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A few things that I never noticed until last night.

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  • A few things that I never noticed until last night.

    1. Wu Shock inside the Eck? That's a first, I thought it was a great idea. Wu only stood in the middle of the bleachers though? The only other time I've ever seen WU even near the Eck was 2 years ago and he was riding around in a golf cart, on the sidewalk by the golf course. I think WU should be at most games though. It makes sense. 2. WSU cheerleaders running out to the outfield and throwing free t-shirts to the fans in the outfield. I thought this was also a good idea and once again, the first time I ever noticed any such thing happening at Eck Stadium... Unless i'm just oblivious. Does WU being at the game last night and WSU cheer leaders running around the outfield handing out free t-shirts have anything to do with the watchful eye of Beggs being gone?

  • #2
    Wu generally comes to a few games each year so that was nothing new. Wu has been at the KU and KSU games in the past.

    The t-shirts have been done in the past but not very often.

    I don't understand your dig at President Beggs at all. Don and Shirley are very supportive of the athletic programs at WSU and if you think otherwise you are wrong.


    • #3
      WU Shock was also at the DBU game on Saturday.


      • #4
        Are you normally pretty drunk on the hill?


        • #5
          We were guests of long time Shocker supporters at the K-State game and enjoyed it. However, I was shocked that the "Bat girls" were not wearing protective helmets.
          Are they in a "dead zone" for dangerous foul balls? I guess the numbers are in their favor if there have been no incidents, but it only takes one . . .
          If you take the high road, you won't find much traffic there . . .

