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Fricken Funny...

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  • Fricken Funny...

    How in the world can you disagree with this column. Somebody please step up and defend this man so I can laugh myself silly!

    The sooner this guy is out of Coaching the better.

  • #2
    Doyel is obviously no fan of Knight... but he does have his admirers.

    Knight has a loyal staff, and kids (with approving parents) who want to play for him.

    I'm not a fan, but there are worse coaches in college BB.
    "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
    -John Wooden


    • #3
      LOL. i enjoyed that article.
      I'm not completely anti-knight... but that was some funny stuff.
      veni, vidi, vici


      • #4
        I'm a fan of anyone who would throw a chair to prove a point, or even just release anger on national TV. If we didn't have Marshall I definitely wouldn't mind having Knight as our coach. But at the moment I'll take Marshall over anyone. And hopefully Sparky will carry the torch after Bobby Knight retires. He's already got the fire and he's gotten the chair (so I've heard) has been taken care of. :D
        Once a Shocker, Always a Shocker-- RIP Guy Alang-Ntang

        Shocker Basketball=Life


        • #5
          Yeah, he oughta be in jail.


          • #6
            In sports, the one and only important item is to win games.

            Sports fans will forgive all if you can win games, and Bobby Knight has won more than anyone else. He's earned his free pass.


            • #7
              It's no coincidence that Dickhead and Doyel both start with the letter 'D'.
              You have to read Knight's book before drawing any conclusions. There is always two sides to every story and just because Knight rebuffed Doyel's homosexual advances doesn't give him the right to trash him.
              Read the book before you post a reply. Until then, read more, post less. 8)
              Above all, make the right call.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ShockRef
                just because Knight rebuffed Doyel's homosexual advances doesn't give him the right to trash him.
                Wow, does Knight's book really say this?


                • #9
                  Don't really care about the book or Doyle either one.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DoubleJayAlum
                    Originally posted by ShockRef
                    just because Knight rebuffed Doyel's homosexual advances doesn't give him the right to trash him.
                    Wow, does Knight's book really say this?
                    No, not really. Just a bit of sarcasm was necessary due in return to the amount of vile Doyel was spewing out. Besides, it's Tuesday so why not? 8)
                    Above all, make the right call.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, Knight really sets the standard for college coaching. Wouldn't it be great if all college coaches assaulted players, students, journalists and citizens. Fired errant shotgun blasts at land owners on multiple occassions and threw public tirades along with chairs. What a beautiful world it would be!

                      If all coaches were like that I would be in the chair manufacturing business...or garbage collection.

                      I'm sure he can justify all of the above and there is an excellent reason to act like a child when you're pushing 70?

                      Bob Knight doesn't have the market cornered when it comes to wins. You don't have to have mental issues to be a success in coaching.


                      • #12
                        I have been to Coach Knight's high school coaches clinics twice. Four years ago, he was suffering from kidney stones but still talked to all the coaches in attendance a total of about 4 hours, in addition to being miked during 3 different practice sessions with his team (this was during the team's first week of full practice at Texas Tech)and explaining things to the coaches in attendance during every drill. He absolutely knows basketball inside and out and it was a privilege for me to watch him coach. He is far from perfect in his relations with people, especially media types, who he thinks are hypocrites or act like they know something about basketball even though they have never played it or even more importantly, never coached it.

                        One last note about why I will always respect Bobby Knight as a coach. On the last day of the clinic, he spoke to all the coaches for an hour at 9:00 am and then we went down to watch the last practice of the clinic. Coach Knight was not at practice. The director of the clinic told us Coach Knight was in too much pain to attend practice, which was a first as far as he knew, but he had too much respect for the high schoool coaches in attendance to cheat them out of the last hour with him, so he made it through the talk and took off from practice. Coach Knight had never mentioned any of this while he was telling stories and talking basketball with us. The man loves basketball and basketball people - others not so much.

                        I have come to believe Bobby Knight is just like everyone else -- much too complex to be characterized by only selected events in his life that did not catch him at his best. He was wrong in many of the things he did, but let those of us without sin be the first to cast the stones. I know I will be far back in that line.

                        Sorry for the long post, but I thought you all should hear about another side of Bobby Knight.


                        • #13
                          at least hes not a wuss who claps for no effort like a certain coach who left us.

                          lol this ones gonna stir something up.

                          Bob 'The General' Knight
                          is one of the greatest coaches ever
                          no matter what "classy" people think.

                          And really nothing u can say about the man will change that fact.
                          "Coach Marshall,We will be at Creighton at least 15 hours in advance!"
                          CGM--->"Hell yea, and we'll beat their ass."


                          • #14
                            He's a winner. He's a jerk.


                            • #15
                              Perhaps we can just all agree that he is:

                              1. A great coach
                              2. Respectful to some
                              3. Disrespectful to others
                              4. A volatile anger-management case

