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Creighton Coach arrested for DUI

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  • #16
    Creighton Coach

    What is this thread doing on the WSU men's basketball part of Shockernet in the 1st place? It's ridiculous! When I first saw it, I assumed it had something to do with the Creighton's men's basketball program, but it isn't about that. It is a totally misleading thread taking up space. I agree that it should be deleted.


    • #17
      I haven't read Cold's posts, because he joined my Ignore list as soon as I saw he was back darkening the board. But considering that a quick search reveals the coach in question to be a women's basketball assistant, it's certainly clear that whatever foolishness he spewed has no place under Men's Basketball. Dump it!

      And by the way, in case you were wondering, kai, it was stupid, axe grinding vulgarity that helped get Cold banned in the first place. Some people can't be rehabilitated.


      • #18
        Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
        I haven't read Cold's posts, because he joined my Ignore list as soon as I saw he was back darkening the board. But considering that a quick search reveals the coach in question to be a women's basketball assistant, it's certainly clear that whatever foolishness he spewed has no place under Men's Basketball. Dump it!

        And by the way, in case you were wondering, kai, it was stupid, axe grinding vulgarity that helped get Cold banned in the first place. Some people can't be rehabilitated.
        Get your panties out of a wad. I'm a Catholic and I could laugh at it, because it's mainly true. Besides, it was an innocent joke, that was intended more so for the Creighton audience than the Catholic audience. Oh ya, and Cold didn't create this topic.

        For how much time you devote to the pimping of the "ignore button", you sure talk about the people you "ignore" a lot. The only time you can ignore a post is if you're signed in. 99% of the time you're probably lurking as a guest so you end up reading Cold's or mine or any other poster that you can't handle's posts anyways. Fail.
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • #19
          Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
          Your step-son and I were "getting ready" for the 1990 River Festival street dance and happened upon a bottle of Kahlua in the kitchen that I think belonged to you. We promptly consumed it and then I proceeded to urinate on his dog in the back yard while he vomited in the bathroom. Does that count as hilarious? Are you going to call my mother now? :very_drunk: He got me back though. He threw a shoe across the room and hit me in the side of the face when I wasn't looking. I didn't even feel it, all I could do was laugh.

          To this day I haven't had another drink with Kahlua in it. It made me pretty sick. We were drinking glasses of half milk, half Kahlua. I guess I owe you a bottle. :)


          I think your good on the "I stole a bottle of Kahlua." The statue of limitations ran out the second that Chuck Taylor Converse kissed the side of your face (lol).


          • #20
            Originally posted by WSUwatcher View Post
            I haven't read Cold's posts, because he joined my Ignore list as soon as I saw he was back darkening the board. But considering that a quick search reveals the coach in question to be a women's basketball assistant, it's certainly clear that whatever foolishness he spewed has no place under Men's Basketball. Dump it!

            And by the way, in case you were wondering, kai, it was stupid, axe grinding vulgarity that helped get Cold banned in the first place. Some people can't be rehabilitated.




            • #21
              I'd agree that this topic is likely in the wrong forum, but I don't really know where it should go. Ladies BB, eh? Maybe.

              Something weird.

              How is someone passed out drunk in the drive through with a blood alcohol level of just nearly twice the legal limit? The legal limit, for purposes of operating a motor vehicle in Nebraska, is 0.08; same as KS, I believe. My alcohol math is a little fuzzy and I don't know the size of person or the length of the party (both large factors), but aren't we talking about consumption of around a 6-pack of 3.2 beer - or maybe a bottle or wine?

              Obviously that's too drunk to be driving through McDonald's - or anywhere else for that matter - but it's certainly not a level of consumption that I would associate with 'passed out in drive-thru' drunks. My own purely speculative thoughts head towards mixing alcohol with pain killers or sleeping aids. On the other hand, it was late, so 'just really tired' could reasonably be in play. Either way... horrible judgement.

              I think Pringles original intention was to make tennis balls... but on the day the rubber was supposed to show up a truckload of potatoes came. Pringles is a laid-back company, so they just said, "**** it, cut em up!" - MH


              • #22
                The new Creighton fight song (the new improved version also strangely works out as a fraternity fight song).

                The original Creighton Fight Song
                The White and the Blue!
                Colors two, it is you we defend.
                Fearless for you,
                our might to the fight we will lend.
                So: wave, colors, wave
                We will fight on for your glory.
                White and Blue!
                We will fight till the fight is won.

                Kung Wu's new improved Creighton Fight Song
                The Wine and the Booze!
                Coors too, it is you we depend.
                Liquor for two.
                Our lips the wine flight we will quench.
                So: taste, hootch, taste
                We will fight on through the party.
                Wine and Booze!
                We will fight till the flight is done.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

