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Frank Anderson Out At OK State?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ABC View Post
    Has this ever, ever been really confirmed?
    Here are the links to what is currently publicly available on Gene's contracts.

    These links contains what is apparently the current contract that ran from 07/01/90 through 06/30/98 plus various amendments and addendums to the contract (including extensions). The 07/25/1994 Addendum (Page 2, Paragraph 3.C.) provides:

    A minimum of 1/3rd of student athletes receiving financial aid in any academic year will be residents of Kansas.
    The Second Addendum dated 07/02/97 extended the term of the contract through June 30, 2003. (5 year extension signed with 1 year remaining on current term)

    The Fourth Addendum date 06/21/02 extended the term of the contract through June 30, 2008. (5 year extension signed with 1 year remaining on current term)

    The contract was then extended through June 30, 2010 by a Notice of Appointment Dated 08/17/05. (2 year extensions signed with 3 years remaining on current term)

    The contract was then extended through June 30, 2012 by a Notice of Appointment Dated 06/27/07 and signed 08/14/07. (2 year extensions signed with 3 years remaining on current term)

    The Sixth Addendum dated 06/22/09 extended the the contract through June 30, 2014.
    (2 year extensions signed with 3 years remaining on current term)

    I do not see where the 1/3rd Kansas resident requirement was removed in any subsequent ammendment or addendum.

    The last 3 extensions were for 2 years but signed with 3 years remaining on his then current term. That routine has now been broken as Gene has only 2 years remaining in his current term. Notice that prior to that he signed two 5-year extensions with only 1 year remaining on his current term. However, I can't imagine giving a 70 year old coach a 5 year extension again. I suppose it is not out of the realm of possiblity he might yet get another 2 year extension but I would hope that doesn't happen.
    Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 30, 2012, 12:16 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Spaulding View Post
      Gene has a $1 million buy out in his contract?
      According to the Notice of Appointment dated July 10, 2009 Gene's total salary for 2009-2010 was $433,361.

      That was 3 seasons ago. I think it is safe to assume Gene's current compensation is in the $450k - $500k range. With two years remaining on his contract through June 30, 2014. Therefore, it would cost you in the neighborhood of $900k to $1 million to buy Gene out of his final two years.

      The links to Gene's contract documents were taken from this site:


      • #18
        Bad situation all the way around. Gene has run out of ban aids and the bleeding more than likely will continue. Agree with Fever that Sexton doesn't have it in him to force a "Gene retirement". Think of all the excitement and "new" money that would come into the program!


        • #19
          Gene did a great job building a big recruiting advantage at one point in time. He really didn't have to be a good teaching coach because he simply built the program to the point where he could go out and get the best talent and that talent would carry the day. And let's face many, many of Gene's wins in the early days were against the likes of Bemdji State when they were playing 80+ games a year (although there is not doubt those teams were very talented and deep).

          Now that it appears we have lost that big recruiting advantage some due to greater emphasis by more and more programs and some self-inflicted (the Christenson debacle, the OU debacle, the skirt-chasing episode, the grumpy old and syndrome, etc) then the teaching aspect of being a head coach becomes more and more important. It's possible that while Gene no doubt knows the game well, he is not particualary good at teaching and communicating in a way that works well with young kids today. Of course, the level of recruiting is no doubt still the life blood of a successful college athletic program. I'm not sure how much the 1/3rd from Kansas requirement impacts this. It may be more important now with the limits on how you can slice and dice your scholarships that have been put in place in recent years. In the past you could get 12 or 13 Kansas kids but give them fairly small scholarships thus saving your bigger scholarship aid for some studs regardless of where they came from.

          The current rules are (I believe) as follows:
          A NCAA Division 1 baseball team receives 11.7 scholarships to be split between 27 different players. The minimum scholarship a baseball player can receive is 25%. The 25% minimum is a recent change. Previously the coach could award any player between 1% and 100%.

          Here is an article that talks a little bit about the effect of these new rules:

          With these new rules I could probably accept a 1/3 of the roster from Kansas rule if you are allowed to count walk-ons in place of the 1/3 receiving financial aid. Personally, I think the 11.7 scholarship limit for Baseball is ridiculous. This needs to be raised to at LEAST 17.5. Personally, I would like to see it closer to 25 and increase the limit on how many players can receive financial aid from 27 to the full roster of 35.


          • #20
            BTW, while I don't think I want Brent as a head coach, I think he is a very good pitching coach. Still the level of raw material he has to work with also seems to definitely be on the decline.
            Last edited by 1972Shocker; May 30, 2012, 11:30 AM.


            • #21
              Former OSU player Josh Holliday named new head coach.


              • #22
                Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                Personally, I think the 11.7 scholarship limit for Baseball is ridiculous. This needs to be raised to at LEAST 17.5. Personally, I would like to see it closer to 25 and increase the limit on how many players can receive financial aid from 27 to the full roster of 35.
                Title IX

                Originally posted by Coach Ron Polk, former coach of SEC Miss. St.
                The NCAA is the enemy of college baseball!

                Coach Polk further went on to explain that at this point in his career he has made it his goal to berate the NCAA leadership and its unfair treatment of college baseball programs, at every opportunity. Coach Polk explained that several years ago it was decided that all NCAA DI men's sports scholarship totals would be reduced by 10%, across the board. This in the face of Title IX compliance. If you look at total allowable scholarships for men's sports you will see the unusual amounts, like 11.7 for baseball. This came as a result of reducing the previous number (13) by 10%.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                  Title IX
                  Comparable adjustments could and should be made for softball and track and field.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                    Comparable adjustments could and should be made for softball and track and field.
                    Title ix is not about being fair. But one of the unattended consequences is it actually limits men scholarships instead just making sure women are treated fairly. Title ix would not be needed if programs and schools always did te right thing but they didn't so here we are.


                    • #25
                      And they just hired ORU's coach, Rob Walton, as their pitching coach.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by BAShocker View Post
                        And they just hired ORU's coach, Rob Walton, as their pitching coach.



                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BAShocker View Post
                          And they just hired ORU's coach, Rob Walton, as their pitching coach.

                          Originally posted by Ta town View Post
                          Wow, indeed. Would seem like a step down. Not sure what that says about Walton, ORU, or OSU. Got to believe there's more to it, but maybe Walton and his wife just want to stay in OK more than Walton wants to try and climb the ladder outside of the state.


                          • #28
                            does this open the door for Gene to finally to get back to Oklahoma and maybe go to a league where he can finish better than 3rd?


                            • #29
                              I'm afraid Gene is here for the duration. ADES seems to have some problems to address that are more pressing than the baseball team finishing below fan expectations. If average attendance drops below 1,000, Gene's salary may become a factor.

                              It would be interesting if ADES would offer Gene an extension at around $200K. Throw in some clauses about making regionals to get a bonus and making the CWS to get a raise. In other words, tell him he needs to earn what he's getting. He might be able to recruit better if it affected his bank account. As long as all he has to do is roll over and play dead to get the big bucks, it's pretty to take the easy way.
                              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                                It would be interesting if ADES would offer Gene an extension at around $200K. Throw in some clauses about making regionals to get a bonus and making the CWS to get a raise. In other words, tell him he needs to earn what he's getting. He might be able to recruit better if it affected his bank account. As long as all he has to do is roll over and play dead to get the big bucks, it's pretty to take the easy way.
                                I agree. I posted awhile back on a different thread that whoever our coach is after June 30, 2014 I hope they have a relatively modest base salary filled with real incentives that will reward them well if they succeed at a high level. Of course, that my eliminate the possibility of hiring a big name coach, although we may be beyond being able to do that at this point anyway.

