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UNI Baseball fight for survival not over....

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  • UNI Baseball fight for survival not over....

    I got this e-mail this morning as I had pledged $50 towards their fight to retain baseball. Unlike most Shocker fans I am a believer in UNI and its athletic program and believe we have a lot more in common with them then most think. I also hate to see any baseball or wrestling squad getting cut as once they are gone it is almost impossible to get them back (See WSU Football). There new approach is different then the last and could have a far reaching effect on Title IX and athletics if it works. No doubt that the deck is stacked very much against them. This Shocker fan wishes them luck.
    425 Second Street SE, Suite 900
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
    Dear UNI Baseball Supporter:
    This e-letter is sent to you as a supporter of and contributor to the UNI Baseball Program. The effort to save UNI Baseball continues to be led by two dedicated Iowans: Gary Sharp, owner of Advanced Heat Treat Corp in Waterloo, Iowa(contributed to this effort to date approximately $35,000 toward costs in our first attempt to influence UNI) and Jerry Ford, owner of Perfect Game USA in CedarRapids, Iowa (contributed and pledged to this effort to date approximately $15,000 toward costs in our first attempt to influence UNI). Gary and Jerry areworking with 8-10 other local volunteers in an on-going effort to retain UNI Baseball. Thank you again for your earlier monetary pledge to assist in retaining the UNI Baseball Program. Your follow through to make good on your pledge is nowessential. This letter will update you on our efforts and strategy going forward.


    As you probably know, the UNI administration again rejected our group’s offer to privately fund up to $250,000 per year to continue the program. We cannot find any rational economic basis for the elimination of UNI Baseball. We have concluded that the proposed elimination of UNI Baseball is for the sole purpose of either throwing the faculty or the Board of Regents a bone. The Board of Regents wants to reduce the State of Iowa’s athletic contribution to UNI Athletics and an outspoken cadre of UNI faculty seems to want all athletics eliminated.


    1. Our Options. UNI’s latest rejection leaves us with two options. We can turn our backs on our 103 year-old successful program or we can take more aggressive action. You have already demonstrated your commitment by pledging dollars to retain the UNI Baseball Program—now we need to receive payment in order to put the plan outlined below into immediate effect.
    April 30, 2009

    Page 2

    2. Plan of Attack. Subject to collecting sufficient funding, we have engaged a Washington D.C. attorney specializing in college sports cases like ours. He will proceed to send a letter to UNI demanding that the UNI Baseball Program be restored immediately and stating that a lawsuit will be filed fourteen days later if UNI refuses. Assuming that UNI does not restore the program within the time period set forth in the letter, then plaintiffs with legal standing (including players and perhaps others who have been harmed by UNI’s actions) will file suit. The suit will seek a preliminary injunction. Our legal theory will be based on Title IX (reverse discrimination) and the 14th Amendment (equal protection). Our counsel and several other attorneys who are members of our group believe that we have a good chance of success. Importantly, if we are successful, then UNI will be forced to restore the Baseball Program and we will not be required to provide any of the funding going forward. A win would save us money and would eliminate the inequity of UNI Baseball paying its way while other UNI athletic programs are not compelled to do so. The cost of litigation is estimated to be less than $60,000 including all costs, expenses, and legal fees.

    3. Your Payment. In order to proceed, we ask you to pay 50% of the amount of your initial pledge as soon as you receive this e-letter. We have arranged for the funds to be received by a non-profit foundation named PG Foundation, Inc., under the control of Jerry Ford and Perfect Game USA. We believe that your contribution may be tax deductible; however, your accountant will have to advise you with respect to any such tax deductibility. All funds will be used only for the purpose of funding the lawsuit. There will be absolutely no administrative or other charges or expenses in connection with funds raised except that any use of credit cards will result in a 3% reduction in your contribution in order to cover costs. There are no expenses related to this letter or any other efforts in connection with organizing this effort—all have been done on a voluntary basis by those who want to retain UNI Baseball. In the event that we raise more funds then necessary, then each contributor will receive a pro-rata refund (after deduction of any credit card fees, if any).

    Payment by Check: Mail your check as set forth below in the amount
    of 50% of your earlier pledge amount. Please make the check payable to:
    PG Foundation, Inc.
    425 Second Street SE, Suite 900
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
    April 30, 2009
    Page 3
    Thank you for your support—while there is no guarantee of success, with your immediate help, we sincerely believe that we will succeed in our effort to retain UNI Baseball. If you have questions, please call or e-mail any of the persons listed below.
    Approved by:
    Gary L. Sharp
    Work: 1.319.232.5221
    Jerry Ford
    Jim Ecker
    James H. Arenson, Esq.
    Work: 1.319.363.8448

  • #2
    While I appreciate your efforts and respect your beliefs, UNI is a 2 bit program in a 1 bit town that should have never been invited to join the Valley. They made the Valley weaker, not stronger. They will NEVER be a player on the national scene, ever.

    While there is little doubt they have "exceeded" expectations from time to time, especially in basketball, let's not kid ourselves. No one of substance is ever going to coach there long term, it's a zero media market, and they are never going to "lead the way".

    UNI was giddy to get in the Valley. They will never leave unless forced to......others would kill to leave the conference.

    To me, UNI dropping baseball means several things.

    1)They are that much closer to being kicked out of the Valley.

    2)No more RPI killing games.

    3)Never having to return to that dump they call a field. Someone will be injured there I promise you.

    4)3 more quality non conference and/or home games can take their place.

    There will be no tear shed for the Panthers by this WSU fan nor would I waste .01 that could go to supporting any of a number of worthy WSU programs in need.

    :wsu_posters: :goshocks: :posterwu: :posterwsu:


    • #3
      My only argument in regards to UNI is that if the MVC is a basketball league and success is measured by NCAA tournament qualifications then UNI is mopping the floor with us since they have been in the league. I don't want to be a defender of UNI athletics on here because I honestly believe that WSU should be in a conference with the likes of Houston, Tulsa, etc as they are our athletic piers. However, without football we will always be a middy school. Who are we going to find to replace UNI with? I mean really, there aren't a whole lot of other options out there. Our only hope is that the schools in the Valley can grow because we sure aren't going anywhere.


      • #4
        The good Dr hit the nail in the head, once again. I don't want to see any school lose baseball but I REALLY don't want to see UNI on our schedule anymore.

        Who are we going to get to replace them?

        My top two votes would be ORU and St. Louis.


        • #5
          So they've played baseball for 103 years. As far as I know, they've never had any decent level of success at the national level. I think they've had their chances, 103 of them. Maybe it should go.


          • #6
            They might benefit by eliminating baseball like WSU did in 1971 (?) and bringing it back a few years later. It worked for us. :D
            Some posts are not visible to me. :peaceful:
            Don't worry too much about it. Just do all you can do and let the rough end drag.

