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Austin Reaves transferring

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  • No telling what Austin's physical upside is after one year of weight training and conditioning, but he would still be wise to go to a good mid-major rather than a P-5 school. If UNI is it, so be it. A place like Cedar Falls, IA might be the right place for a kid from Newark, Ark.


    • Originally posted by Horn28Clem30 View Post
      I can honestly say if AR ends up with UNI, i will wish nothing but failure upon him and will eternally hate him. I absolutely despise UNI and that would be the ultimate slap in the face if he were to transfer there.
      I do not see it that way at all. AR has stated that he is leaving WSU to find somewhere that will help him reach his dreams. Most people would infer that as him going to the NBA or winning a NCAA championship. If he signs with UNI you can reasonably deduce that those two options are not his dream. No reasonable person would think they would have a higher chance of going to the NBA or winning a championship at UNI over WSU. If he chooses UNI that means his dream is something along the lines of enjoying life, being the go to man on his team, being closer to home, or something like that. I can understand that.

      However, if he chooses somewhere like OU I think he is clearly stating that he things OU has a better shot of getting him to the NBA or winning a Championship than WSU, which would bug the crap out of me. I personally want him to go to a UNI, or some equivalent mid major team, and tear it up.


      • Looks like Austin is getting real interest from Michigan now.


        • IndianaShocker
          IndianaShocker commented
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          I think Michigan would be his best fit. He would be a real weapon offensively in their system. IU would be much like WSU. He would be an instant fan favorite, but Archie is similar to 3G in his nose to the grindstone approach. Purdue would be a head scratcher.

      • The continuing conversation about Reaves' suitors is kind of irritating. It's like talking about how one of your coworkers is planning on banging your ex-girlfriend.

        I'd prefer to just say "good luck" and have Mr. Reaves totally vanish from the Shocker consciousness.




        • Horn28Clem30
          Horn28Clem30 commented
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          I 100% completely agree. Don't wanna be here, I don't care who you go to and how you do!

      • He's not going TO someplace, he's going FROM someplace.


        • Highest profile WSU transfer since Mo. I think that says something about the level of the program because Austin is not the player Mo was
          People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
          Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


          • Just like past Shockers who have transferred from the program, I'm interested to see where Austin goes. And I'd to watch him continue to play as well.

            Unless of course he goes to UNI. I can't watch that team.


            • Michigan or Oklahoma just makes sense


              • Good kid. Wish him the best. But whoi are we talking about again???
                FINAL FOURS:
                1965, 2013

                NCAA Tournament:
                1964, 1965, 1976, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1988, 2006, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021

                NIT Champs - 1 (2011)

                AP Poll History of Wichita St:
                Number of Times Ranked: 157
                Number of Times Ranked #1: 1
                Number of Times Top 5: 32 (Most Recent - 2017)
                Number of Times Top 10: 73 (Most Recent - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017)

                Highest Recent AP Ranking:
                #3 - Dec. 2017
                #2 ~ March 2014

                Highest Recent Coaches Poll Ranking:
                #2 ~ March 2014
                Finished 2013 Season #4


                • Maybe once it signs with Oklahoma or Michigan or northern iowa we can close this topic


                  • I have no ill will towards UNI and find their fans to be entertaining.
                    Livin the dream


                    • ShoxRoxMySox
                      ShoxRoxMySox commented
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                      Jake Koch, thumbs down.

                  • Austin will be visiting both Purdue and Michigan this week and then deciding in the next two weeks.

                    This news crushed the hopes and dreams of the panther fanbase.


                    • The Assman


                      • Stickboy46
                        Stickboy46 commented
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                        You must be referring to the "panther fanbase" comment. That would be the purple and yellow overalls wearing bunch that seem to think they always are an at-large candidate and that they are relevant anywhere in the college basketball landscape. This the most upsetting development to them since they got snubbed by not getting an At-Large to the 2018 NCAA Tourney..

                      • Shock Top
                        Shock Top commented
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                        Actually, I was reffering to this person they call “Austin Reaves” (spelling?).

                        Is he some sort of basketball player or something?
                        Last edited by Shock Top; May 9, 2018, 02:47 PM.

                      • shock
                        shock commented
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                        Who were Maurice Evans and Sean Ogirri?

                    • Isn't he the guy who played for Okie State back in the day? His nickname was big country or something?


                      • Is he really going to come back and play again? He's gotta be pushing 50 at this point.

