Originally posted by SB Shock
Excellent post and thoughts sb.
RCWS, the bottom line is there just isn't a valid reason to support abortion. You can kind of make a non-religious/lesser of 2 evils argument in the extreme cases of incest and rape and when the mother's life is in danger (which are EXTRAORDINARILY rare). Ending a life, for convenience or want, is plain and simple wrong. I know, you know it. You may be able to "sanitize" your thoughts by saying it's ok if the fetus (generally defined as week 8 to birth) isn't viable....again as others have said isn't valid because a 1 month old can't fend for itself.
It is wrong, it was wrong, it will be wrong.....no man made law can change that. Man thinking he is above the laws of nature are an example of what is wrong in our society right now. We should be able to be better people.
We continue to govern with a least common denominator mentality and it is bankrupting us as a people financially, morally and spiritually.
May God have mercy on these children.....I fear that He will not be as lenient on our society.