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No NCAA This Year & Now What?

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  • #16
    Honestly, I get tired of hearing the "our good recruits go to the draft" every year. Do you think Texas, Florida State, etc. don't have guys going to the draft out of HS?
    You may be tired of hearing but it is still true.

    The best baseball players sign pro out of high school and there is a dogfight between all of the schools for the rest.
    Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

    "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"


    • #17
      Originally posted by 1972Shocker
      The Shocks will be totally replacing the starting outfield (at least) the outfield that started over the latter portion of the year (Bascue, Jones and Bennett).

      CF - This job would appear to belong to Kevin Hall. Obviously and oustanding defensive player but we lose some offensive production at the plate which is not good since Ryan's overall numbers were so-so with a 0.267 batting average, althouhg Ryan had good HR numbers (10) and RBI's (57). Power numbers that Kevin will not produce. Kevin needs to have a good OBA and be able to steal a load of bases. Hopefully, the switch-hitting will get much better. If it doesn't perhaps he should drop it and work very hard on his bunting skills.

      LF - What an offensive year Bret Bascue put up. Hard to see any replacement coming in and duplicating that effort. Bret was decent in LF although he had a couple of big misplays this year. This position would seem to be pretty wide open. Candidates at this point are Scott Schebler, Garrett Bayliff and Micah Green. Perhaps they will try Johnny Coy in left with Preston at 1st. Maybe even Mitch Caster could get in the mix.

      RF - Travis was unspectacular but steady both in the field and at the plate. Another wide open position with the same candidates as for the LF position.

      Replacing the offensive production in the outfield looks to be the big challenge here.
      I think Schebler out of Des Moines gets one spot. As pointed out before Micah Green should be able to hit .260 to replace Jones (I'm hoping a season of summer college ball will help his learning curve next spring). Then I guess you need a center fielder and that would be Hall. I hate to see that. Maybe Schebler or Green has the speed for center, I doubt it though, then you could try Engrav or maybe Coughner (spelling may be off) in RF.

      It will be tough and I don't think you can replace Bascues numbers but hopefully they will get descent production out of the OF. Oh I forgot about Bayliff, I think he has potential.


      • #18
        I think it is Tyler Coughenour (from Collegiate) who has made an oral commitment. He was a catcher in his Junior year at Collegiate and returned to his "natural" position of shortstop this year.

        Gene said he say him at 3rd, 1st or the outfield in college. A big, strong kid at 6 foot, 220 pounds.

        Of course, the obvious question: Can he hit a D-1 curve ball?

