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Gene Stephenson interview on Sports Sunday

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    Or it could be that pretty much everybody in Wichita that cares already has a decent grasp on why he was let go, and everybody knew he wouldn't go out without causing a ruckus, and therefore this story is uninteresting and old and pressing any further will only result in appearing to bash Gene. And NOBODY wants that because we are very thankful for what the legendary coach has done for Wichita State, even if it was time to move the program in a new direction.
    pretty basic


    • #32
      Originally posted by Veritas View Post
      I can respect that Point of View... Don't entirely agree with it, because frankly this story should have been told 11 months ago, but can respect it.
      If ADES had to go public on why (especially when it not a secrect anyway), all it would do is air all of Gene dirty laundry and the things that are whispered and laughed about in private will come out publically. There is really no reason to try and destroy Gene dignity.

      Anybody remember the pictures CU booster were passing around before the MVC tournament of Gene with two women?


      • #33
        Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
        If ADES had to go public on why (especially when it not a secrect anyway), all it would do is air all of Gene dirty laundry and the things that are whispered and laughed about in private will come out publically. There is really no reason to try and destroy Gene dignity.

        Anybody remember the pictures CU booster were passing around before the MVC tournament of Gene with two women?
        Some of you guys speak in tongues (verbatim) "especially when it not a secrect anyway"
        What the hell does that mean? Secret to whom???
        Would you and WuDrWu enlighten those of us that don't live in Wichita?


        • #34
          The Ornery Jayhawk participated in plenty of these threads last year before he melted down. He knows the reasons. I am afraid the Ornery Jayhawk has something against dead horses.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Veritas View Post
            ...Those that pretend to know could simply be repeating the AD's subjective point of view and not presenting a truly objective viewpoint.

            The very fact that no reporter touches this topic could lead one to believe that the AD has made it clear that the future door will be closed to those that question the decision. That doesn't seem very transparent to me.
            Wow! That's pretty biased right there. You're basically saying that anything that does not agree with your viewpoint is speculation.

            If you think that one day out of the clear blue sky, Sexton decided to call in the lawyers and go fire Gene with no warning and without giving Gene any conditions for continued employment, then I would like to introduce you to something called the "real world". It doesn't happen that way, and you don't call in the lawyers unless you expect problems. that indicates there had been discussions, nothng amiable could be worked out, nd there was going to be a scene when Sexton did what he felt he had to do.

            You seem to be critical of Sexton for handling things on a professional level and not going to the press with personnel situations, which could do nothing but damage. So, because Sexton handled this as professionally as any AD could have done it, you accuse him of a lack of transperency.
            The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
            We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


            • #36
              ... And yet Aargh, not WuDrWu, '79, nor you can advise why he was fired and what options he was given. My speculation on what might have occurred is equally subjective as yours. Unless of course you have more information you'd like to share?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Cdizzle View Post
                Then maybe we should only count road wins, instead. Not sure the folks at Texas or FSU would like that so much.
                Good point, dizzle. Whatever criticisms the bashers have to direct at Gene, complaining about his scheduling practices or using them to question his record is a pretty silly one. His teams shied away from no one anywhere, which is more than can be said for a lot of other big winners who prefer to stay home.

                Edit: And by the way, SB, I almost missed your cheap shot -- but how did you find a Creighton booster sober enough even to aim a camera, much less take pictures? And what the hell were you doing hanging around with such lowlifes anyway?
                Last edited by WSUwatcher; May 19, 2014, 11:30 PM.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                  Or it could be that pretty much everybody in Wichita that cares already has a decent grasp on why he was let go, and everybody knew he wouldn't go out without causing a ruckus, and therefore this story is uninteresting and old and pressing any further will only result in appearing to bash Gene. And NOBODY wants that because we are very thankful for what the legendary coach has done for Wichita State, even if it was time to move the program in a new direction.
                  Pretty much this. Legends that end badly never make anyone happy, only sad. There is no questioning that for many years, Gene WAS WSU baseball, and what has been built stands in testimony to him , his staff, and the players. But a couple of critical points remain...the athletic world today is much more unforgiving of downward athletic spirals(See Gene Chizek...fired two years after a national title) AND if you have not been good to people when things were good, don't expect those same people to give you a pass when things go south. I met Gene on two occasions and he was pleasant enough, but not all tell the same tale. Sad story, but I think Sexton did as good as he could here.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 1979Shocker View Post
                    Nice interview!
                    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Veritas View Post
                      Some of you guys speak in tongues (verbatim) "especially when it not a secrect anyway"
                      What the hell does that mean? Secret to whom???
                      Would you and WuDrWu enlighten those of us that don't live in Wichita?
                      Anyone that takes the stance that Gene deserved to go out on his own terms will get no argument from me. If that's your belief and want, and you are certainly entitled to it, I'm not going to waste your time or my time trying to change it. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it, and it is certainly a defensible position.

                      You can choose to believe me or not, I don't really care, but Gene was presented with options, and to be honest, a year later I do not remember if he was given 3 or 4 options, one of which was to be fired. He declined the other options. I'm not going to divulge names, here or in private, but it happened. Again, you can choose to believe me or not, that's up to you.

                      And the point about not destroying the legacy of Gene is spot on. Nobody wants to detail the blow by blow of his personal life. What good is that going to do for anyone? I respect the hell out of Gene. In my opinion, he's more responsible for the growth of college baseball, if not nationwide certainly in the midwest, than any other single person. What he's accomplished is remarkable and worthy of any accolades that come his way. He was and is a pioneer and a champion and he should be remembered for what he accomplished both on the field and frankly what his kids did in the classroom.

                      All that being said, I believe a change had to be made, for both on the field and off the field issues. Honestly, I think FADJS made a horrific mistake allowing Gene to return after the Oklahoma debacle, but few will hang Jim for that. You may disagree and I will respect that. You may not like the new Coach and I would say the jury is still out. I think ADES made a super hire in Coach Butler but only time will tell. As to the success or lack thereof this season, I think Paul Suellentrop made an excellent and balanced point when he said (I think) that WSU played a much tougher schedule (130ish vs 65ish) and the Valley has pretty much 2 lock at large teams (ISUb and DBU) and is the #6 conference in the country and WSU was 1 game out of 2nd and 2 out of 1st and yet, yes, the season has to be looked at as a slight disappointment. If you want someone else as a coach, make that argument, I think most will listen. I'll strongly support Coach Butler for many, many reasons for the foreseeable future. I hope you do as well, but if you choose not to.....well, again, that's your prerogative.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
                        In my opinion, he's more responsible for the growth of college baseball, if not nationwide certainly in the midwest, than any other single person. What he's accomplished is remarkable and worthy of any accolades that come his way. He was and is a pioneer and a champion and he should be remembered for what he accomplished both on the field and frankly what his kids did in the classroom.
                        AMEN! I couldn't agree more! SOMETHING needs to be named after him, if not the WHOLE thing (Rusty willing). But, like Phog Allen, legendary coaches coached in different times. It was definitely time for Gene to step down. What worked in 1980 wasn't working in 2012. I just wish he'd seen that as well.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by OregonShocker View Post
                          AMEN! I couldn't agree more! SOMETHING needs to be named after him, if not the WHOLE thing (Rusty willing). But, like Phog Allen, legendary coaches coached in different times. It was definitely time for Gene to step down. What worked in 1980 wasn't working in 2012. I just wish he'd seen that as well.
                          We don't need the Eck family's permission. We don't have to rename the stadium. We can, and should, simply name all of the baseball facilities the Gene Stephenson Baseball Complex. It would be nice if we could change the name of Mike Oatman Drive to Gene Stephenson Way but that probably would require some legal haggling.

                          Now whether or not Gene would willingly agree to participate in that happening I don't know. I would think that whatever they do it should be done with Gene's blessing.
                          Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 20, 2014, 12:06 PM.


                          • #43
                            You can't change someone's mind if they think the sky is green and the grass blue. Just nod your head and let them continue to be ridiculous.
                   - A Wichita State Basketball Blog


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                              We don't need the Eck family's permission. We don't have to rename the stadium. We can, and should, simply name all of the baseball facilities the Gene Stephenson Baseball Complex. It would be nice if we could change the name of Mike Oatman Drive to Gene Stephenson Way but that probably would require some legal haggling.

                              Now whether or not Gene would willingly agree to participate in that happening I don't know. I would think that whatever they do it should be done with Gene's blessing.
                              From here on out I will refer to Evk stadium as "The Gene".


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by _kai_ View Post
                                You can't change someone's mind if they think the sky is green and the grass blue. Just nod your head and let them continue to be ridiculous.
                                The Emperor has not Clothes

                                Groupthink=Gene Stephenson Debate

