"The Shockers are introducing a VIP seating section in the first six rows behind home plate. The mesh seats will have a headrest, drink rail and cup holder, with in-seat food and beverage service available. Down the first base line, Eck Stadium will now feature 24 premium loge boxes. Each box includes four seats, a half-moon tabletop, four concession vouchers per game and in-seat cocktail service."
Not sure Im very excited for this. My son and I have had so much fun sitting behind homeplate over the years. Now we wont be able to do this. Do they really think that many 'VIP"s will show up.
Not sure Im very excited for this. My son and I have had so much fun sitting behind homeplate over the years. Now we wont be able to do this. Do they really think that many 'VIP"s will show up.