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Gorillas at Shockers: Postgame Discussion

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  • Gorillas at Shockers: Postgame Discussion

    EO: He started! We got the tip.. :) He played 23 mins. He scored the first shot of the 2012-2013 season for the Shockers.. and it was a dunk. He looked great on a couple shots, looked not-so-great on a few he rushed. Grabbed some boards, played some good defense, and had about 3 blocks by my count and altered 4 or 5 more. Official block count: 1 LMFAO! ZERO turnovers!

    Beast: He's going to single-handedly rip the Valley a new bung hole. He was sportin' some new goggles (he said he was trying them out as a replacement for his contacts). The only thing Beast didn't do tonight was tuck HCGM's kids in for bedtime (I don't know, perhaps he did that as well). 7-7 from the field, 9-10 from the stripe, 23pts, 7rbds, 3blks, in 23mins. Enough said.

    Wessel: This kid is really making me look like an asshole. 4 of 5 from 3pt land and 13pts in 20mins of solid play.

    Baker: During a break away I swear he looked right up at me and said, "I've got your white kid right here", as he slammed the ball home with authority. If Wessel doesn't make me look like an ass, Baker certainly looks to be another leading candidate. 17 pts, 6rbds, and 2 steals in 23 minutes.

    Early: I've never seen a guy look so dangerous on a night where he struggled offensively. 1-11 shooting to go along with 8rbds, 1blk, and 2 steals.

    Wiggins: When Nick made his baseline move and finished, RDR leaned over to me and said, "there's no doubt he knows what to do with the ball". Then we both reminisced over Shockers of recent history who were supposed to be "slashers" but never could quite figure out how to go around their man instead of through him earning a charge. Well, we have our slasher now. Wiggins is nasty. He was perfect from the field and 2-2 from 3pt land scoring 13pts in 14 minutes!

    Malcolm: Seemed better to me than his stats would indicate. Apparently he had 4 turnovers?! But he had 7rbds, 5 assists, and 4 steals. Not a great shooting night, but nothing I saw tonight makes me think he won't be leading the team. The Oregon transfer needs to knock a few cobwebs off.

    FVV: Still adjusting to the college game. He was quiet, made a few silly fouls and probably pooped his pants when he came out of the tunnel and saw a nearly full Koch Arena for the first time.

    Green: A redshirt year is going to suit him well.

    Cotton and White: Both were fairly quiet tonight. They won't be in Valley play.

    DWill: He's still healing. He was limping a bit tonight.

    Anybody see the pre-game video? I think it's great. I thought it was kind of ill-timed, but it's great. I would like to see the video played before they come out of the tunnel. Perhaps that wouldn't work..



  • #2
    Good analysis. I forgot to mention the pregame video. I thought it was a GIGANTIC step up from last year. Nice job there. Overall, the in-game production wasn't bad. I could still do away with the Klein Construction 3-point plugs (very low major) and I wish some of the gimmicks to fill time were new this year. Same old I don't know how to dance cam, the lame kids in power wheels driving without a clue at 2 mph down the court, etc.
    Deuces Valley.
    ... No really, deuces.
    "Enjoy the ride."

    - a smart man


    • #3
      Stat of the day: 8 steals... in the first half.
      Most surprising thing not named Wessel: Carl Hall's 6'8" is not the same as Cleanthony Early's 6'8". Early is taller by at least an inch.
      Best fashion accessory: Carl Hall's glasses. I liked
      Overall impression: Teams is jelling earlier in the season. Will be a lot of blocks and steals. Lot of guys that can shoot. Carl Hall is a BEAST.
      Most important improvement: Healing. We will be outright deadly if we can get Cotton, Williams, and especially Lufile healthy. Need post depth.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
        Good analysis. I forgot to mention the pregame video. I thought it was a GIGANTIC step up from last year. Nice job there. Overall, the in-game production wasn't bad. I could still do away with the Klein Construction 3-point plugs (very low major) and I wish some of the gimmicks to fill time were new this year. Same old I don't know how to dance cam, the lame kids in power wheels driving without a clue at 2 mph down the court, etc.
        You can't complain about advertising because how else are we going to pay our coach over 1.5M this year? On that note, I spoke with some of the athletic administration and was told that we may very soon have a brand new, state-of-the-art score board as well as ribbon system (over the entryways) that will give us tons of more advertising opportunities.




        • #5
          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
          You can't complain about advertising because how else are we going to pay our coach over 1.5M this year? On that note, I spoke with some of the athletic administration and was told that we may very soon have a brand new, state-of-the-art score board as well as ribbon system (over the entryways) that will give us tons of more advertising opportunities.


          The only advertising I complain about is in-game advertising. It's very annoying and it kind of kills the crowd noise after a 3-ball. I'd like to know how many, if any, other high-level programs do this. It's just so cheesy hearing the crap after every damn Shocker 3. Klein better be paying a good chunk for people to have to put with that crap all game long.

          On your second note, that is VERY good news to see. We are in desperate need for a scoreboard upgrade as it has very much become outdated. A ribbon board would kick ass. That's one part of advertising I definitely wouldn't complain about! Hopefully the sooner the better!
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • #6
            A bit more...

            One thing that bothered me tonight is EO wasn't getting a lot of touches. Get the big fella the ball so he can draw the defense and practice either making a move or finding the open man!!!

            Does anybody ever watch EO guard on the perimeter? He is just as quick as the guy he is guarding. Do you know how scary that must be? I mean, Aaron Ellis was nasty at 6'9", but EO is just as fast and muuuch longer. When EO spreads his arms on the perimeter, it seems like the only option for the opponent is to go to the concession stand and pick up some nachos.

            And again, EO had more than one block tonight. I definitely saw two and I think I saw three. One particularly nasty one was not counted as somebody fouled the dribbler before he went for the layup (and no, it wasn't EO committing it).

            Also, anybody calling Cle' out needs to have their head examined. This is his first game in the big-time and he was trying a bit hard. But make no mistake, he is going to start dominating and it will be sooner rather than later. Even in a night where he was missing shots, he still looked very confident and poised. Early has Big Time written all over him. He looks every bit like a blue chipper.




            • #7
              Anybody notice this guy tonight? #34?

              He was nasty and listed at 240lbs. I'm thinking he could have helped a few Valley teams out this year.




              • #8
                I for one LOVED the pregame video. It definitely got me fired up. Also, I'm ok with there not being a pre-team-coming-out video like Bat Wu. I'd rather simply not have a video that have something like Bat Wu ever again.


                • #9
                  I keep trying to temper my excitement by remembering it was Pitt state but I can't help it. We looked awesome. Hall looked so good with his accuracy I can't stand it. Wiggins looked like crap and finished in double digits because he always finished. On the other hand early played a complete game but just couldnt finish. that will change but it was intriguing. Armstead and cotton had 6 or 7 combined steals... EO wasn't a liability. His whole game was decent. He missed some stuff but how can I not celebrate the lack of fouls in a game that was foul happy for everyone else. And how can I not celebrate the lack of turnovers. Hall is obviously the guy though. Loved this game


                  • #10
                    My favorite moment was one particular stolen rebound by Wessel from 3 Pitt state guys. It was an interception. He sailed right over three guys who couldn't decide who wanted it like a middle school girls volleyball game. It looked like straight out of the football game where he probably learned how to do it


                    • #11
                      When EO was in the game, he disrupted the Gorillas' D. To keep EO from getting dunks, the D had to cheat the passing lanes and cheat a front court defender into a position to be a help defender. Wessel and Hall (in particular) scored at will against that D.

                      Orukpe doesn't have to score much to be an offensive presence.
                      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                      • #12
                        Man great to see things goin great for evan,I remember before the season I told everyone not to overlook him for being a key player for our team, I also said the samething about joe....guess I'm 1 for 2 lol


                        • #13
                          I do recall mumdaddy saying, "hey guys, remember Wessel" in every thread. I guess next time I will listen.
                          Livin the dream


                          • #14
                            I have no memory of anyone as athletic as Cleanthony in a Shocker uniform. Ever.


                            • #15
                              Derail Green cannot guard anybody, and he may yet outgrow the 3.

