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Revised Priority Point System

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  • #16
    I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Shox21
      I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
      Yeah, that doesn't seem right. I could see them tweaking and refining this as they move forward but I do think it is a step in the right direction.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Shox21
        I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
        I suspect I'm missing something here, but if your estate leaves something to WSU, it seems that you will no longer have a need for any priority points.
        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Aargh
          Originally posted by Shox21
          I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
          I suspect I'm missing something here, but if your estate leaves something to WSU, it seems that you will no longer have a need for any priority points.
          They are talking about making provision in your will or living trust documents during your lifetime. Of course, they need to be carefull about giving to much credit for these bequests because those can always change and/or the funds may or may not be there in the future. I could do a will that leaves $100 million to the WSU-ICAA. Good luck collecting on that one.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 1972Shocker
            Originally posted by Aargh
            Originally posted by Shox21
            I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
            I suspect I'm missing something here, but if your estate leaves something to WSU, it seems that you will no longer have a need for any priority points.
            They are talking about making provision in your will or living trust documents during your lifetime. Of course, they need to be carefull about giving to much credit for these bequests because those can always change and/or the funds may or may not be there in the future. I could do a will that leaves $100 million to the WSU-ICAA. Good luck collecting on that one.
            Hey good idea! Draft up your will for $100 million and then they can use that as collateral to get a loan to start a football program! If the football program does well they won't touch the collateral and you'll be a hero! If the football program fails and they call the note, Congress will bail the bank out with TARP/stimulus v7.0. Either way WSU still has a football program! You're a hero!

            Hmmm, I'm sure this has a hole in it somewhere though. Let me run that by my financial adviser, Mr. Madoff. Although he's been tough to reach lately.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Aargh
              Originally posted by Shox21
              I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
              I suspect I'm missing something here, but if your estate leaves something to WSU, it seems that you will no longer have a need for any priority points.
              I suppose you could always stipulate you want certain family members and/or friends to receive priority points based upon your giving. Case in point my good friend (Sean) who splits season tickets with me is the closest thing that Ralph and Doris Klose had to a nearest living relative. They are the folks who recently left $8M dollars to the school of education. Over 20 years Sean morphed into the son they never had. Seems like Sean should receive a few points out of the deal.


              • #22
                Originally posted by BostonWu
                Originally posted by Aargh
                Originally posted by Shox21
                I'm surprised they did not add points for the dollar amount of endowed scholarship/estate plan giving. Should the person bequeathing $10,000 to WSU in their estate plan be given the same points as someone who has bequeathed $100,000 or $200,000?
                I suspect I'm missing something here, but if your estate leaves something to WSU, it seems that you will no longer have a need for any priority points.
                I suppose you could always stipulate you want certain family members and/or friends to receive priority points based upon your giving. Case in point my good friend (Sean) who splits season tickets with me is the closest thing that Ralph and Doris Klose had to a nearest living relative. They are the folks who recently left $8M dollars to the school of education. Over 20 years Sean morphed into the son they never had. Seems like Sean should receive a few points out of the deal.
                My understanding is that whatever a parent does in giving has no impact upon their children. They start at $0 based upon their own giving. I don't believe family trust are recognized either as far as "future" generation benefits.

                Probably the best thing for a parent to do is to leave the money for their child(ren) and have them (if they wish) do the giving, thereby, they would receive the benefit.


                • #23
                  Can some one tell me what this means -----Rank #842 out of 2583 saso donors ?

                  Consecutive 3pts/year 72
                  Non-Consecutive 2pts/year 48
                  Ticket Points Other Sports 2pts/year 0
                  Baseball 0
                  Softball 0
                  Volleyball 0
                  Womens Basketball 0
                  Pre 1972 Mens Basketball Season Tickets 0
                  All Season Ticket Bonus 0
                  Annual Donation 10
                  Total SASO 108
                  Total RRC 0
                  New Member Referral 2 pts/member 0
                  Total WSU- ICAA and University Giving 0
                  Lifetime Alumni Association Member(s) 0
                  WSU Letter Winner(s) 0
                  RANK (FOR SASO DONORS ONLY) OUT OF 2583 842

                  Total : 190

                  Browser Requirements


                  • #24
                    You received a letter explaining it. Start with post #1 on this thread and you should be able to understand what this is about. You can also go to the SASO sight for information on Priority Point System.

                    It will probably have the most impact when they reseat the arena. You will be 842nd in-line to re-select your seats. No reseating the arena has not been announced, but many believe the revised PPS is a harbinger of that very thing occurring.


                    • #25
                      Thank you ,

                      I just did not realize there are only 2,583 SASO donors.


                      • #26
                        I am not a SASO donor, I dropped that when the screwing/re-seating took place when they remodeled Levitt arena.

                        I received a letter and several e-mails from SASO telling me to fill out the paperwork and get it returned of course I deposited it in a round filing system that I have that is dumped in the trash every week.

                        Why was I included in this is my question?
                        An “Old West” Texas analysis and summary of Mueller report and Congress’ efforts in one sentence:

                        "While we recognize that the subject did not actually steal any horses, he is obviously guilty of trying to resist being hanged for it."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by JJClamdip View Post
                          I am not a SASO donor, I dropped that when the screwing/re-seating took place when they remodeled Levitt arena.

                          I received a letter and several e-mails from SASO telling me to fill out the paperwork and get it returned of course I deposited it in a round filing system that I have that is dumped in the trash every week.

                          Why was I included in this is my question?
                          Maybe they are getting ready to implement SASO dues for baseball season ticket holders?


                          • #28
                            You were included b/c any past giving, or season ticket purchases count towards your total points.

                            I think it is a more fair way to "rank" us. General University giving or lifetime membership to the Alumni assoc counts too.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by JJClamdip View Post
                              I am not a SASO donor, I dropped that when the screwing/re-seating took place when they remodeled Levitt arena.

                              I received a letter and several e-mails from SASO telling me to fill out the paperwork and get it returned of course I deposited it in a round filing system that I have that is dumped in the trash every week.

                              Why was I included in this is my question?
                              Men's BB Ticket History
                              3 points for each year of current consecutive season ticket purchases or 2 points for each year of season tickets pruchases since 1972, whichever is greater plus a one-time 10 point bonus for ticker holders who purchased tickets prior to 1972.
                              This is why you are included.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JJClamdip View Post
                                I am not a SASO donor, I dropped that when the screwing/re-seating took place when they remodeled Levitt arena.

                                I received a letter and several e-mails from SASO telling me to fill out the paperwork and get it returned of course I deposited it in a round filing system that I have that is dumped in the trash every week.

                                Why was I included in this is my question?
                                Its because you are a warm and caring individual.

