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ObamaCare kills Wichita jobs - a case study

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  • ObamaCare kills Wichita jobs - a case study

    Friday, April 23, 2010
    Bitter pill: Federal health reform forces Kansas Spine Hospital to shelve expansion plans
    Wichita Business Journal - by Josh Heck

    Dr. Raymond Grundmeyer III, a neurosurgeon at Kansas Spine Hospital, says the federal health care reform bill limits the growth of physician-owned facilities and will restrict competition in the industry. Kansas Spine has put its plans to add two operating rooms on hold.

    Tom Schmitt looks out the window toward the area where Kansas Spine Hospital LLC planned to add two operating rooms and wonders what will happen with the expansion.
    The northeast Wichita specialty hospital put its plans on hold, even after soliciting bids from contractors, because the recently passed federal health care reform law aims to limit the growth of physician-owned facilities.

    The law essentially freezes any expansion plans for physician-owned hospitals for the foreseeable future. Any facility that wants to expand will have to go through a series of steps to prove its expansion is based on need. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services would have the final say.

    Executives at physician-owned facilities and their advocacy groups say the new law puts their facilities at a competitive disadvantage by limiting growth and restricting patient choice. Like with Kansas Spine Hospital, they say, the law also hampers their ability to plan for future growth.


    That's OK, Mr. President, we have plenty of great job openings in the Wichita area...we don't need any more. You're doing a miraculous job. We understand you can't rule (I mean govern *sorry*) by the polls. Pay no attention to Main Street Americans, you and the rest of the educated, compassionate liberals know best. Carry on, sir.

  • #2
    And now we hear that the Obama Administration mishandled the takeover of GM and Chrysler, forcing them to hastily close dealerships that were viable and could have kept more people off of unemployment.

    The Treasury special inspector general responsible for the Troubled Asset Relief Program got it right in his report saying that the termination of Chrysler and General Motors auto dealerships may have ended up costing more jobs than necessary, the National Automobile Dealers Association said Monday.

    The report by SIGTARP Neil Barofsky dated Monday found that "Treasury made a series of decisions that may have substantially contributed to the accelerated shuttering of thousands of small businesses and thereby potentially adding tens of thousands of workers to the already lengthy unemployment rolls -- all based on a theory and without sufficient consideration of the decisions' broader economic impact."

    "Indeed, when asked explicitly whether the Auto Team could have left the dealerships out of the restructurings, Mr. Bloom, the current head of the Auto Team, confirmed that the Auto Team 'could have left any one component (of the restructuring plan) alone,' but that doing so would have been inconsistent with the president's mandate for 'shared sacrifice,'" Barofsky wrote.
    Ah, so the Administration was more interested in the very Marxist shared sacrifice policy of punishing small business owners who ran dealerships than in making smart decisions.

