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Well Hello There

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  • Well Hello There

    I signed up on here last year, then promptly disappeared for about 10 months. But since I popped back in for a few games now, I figured a proper introduction may be in order.

    As my name would suggest, I'm an Illinois fan first and foremost. Hey, it's where I graduated from, so I have to support them first. Hopefully you'll cut me some slack for that. But I also went to WSU and was in Shocker Sound while there, so the Shockers have and always will be a close #2 for me. But if something happens where I ever get called a bandwagoner now, so be it. It's a fun ride to be along on :D

    I may or may not post very much on here; it's up in the air right now. I'm already on an Illinois message board, and one of them is enough of a rabbit hole. I'm not sure if I can handle getting sucked too far into a second one. As much as some posts will tempt me to make comparisons, I'll avoid referencing Illinois on here as much as possible. I try avoiding talking about the Shockers too much over there, but haven't had too much success at times. Watching the Shockers over the last few seasons has kept me sane while the Illini struggle through the beginning of a rebuild. And I can't contain my excitement, and end up talking about how much I wish they played more like the Shockers do.

    Alright, I've rambled on enough already. Go Shocks, and let's cut some trees or put some leashes on the dogs tomorrow!

  • #2
    Nothing wrong with being a fan of any school you attended. Welcome!

