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Any current Shockers or future (seniors included) be drafted in the 2014 mlb draft?

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  • Any current Shockers or future (seniors included) be drafted in the 2014 mlb draft?

    thoughts on who will be drafted this year?

    Obviously Casey Gillaspie is looking more and more like a mid to high first round pick.

    I haven't followed this year close enough to know if any players on the team currently will get drafted?
    any prospects that we will lose in the draft?

    a.j. ladwig
    cale elam

    both will go i expect obviously being a senior solidifies it
    Last edited by mjbaker84; May 24, 2014, 11:50 PM.

  • #2
    Casey obviously will go in the very early rounds of the draft. Mostly likely Round 1.

    A.J. Ladwig will be drafted, hopefully in the top 10 rounds. Not sure how the pros will view A.J. He clearly has outstanding control. However, he is not a flame-thrower that the pros seem to desire. Nevertheless, you have to anticipate that A.J. will be drafted and will sign.

    I have heard some say Chase Simpson will be drafted. He may well be but I would expect it to be in the later rounds. Chase is adequate defensively but his 0.258 BA and 0.431 SP won't help him nor will his tendency to strike-out a lot, once every 4.8 at bats.

    Dayne Parker might make a good Wingnut, but I'm don't think we quite has the tool set that would entice the pros to draft him.

    Would someone take Micah Green in a later round purely on athletic ability. That's essentially what Gene did and unfortunately it did not work out. Despite his athleticism Micah was just unable to grasp the finer points of the game. The game never became intuitive for him.

    I really do not have a good feel for how many members of this year's recruiting class will be drafted but I think there is a good chance that there will be more draft picks among that group than from our current roster. Let's just hope that it does not devastate the class because quite frankly we are not in a good position to absorb big draft losses to this year's recruiting class.


    • #3
      I was hoping a lot of genes carry overs would get drafted and would save the coaching staff the trouble of having to tell them they are moving in a different direction with the team next year.


      • #4
        I believe Simpson will sign no mater where he gets drafted.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mjbaker84 View Post
          I was hoping a lot of genes carry overs would get drafted and would save the coaching staff the trouble of having to tell them they are moving in a different direction with the team next year.
          Assuming the draft goes as expected, and I think there is little doubt about Casey and A.J. being drafted and signed, it is a given that this team will be going in a different direction. This would be true even if Gene was still in charge. The great majority of the best talent we did have on this year's team will not be returning next year. We have Sam Tewes, Daniel Kihle, probably Tyler Baker (he won't ever be drafted as a catcher at 5-9, 185) and maybe Chase Simpson coming back next year. We will get Mikel Mucha back but hard to know what Mikel will bring to the table. Were losing our top 2 starters and 60% of our innings pitched. The 40% of the innings we do return had an average ERA of 5.01 this year.

          Not only do we need a big infusion of new talent we need those players that will be returning and in the mix next year to step up their games.

          Sam Tewes is now faced with rehabbing a dislocated kneecap. Daniel Kihle needs to cut way down on his strikeouts as does Chase Simpson if he returns. Tyler Baker may have some tough competition at the Catchers' position if our 2 catching recruits survive the draft. Tyler, however, is capable of playing on the infield. But Tyler must improve on his 0.238 BA and his 0.295 OBA. Mucha was hitting was hitting 0.357 when he went down with the broken leg but he only had 14 AB's so the sample size is so small as to be pretty irrelevant.

          I suppose Kris Gardner, Reagan Biechler, and Ray Ashford will be in the mix for innings next year.

          8 players we "might" be able to count on next year for contributions. New direction indeed.


          • #6
            Tyler Baker will be drafted and will not be returning, you can bet the house on that. Chase Simpson will also be drafted and will not return. As for Kris Gardner, Reagan, and Ashford, from what I have heard Gardner will not be returning next year,his choice.


            • #7
              Tyler Baker might be drafted but I sure wouldn't bet the house on it. I don't thing 5-9, 185lb catchers with 0.230 BA are in great demand.

              Chase Simpson might be drafted as well, but again I wouldn't bet the house on it.

              After all IIRC correctly, Johhny Coy was not drafted either as a Junior or a Senior and he probably projected better at the next level than does either Baker or Simpson.

              Why do you think it's bet the house slam dunk that Baker and Simpson will be drafted?


              • #8
                I have a lot of friends involved in athletics at wsu. I'm not saying either have great numbers. Baker I can understand better because of his defense. Simpson is a head scratcher for me as well. But from what I have heard it is basically a lock that they will be drafted


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
                  I have a lot of friends involved in athletics at wsu. I'm not saying either have great numbers. Baker I can understand better because of his defense. Simpson is a head scratcher for me as well. But from what I have heard it is basically a lock that they will be drafted
                  If I was Tyler Baker, and I'm not I would come back next year and turn the catching duties over to the two incoming freshmen (assuming they survive the draft) and then compete for a job on the infield. Perhaps 2B or 3B. 2B would seem to be his natural position although he would need to totally change his approach at the plate. Both changes might be tough for Senior.

                  I actually think Chase Simpson is more likely to be drafted than Baker just based on he is a switch hitter and projects much more power at the next level than does Tyler.

                  I would not expect either one to be drafted until the later rounds. But if all they are looking for is an opportunity to sign and get out of school than that could happen.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
                    Tyler Baker will be drafted and will not be returning, you can bet the house on that. Chase Simpson will also be drafted and will not return. As for Kris Gardner, Reagan, and Ashford, from what I have heard Gardner will not be returning next year,his choice.
                    I've heard through 2nd connections that there were some chemistry problems on team. From what you heard is that true, and if so, was it chemistry issues amongst the players or the players adjusting to the new coaching style?


                    • #11
                      From what I have heard they all had great chemistry. I know a lot of players really bought in to what hctb was saying, once the season started and they started doing poorly and guys were let known that they would not be back next year I believe that killed morale. I can't speak for the whole season but I know in the fall all players were bought in. Middle of the season those tht were told they would not be back kind of dropped out though. Hope that helps answer the question in some way.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
                        From what I have heard they all had great chemistry. I know a lot of players really bought in to what hctb was saying, once the season started and they started doing poorly and guys were let known that they would not be back next year I believe that killed morale. I can't speak for the whole season but I know in the fall all players were bought in. Middle of the season those tht were told they would not be back kind of dropped out though. Hope that helps answer the question in some way.

                        why would they do that to any players? I mean telling them mid season? (only positive would be so they could find other schools next year)


                        • #13
                          Beats me mj , letting them find another school is the only thing I could think of as well. If that's the case then it is a little more understandable, still a little odd to me though


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by KansasShocker View Post
                            Beats me mj , letting them find another school is the only thing I could think of as well. If that's the case then it is a little more understandable, still a little odd to me though
                            If he didn't tell certain players, the math simply wouldn't add up as new recruits were being added. 35 spots minus 10-12 seniors/draft = 23 to 25 potential returning players. Add that to the growing number of recruits and there's just not enough spots on the roster.

                            The question is, how many players were told? Before your post, the general consensus was that it was player driven that a number would not be returning and there would be a lot of them (that's the impression I got from the posts).

                            Given 22 or so new recruits minus 2-3 to the draft (at least), would still leave 15-16 roster spots for current players. If there was not an overall players/coach conflict, is it reasonable to expect more staying than the small number some posters expect like 4 to 8?


                            • #15
                              I think there will be more than 4-8 players returning next year. I believe there will only be about 4-8 returners that have scholarship, a lot will lose their scholarship but still try to walk-on.

