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New Schools Named in FBI Investigation

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  • #16
    I would be surprised if there is much of any punishment handed down from NCAA for ay of this. It’s too far reaching and the schools named are too big. Schools will fire assistant coaches named in this because they need scapegoats.

    Now whwre things change a bit are the legal ramifications. These cases are being pursued by the FBI as wire fraud. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some felony plea agreements handed out. I, for one, would be disappointed to see any athletes get charged if coaches/schools are not prosecuted.


    • DUShock
      DUShock commented
      Editing a comment
      Pitino had a slew of other sleazy issues both on the court and on at least one restaurant table after a coaching staff dinner. As Shockm alluded to, it was an excuse to get rid of high profile trouble. Having the assistant who was on”look out” while he banged a waitress, marry the knocked up one night stand, as a cover up shows the extent of Pitino’s dark energy and control over the Louisville community.

  • #17
    Originally posted by Slykryck View Post
    I would be surprised if there is much of any punishment handed down from NCAA for ay of this. It’s too far reaching and the schools named are too big. Schools will fire assistant coaches named in this because they need scapegoats.

    Now whwre things change a bit are the legal ramifications. These cases are being pursued by the FBI as wire fraud. I wouldn’t be surprised to see some felony plea agreements handed out. I, for one, would be disappointed to see any athletes get charged if coaches/schools are not prosecuted.
    Rick Pitino just became a scape goat? Wow. Things change quickly.


    • #18
      Originally posted by Shockm View Post

      Why did Coaches from Louisville, Auburn, and Arizona get fired then? Where did the story regarding Zona’s Head Coach being recorded wanting payments to come through him? If nothing happened, FBI and media heads should roll.
      Immediate overreaction. Pitino is already talking about making a return to coaching and it wouldn't surprise me if he did. You already have media heads spinning this as the schools being victims. Poor KU might have to give back some NCAA shares because Adidas defrauded them by buying Jackson.


      • #19
        Originally posted by Shockm View Post

        Rick Pitino just became a scape goat? Wow. Things change quickly.
        Pitino’s firing didn’t stem from only this. They also had the prostitution scandal. An assistant was fired for that. At some point Louisville had to hold him accountable for “not being aware” of what his assistant were doing in the name of recruiting.
        Last edited by Slykryck; April 10, 2018, 11:09 PM. Reason: autocorrect


        • #20
          Originally posted by ArtVandalay View Post

          Immediate overreaction. Pitino is already talking about making a return to coaching and it wouldn't surprise me if he did. You already have media heads spinning this as the schools being victims. Poor KU might have to give back some NCAA shares because Adidas defrauded them by buying Jackson.
          It's not Jackson in question. It's Preston and de Sousa. So that final 4 is getting vacated


          • #21
            I’m also skeptical anything happens. Miller is still employed. Izzo is still employed. As of now, Pitino is only HC to lose job (watch him get hired too).


            • #22
              If the NCAA ever gets around to doing anything about this, I expect they will require WSU to vacate their win over KU because KU was using ineligible players.
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #23
                Originally posted by ShockerGirl View Post
                I’m also skeptical anything happens. Miller is still employed. Izzo is still employed. As of now, Pitino is only HC to lose job (watch him get hired too).
                Izzo is on the hot seat because of the rape story that just came out. Lots of everything is is about to hit the fan at MSU
                People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                • #24
                  ZomboMeme 11042018071807.jpg
                  "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                  • #25
                    Originally posted by Stickboy46 View Post

                    It's not Jackson in question. It's Preston and de Sousa. So that final 4 is getting vacated
                    Losing de Sousa along with Newman and possibly Nigerian could be a huge hit they didn't see coming. Now I agree this probably means nothing as far as NCAA sanctions against the program.


                    • #26
                      I expect the NCAA to do SOMETHING if for no other reason than to try and save face to some degree; they look like massive puppets now, and they know that to survive that perception has to change. However, I also expect them to play the Tarkanian game and vacate our wins with FVV and leave the Blues alone; after all, they know where there bread is buttered.


                      • #27
                        Article on Kansas and NC State



                        • #28
                          Originally posted by shoxrox89 View Post
                          If rug head’s name pops up i would love for them to get the death penalty. One can dream, cant he?
                          Nobody will get the death penalty. In fact all that i think will happen is some hands slapped, and the NCAA to say it really not the schools fault, but a problem requires reform where the P5 can actually pay the players legally.


                          • #29
                            De Sousa and whoever else took payments will ineligible going forward. It is interesting that the Billy Preston saga has gone quiet.


                            • #30
                              Somebody paid some kids to go to KU. That's the story.

