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Fire Isaac Brown

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  • Another way to raise the money. In my case I spend about $5K a year on season tickets and SASO. If IB is coming back I may decide to spend my $$$ elsewhere. If CJ is the coach here next year. I would renew my tickets for a very long time. If you have had season tickets are you going to renew if IB is the coach and CP, RCIV, and Pohto leave?


    • Originally posted by mjbaker84 View Post
      If offered right now, would you take Bruce Weber or turgeon or Crean. Assuming you could get any at IB’s current pay?
      In a word, NO!!!!


      • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post

        So up to 150? Only $4,999,850 to go!
        Ok twist my arm i'll go in for $60 lol!


        • Originally posted by shox7 View Post
          Another way to raise the money. In my case I spend about $5K a year on season tickets and SASO. If IB is coming back I may decide to spend my $$$ elsewhere. If CJ is the coach here next year. I would renew my tickets for a very long time. If you have had season tickets are you going to renew if IB is the coach and CP, RCIV, and Pohto leave?
          At this moment, unless there are some significant changes, I will not be renewing my season tickets and at best will lower my SASO to the lowest level.

          It pains me. But the product on the court, along with an incompetent AD, I simply am not going to support this program anymore. Again, all of this could change. However, I don’t expect it to.


          • Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post

            So up to 150? Only $4,999,850 to go!
            I currently have all of my cash tied up in debt.


            • Originally posted by rjl View Post

              This team is bad and getting worse. The trajectory is straight down. We won some close games against garbage teams at the start of the season, somehow took Arizona into overtime, and have been going downhill since (save the Houston and SMU games). Do you honestly have hope for the future of this team? Other than looking at the record in year two, can you share the source of that optimism? Because I'm not seeing it.

              Brown took the best player in the league and coached him into a player the fans are happy to see go.

              Brown took one of the best rebounding teams in the league and made them pitiful.

              Brown took one of the toughest teams in the league and turned them into a team that gets shook by a team like Tulsa.

              I have seen no signs of any improvement of any player, except maybe Porter. And I think Porter's successes come virtue of his talent alone. Most players have gotten worse.

              The fundamentals of this team are absolutely terrible. Footwork, technique, etc.

              We come out of timeouts and look like we have no idea what's happening. We've had games against teams like North Texas where we go 16 minutes without a single point.

              I'd go so far as to postulate that we could randomly pull 7 or 8 people off the street with the same talent level as we have, put them out there in Shocker uniforms, and we wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference.

              Just face it. Brown has had an absolutely terrible season by any metric. I have zero hope for the future of this team.
              You are a confirmed libtard and you are an I disagree on a number of other issues.
              I know you are educated and even display significant evidence of intelligence - although I have questioned in the past.
              However, for once we are in complete agreement.
              I could not try and argue any of your points regarding the WSU program and it scares me to agree with each and every one of your points and analysis.
              Jeezus it scares me.

              Yogi Berea once famously quipped about Deja vu about coming true again and again.
              I am seriously afraid about the 90's and WSU basketball coming back to haunt us once again.

              That is all.
              Above all, make the right call.


              • Originally posted by mjbaker84 View Post
                If offered right now, would you take Bruce Weber or turgeon or Crean. Assuming you could get any at IB’s current pay?
                I would probably hold my nose and take Turgeon...


                • For the 1st time I rooted for Bruce Webber today. His rant was spot on. Isaac Brown said he couldn't practice over a runny nose. I think millions are disputed in NIL and the transfer portal is ridiculous. And a schedule was merely a suggestion recently.
                  I'm rooting for WSU to do better. I'm frustrated as a
                  Shocker fan. But more skeptical as a college basketball fan.

                  Phi Alpha


                  • HCIB keeping his composure while others are just losing it

                    HCIB Unshaken.jpeg


                    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                      HCIB keeping his composure while others are just losing it

                      HCIB Unshaken.jpeg
                      “Hello darkness, my old friend….”
                      The Assman


                      • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                        HCIB keeping his composure while others are just losing it

                        HCIB Unshaken.jpeg
                        That picture speaks volumes.
                        I won't tolerate rude behavior


                        • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                          HCIB keeping his composure while others are just losing it

                          HCIB Unshaken.jpeg
                          Were light blue suits on sale that week? :)
                          Not responsible for damage from posts that sail over the reader's head.


                          • We currently have a coach with the general disposition of an accountant, engineer or actuary, when most top notch coaches are some parts R. Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket, and some parts salesmen who could sell ice to an Eskimo.


                            • Is there one thing Coach Brown displayed this entire season that shows he WANTS or has the ability to lead this program moving forward?
                              When it was obvious that the game, season were coming to a bitter end against Tulsa, what was his reaction, response?
                              Contrast Coach Brown with Coach Huggins in a similar game(last of a disappointing, frustrating year) and his reaction. He was fired up, refusing to have it, fighting for the team, University, fans, alumni! He left no doubt that he was disgusted and demanded better!


                              • Originally posted by MrsHenryLevitt View Post
                                Is there one thing Coach Brown displayed this entire season that shows he WANTS or has the ability to lead this program moving forward?
                                When it was obvious that the game, season were coming to a bitter end against Tulsa, what was his reaction, response?
                                Contrast Coach Brown with Coach Huggins in a similar game(last of a disappointing, frustrating year) and his reaction. He was fired up, refusing to have it, fighting for the team, University, fans, alumni! He left no doubt that he was disgusted and demanded better!
                                Agreed!!! I'm watching the Cincy/Houston game right now and Wes Miller just got a T and is showing major fight for his team. I love to see it. These kids know he has their back when things are tough. Unfortunately, I don't think our guys feel that way. I sure wish we had Wes Miller on our sideline. And the crazy thing is, he is making less than our coach. Wow!!

