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Hawaii Game 4

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  • Hawaii Game 4

    I can see why nobody is interested, but still thought there would be a game thread.

    Shocks win 4-2 with Cale Elam getting the long save. WSU escaped a ton of trouble late and got a much needed win to salvage a tiny bit of dignity.

  • #2
    Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    I can see why nobody is interested, but still thought there would be a game thread.

    Shocks win 4-2 with Cale Elam getting the long save. WSU escaped a ton of trouble late and got a much needed win to salvage a tiny bit of dignity.
    I'm holding off on investing my time into this team until the 20 game home stand is over. I've just seen too many bone headed plays, and way too many SO's with RISP and less than 2 outs over the last few years to get interested.

    It's not the losing, it's the way many of the games are lost that drives me insane. I believe there is talent on the offensive side, I just think Gene needs to recognize that he doesn't have better talent than most teams and he isn't going to overcome lack of execution. Execution would win a lot of games with the talent in place. Not saying super regional type winning but good lord someobdy tell me they don't have the staff and enough hitters to win the friging valley.

    This teams pitching staff has an ERA of 2.3 friking 4 thru 12 games and they are 6-6, come on.


    • #3
      If the game gets to Elam, and that's a big if, we should win.

      Also, look at the bright side. Last year we got absolutely blown out in two of the games.

      I know I'm reaching but it's something.


      • #4
        Originally posted by shoxlax View Post
        If the game gets to Elam, and that's a big if, we should win.

        Also, look at the bright side. Last year we got absolutely blown out in two of the games.

        I know I'm reaching but it's something.
        They were in competitive in all 4 games this year. That really is a good sign. I was hoping for a split but at least we were in all 4 games.

        Now we start a 20 game home stand against some really good competition. It will be interesting to see how we do.


        • #5
          The fiancé and I were in the first row almost directly behind home plate. Hopefully we got some Shocker color on screen.

          We should have gone to more games. Looks like the second year in a row where the game we went to was the only win.

          There were a lot more Shocker fans in attendance last year, and a lot less Hawaii fans. Still probably a few dozen around. The Hawaii fans were complimentary afterwards, but I guess winning the other three makes the one loss easier ;)

          FSU's women's softball team was playing Hawaii right next door. Thought that was funny.
          Originally posted by BleacherReport
          Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rlh04d View Post
            The fiancé and I were in the first row almost directly behind home plate. Hopefully we got some Shocker color on screen.

            We should have gone to more games. Looks like the second year in a row where the game we went to was the only win.

            There were a lot more Shocker fans in attendance last year, and a lot less Hawaii fans. Still probably a few dozen around. The Hawaii fans were complimentary afterwards, but I guess winning the other three makes the one loss easier ;)

            FSU's women's softball team was playing Hawaii right next door. Thought that was funny.

            I was one of those Shocker fans who were in attendance last year but didn't make it this year. This the first time in about 20 years that I haven't been in Hawaii when the Shockers have been there. But with the Shockers going to Hawaii two years in a row and only playing 4 games it was just too expensive to go again this year (they used to go every other year and usually played about 10 games). I hope to be back there next year for the games.

            At least they showed a couple of the games on TV this year in Wichita, that was nice. I always wondered why they didn't do that in the past. Nearly all of the games we played against the University of Hawaii over the years were televised live in Hawaii.


            • #7
              Got to win 1 before you can win 2 in row. Let's hope things start clicking soon. The pitching is at least giving them a chance.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                Got to win 1 before you can win 2 in row. Let's hope things start clicking soon. The pitching is at least giving them a chance.
                Hasn't the pitching been pretty decent the past few years and we get the same results. I agree, the pitching just needs to keep the game close/in reach, perhaps a miracle or rather thirty miracles will occur this season with our hitting.


                • #9
                  Nice to get a win. Texas-Arlington comes to town on Tuesday and Wednesday. As I recall these guys beat us pretty good last year.

