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Interesting 'game' on Reddit college basketball

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  • Interesting 'game' on Reddit college basketball

    Well it isn't a game but couldn't think of a good word to call it.

    What it is - is a map of the U.S. with every DI school territory (based solely on each county's distance to the school) on it. If a school wins that school gets the other school's territory. Right now WSU has the most of Kansas and a chunk of Missouri (from UMKC) while KU's territory is small in comparison.

    It gives a meta importance besides winning and RPI. Right now I'm a little bummed that CAL lost because they have no territory to gain.

    The creator has been updating the map after each days games. I understand that the idea came from COllege Football Reddit site. But seems more fun with CBB with more teams.

    Here is the most recent page Big WU Shock looks good in the center of the map.

  • #2
    Wow, this is a really cool idea!
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • #3
      The swath of WU in Missouri was interesting to see.


      • #4
        Originally posted by giskard View Post
        The swath of WU in Missouri was interesting to see.
        There was a butthurt Kansas fan complaining about it. "Eh. It mainly pisses me off that this bullshit map gave Johnson and Wyandotte counties to UMKC in the first place, when their "home turf" doesn't really stretch more than a couple of blocks past the edge of their campus."


        • #5
          I like that we can pretty much own Oklahoma this year!
          Rip em up, Tear em up, Give em HELL Shockers!


          • #6
            Originally posted by shockrah View Post
            I like that we can pretty much own Oklahoma this year!
            Too bad Tulsa lost their territory first game of the season. Hopefully OU and OK State can stay unblemished till they lose to the Shockers.


            • shockrah
              shockrah commented
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              Your right, didn't think about it correctly.

          • #7
            Hey fellow redditor! You should join the discord.


            • Chubs
              Chubs commented
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              There is a Discord?

            • FadedCrown
              FadedCrown commented
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              Yea where you been

            • shock
              shock commented
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              There are several redditors on shockernet.

          • #8
            At least UAF didnt get beat by the bilikins. I might of had to move if they had.
            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


            • #9
              Swiggity swooty we're coming for Cincy booty (and land)


              • Kung Wu
                Kung Wu commented
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                I believe once you are out, you are out. I don't think we can get back on the map again.

              • Kung Wu
                Kung Wu commented
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                Oh you know what, I think I am wrong. I think you can get back on the map again. Cool!

            • #10
              Cinci vs Memphis will consolidate the American land


              • #11
                March 9th map, in case folks wanted to see the updated "standings".

                What if college basketball games were battles for land? Every county is the possession of the team located closest to it. If a team is beaten, all...

