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MVJ- college baseball fan?

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  • MVJ- college baseball fan?

    How do I say this? I guess I'll just let the cat out of the bag. It is no secret that I am not the biggest college baseball fan out there. If forced with the choice, I'd quickly attend a college baseball game long before soccer, but behind hockey, women's volleyball or even lacrosse.

    That said, awhile back, I was informed that my nephew and Godson was signing an LOI to play D-1 baseball. I was thrilled for him, but told him not to expect me at too many games. While I go to Des Moines for four Drake football games every fall where I have a nephew playing, and I will be going to Fargo over the next few years to watch another nephew play football, I told my nephew that just signed to play baseball that I will just have a hard time fitting in time for his college baseball games. In the course of my discussion, we agreed to a compromise that I could tough out two games a year.

    Now the tricky part to discuss with Shocker fans. My nephew totally caught me off guard when he told me where he signed. The chucklehead signed with Creighton... It was not where I wouod have picked for him to go and it wasn't even one of the schools that he was initially interested in. It stunned me to say the least! Please don't hate MVJ for having a relative playing for Creighton!!! I promise not to become a Creighton hack, I don't even have it in my blood. Nor do I own enough khaki.

    Once again, please do not hate me for the sin of my nephew! I simply felt that in the course of being honest and open with all of you, I should disclose this little piece of information. Please, please don't hate me!!! In reality, my nephew is a very nice kid and really doesn't fit the arrogant mold you would think of kids from Creighton. I would just prefer to keep the name of this kid separated from me, it wouldn't be fair to him to be associated with MVJ. He doesn't need or deserve it. But damn, now I have to go to two games a year...

    For those Shocker fans that I have had the pleasure of exchanging PM's with and I believe I can trust to keep my nephew's identity confidential, feel free to PM me and I will give you his name, stats and recruiting details. Also, feel free to heckle him when he's in Wichita, I would.
    There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

  • #2
    If you bring a 30 pack of Bud Light and a case of Doritos to each game you will be forgiven.

    As far as the embarrassment of having a relative attend Creighton you could tell everyone that he was a piano player in a whore house in Council Bluffs.

    At least he signed to play baseball imagine the shame if he was a soccer player?
    Let's hope he can hit a D-1 Curve ball!

    "God gave us the ability to reason, not religion"


    • #3
      John, you really need to go to his games. Creighton's gonna need all the help they can get in making TDA not look like a ghost town during games.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shirley Schmidt
        If you bring a 30 pack of Bud Light and a case of Doritos to each game you will be forgiven.

        As far as the embarrassment of having a relative attend Creighton you could tell everyone that he was a piano player in a whore house in Council Bluffs.

        At least he signed to play baseball imagine the shame if he was a soccer player?
        If you road trip to Omaha, I'll buy a damned keg! I'll also buy 12 bags of Doritos, and not just the jumbo size, the huge size they sell at Sam's Club. Plus, I'll set up the whole gang with Slim Jim's and pork rinds. Now that's living! You just need to bring a few guys that know how to drink a keg. The tea totalers you brought last time were fun, nice and polite, but man, on a road trip, you need to bring at least a few guys that can polish off some suds. Half the fun of a road trip is wondering if a couple of your buddies are going to wind up in jail!
        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ricky Bobby
          John, you really need to go to his games. Creighton's gonna need all the help they can get in making TDA not look like a ghost town during games.
          Two is the limit. In fact, it's over the limit. I will choke down my two games and support him, but I couldn't care less if Creighton plays in front of 50 people or 5,000. The stupid ballpark was a huge waste of money. At least Wichita doesn't have to pay for it.
          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MoValley John
            Originally posted by Shirley Schmidt
            If you bring a 30 pack of Bud Light and a case of Doritos to each game you will be forgiven.

            As far as the embarrassment of having a relative attend Creighton you could tell everyone that he was a piano player in a whore house in Council Bluffs.

            At least he signed to play baseball imagine the shame if he was a soccer player?
            If you road trip to Omaha, I'll buy a damned keg! I'll also buy 12 bags of Doritos, and not just the jumbo size, the huge size they sell at Sam's Club. Plus, I'll set up the whole gang with Slim Jim's and pork rinds. Now that's living! You just need to bring a few guys that know how to drink a keg. The tea totalers you brought last time were fun, nice and polite, but man, on a road trip, you need to bring at least a few guys that can polish off some suds. Half the fun of a road trip is wondering if a couple of your buddies are going to wind up in jail!
            throw in a hot mamma sausage and I'm there with JJ Clamdip

