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Sully on Brian Walker

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  • Sully on Brian Walker

  • #2
    I think he going to be good for WSU and he's the type of guy we have been clamoring for awhile (and who know had Gene brought somebody in like him, maybe things would have turned out different) - but time will tell.


    • #3
      “Being a father and a husband, being there was more important than chasing my dream, my selfish dream,” he said. “If I would made it to the big leagues and played 10 years and never known my kids, that would have been a big regret.”

      Read more here:


      • #4

        Walker admits he looks foolish, but he can laugh at the painful memory. Later that season, he apologized to Graham, an umpire with whom Walker said he enjoyed a good relationship.

        “He’s an older gentleman, so he’s seen young kids over-react and lose their minds,” Walker said. “I was so fortunate to be able to get to see him again. That was something I thought was important, that I was at least able to apologize to him and let him know I felt bad.”

        Read more here:

        I've made fun of him for that incident.

        Let's see, he made a mistake, admitted to it, apologized for it, then learned from it.

        He puts his wife and his kids ahead of his own "selfish dreams"....and would regret not knowing his kids if he'd made the bigs.

        We all make mistakes. I wonder if I've ever learned as much from them as he has.....I doubt it.


        • #5
          After watching the video last month I was a little nervous. After the articles written about him after that I guess I feel a whole lot better about his hire. I did especially like the quote about being able to know his kids. Looks like he has matured and moved on in a positive direction.


          • #6
            Agreed, it is not making a mistake that defines you. Hell, we have all done that to some degree or another. It is how you respond to your mistakes and take accountability for your actions. Seems like Brian has done that in a positive way and even uses it today as an example to his players of what not to do.

