingent in their arena today, and on our way out had several of them congratulate us on the win and wish the out of towners a safe drive home. Consider me a Falcon fan after today.
                  "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rocky Mountain Shock View Post
                    AFA has some classy fans. Put up with a very loud and large Shocker contingent in their arena today, and on our way out had several of them congratulate us on the win and wish the out of towners a safe drive home. Consider me a Falcon fan after today.
                    Do you have a estimate of the number of Shocker Fans to make the game?


                    • #11

                      Hope we can schedule a home and home series in the future.

                      You and the AF Academy are a class act.


                      • #12
                        HCGM does not want to schedule Air Force due to a friend of his is one of their assistant coaches.
                        In the fast lane


                        • #13
                          Thanks to all for your thoughts and comments. Would love to have a home and home....let shake on it now. I'll be watching your team as the year goes on. Take care and Go Falcons


                          • #14
                            After reading through these posts, I believe that AFA is the first team that we have played in quite some time that didn't have a fan come on here talking smack and saying all the wrong things. The AFA fans are definitely a class act and should be commended. I believe that WSU is very lucky to have left there with a win and, like WuDrWu said, if that is the worst team in the MWC, then watch out. This will be a very good win on the resume at the end of the year.


                            • #15
                              Got home early this AM. The AFA fans were friendly before the game and cordial. After the game one women held my arm and commented what a good team we had and thanked us for not disrupting or leaving while the AF team went through their post game ceremony. The AFA team and fans were very good hosts and displayed great character. Met #25 Kyle Greens parents (AFA) before the game and what great parents they seem to be. They had driven up from Arlington tx where he is a police officer whose wife could not have been nicer of more proud of her son. Said he was going to be a pilot and carry on the tradition like other family members.

