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Study: Republicans more informed than Democrats

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  • Study: Republicans more informed than Democrats

    A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press asked people a dozen questions about current events and conditions, such as the unemployment rate, number of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, head of the Senate Finance Committee and television personalities.

    In 10 of the 12 questions, a greater percentage of Republicans than Democrats knew the correct answer.

  • #2
    Damn my left leaning, liberal, progressive hide!!

    I got 11 out of 12.

    NPR ain't taught me nuthin'!

    Take the quiz yourself.

    Overview The U.S. government has a lot on its plate right now, which means that the American public has a lot to keep up with in the news. The Pew


    • #3
      I got em all right!
      I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kcshocker11
        I got em all right!

        First time for everything.


        • #5
          How anyone could get less than at least 7 is beyond me.

          All that pole does is prove how stupid our populace is and what a horrible job our GOVERNMENT does at running a public school system using the LCD principle.

          If you are one of 2% that got all 12 correct (or at least in the top 25% that got 8 or more correct) you should apply some deductive reasoning and conclude that the same application of LCD to health care will result in a similar fate.


          • #6
            I got everyone right except the Health care spending question. I thought for sure the US must be spending less money on health care per person than the Europeans since the liberals want to adopt the European system. Silly me for using any type of logic.


            • #7
              The only question I could forgive the average American for answering incorrectly would probably be the Afghanistan troop level question.

              The rest of the questions were very simple although I could see why a person that leans right might miss the health-care question (although that is a key reason why the system does need to be reformed) and a person that leans left might not know what Glenn Beck does for a living.


              • #8
                Originally posted by WuDrWu
                Originally posted by kcshocker11
                I got em all right!

                First time for everything.
                I know Doc you were dying to answer communism, marxism, socialism, but your good hearted nature stiffled your angst! :D 8)
                I have come here to chew bubblegum and kickass ... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Maggie
                  The only question I could forgive the average American for answering incorrectly would probably be the Afghanistan troop level question.
                  I would disagree. Who cares really who the senate finance chairman or glenn beck really is? But your sending your friends, brothers, sisters and neighbor off to war and your NOT paying attention. That is inexcusable.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SB Shock
                    Originally posted by Maggie
                    The only question I could forgive the average American for answering incorrectly would probably be the Afghanistan troop level question.
                    I would disagree. Who cares really who the senate finance chairman or glenn beck really is? But your sending your friends, brothers, sisters and neighbor off to war and your NOT paying attention. That is inexcusable.
                    I hear you.

                    I only wrote that because the question asked about the current number of soldiers deployed in theater - 20K, 70K, 150K or 200K. I guess I could see someone guessing 150K or even 20K (given all the talk about needing more troops). I think someone can pay attention to the war and care about our soldiers and still, in good faith, answer incorrectly.

                    As for the rest, Glenn Beck I understand but Baucus can do real damage.

