Look, I know MM has had a pretty good year offensively but he also takes a lot of shots and many
are forced ones. He is barely averaging one apg which is NOT the sign of a true leader. The problem
I have with him is that both he and SHJ don't move the ball like they should. Poor ball movement
generally results in poor team offense and we have TWO guilty players both seniors. Neither player
sees the court very well and one dribbles way too much trying constantly to create for himself. If
MM saw the court well he could find the man left open when teams double on him and we would then
be able to attack with a 4-3 advantage. THIS is exactly what a RB or FVV would do. They had very
high BBIQ's which is what our two seniors both seem to lack. If MM continually found the open man
he would be averaging 3-4 apg instead of one, teams would then realize there is a price to pay for
doubling him and back off giving himself more, not less, opportunities to get good shots and he IS a
very good shooter.
are forced ones. He is barely averaging one apg which is NOT the sign of a true leader. The problem
I have with him is that both he and SHJ don't move the ball like they should. Poor ball movement
generally results in poor team offense and we have TWO guilty players both seniors. Neither player
sees the court very well and one dribbles way too much trying constantly to create for himself. If
MM saw the court well he could find the man left open when teams double on him and we would then
be able to attack with a 4-3 advantage. THIS is exactly what a RB or FVV would do. They had very
high BBIQ's which is what our two seniors both seem to lack. If MM continually found the open man
he would be averaging 3-4 apg instead of one, teams would then realize there is a price to pay for
doubling him and back off giving himself more, not less, opportunities to get good shots and he IS a
very good shooter.