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Big ObamaCare Speech

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  • Big ObamaCare Speech

    I was at church tonight so I missed the great ObamaCare speech. Instead of turning to the mainstream media and get either sides talking points, I turned to the Drunkblogging the Big ObamaCare Speech

    Complete details here, but here are the funnier excerpts

    5:07PM Ah, there’s Kathleen Sebelius. I think she’s there to tag elderly Congresspersons for possible counseling and termination.

    5:13PM Judging by his reception, President Obama remains very popular with people who have no intention of voting for his proposals.

    5:18PM “I will not let up until those Americans who seek jobs can find them.” Translation: “The floggings will continue until morale improves.”

    5:22PM “We are the only wealthy nation…” without national health care. Dude. “We’re not France” ain’t gonna sell in the heartland, mmmkay?

    5:23PM Heartbreaking insurance stories! And government will make bureaucracy better!

    5:25PM Health care is putting an “unsustainable burden” on taxpayers. Solution: More! The solution is always more, isn’t it? Let’s try less for a while, and see how that works. Wow, I *must* be drunk.
    If people don't understand what government run health care will be about they need to try military health system.

    5:30PM “Nothing in this plan will REQUIRE you or your employer to change what you have.” Require is one of those weasel words.
    Employers are drooling at the chance to get rid of offering health care just like now they are getting rid of company retirements and 401k matching - you have social security. They would love to be able to say "Government is supplying you with your health care just like your retirement."

    5:31PM I think my cable company shouldn’t be allowed to drop my favorite channels ever. I want a law.
    You know I think I should have a choice of watching whatever football game I want on Sunday - it's not fair that Cox and the networks decide for me. I demand this constitutional right.

    5:32PM Correction: Preventative care does save lives, but it costs more money, not less. Nothing costs less than a dead patient. Don’t forget that. Ever.

    5:38PM “Misinformation.” Well, that’s a step up. Pelosi called protestors Nazis. The President thinks of you as mere liars.

    5:39PM Eff me. The president is LECTURING people he needs to win over. How’s that gonna go over, you think?

    5:42PM Profit = “Overhead”!!!

    5:43PM Kids, profit is how we get MORE of stuff we like. This socialist President thinks it’s “overhead.”

    5:45PM Who defines affordable? Who defines choice?
    Only way the system can work is the Government will force everybody to be in the heath care program and it will be some type of sliding scale where those at a certain income level will actually be paid for participating.

    5:47PM Obama promises not to “add a dime” to the deficit. I’m not supposed to drop the f-bomb here, but your about to get fxxxx on your taxes. I apologize.
    Was Obama saying he's actually going to balanced the budget? Or was he just telling the lie that "stupid" really want to hear to make them feel better when we all really know it's not going to happen?

    But here’s the short version: Obama will see a brief spike in the polls, but not enough. He delivered a divisive speech to a divided nation — and that’s no way to spur a divided Congress into action.

  • #2
    Re: Big ObamaCare Speech

    Originally posted by SB Shock
    5:45PM Who defines affordable? Who defines choice?
    Democratic Senator Max Buacus is calling for families who fail to get medical insurance under their plan to be fine $3,800.

    So much for choice.


    • #3
      It is so laughable that the left criticizes the right for suggesting that this is going to eventually develop into a single-payer system. Of course, they know it will, but don't want the sheeple to figure it out.

      In ten years there will be no choice, no new pharmaceuticals, no medical innovation. But look on the bright side, we won't be subsidizing those low Canadian drug prices!


      • #4
        Why does the left want so badly to have Universal Healthcare like Europe? It sounds all fine and dandy until you look at how it actually works. Out healthcare has issues but we still have the best treatment on the planet. Moving to a Euro-style isn't going to make anything better.
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        • #5
          Re: Big ObamaCare Speech

          5:47PM Obama promises not to “add a dime” to the deficit. I’m not supposed to drop the f-bomb here, but your about to get fxxxx on your taxes. I apologize.
          Was Obama saying he's actually going to balanced the budget? Or was he just telling the lie that "stupid" really want to hear to make them feel better when we all really know it's not going to happen?

          If any of you PBO supporters could tell us how this is possible (seriously now), maybe we could take him more serious! This pie in the sky stuff is just to much to swallow.


          • #6
            I think I've heard it's supposed to be through Medicare savings or some such nonsense.

            Of course, since they now know that preventative care is more expensive they have to resolve the issue of accepting greater expense (hello higher payroll taxes) or people realizing that preventative care won't be a focal point (better to get sick than prevent it!).

            Or they'll just lie.


            • #7
              If they could get it through savings and fraud reduction in Medicare and Medicaid, my question is this:

              Why are they not already doing it?????????

              So what you are telling me, Mr. President, is that there is fraud and waste in Medicare, we know it, we know how to fix it and recoup it, however we are going to continue to waste the money and allow the fraud unless and until your program gets passed.

              Is that what you are saying?

              Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that believes what he was saying last night is simply not very smart at all.

              His little conservative "bone" that he threw to the right on malpractice reform is a joke and if he thinks that is being bipartisan then I have some more crank to sell him to smoke with his boyz in da hood.

              Nice try. If he was serious he'd do more....time will tell and I suppose I should give him the benefit of the doubt. Feel free to copy this if I am wrong, and I'll own up but if his little "study" comes back and says no real savings can be achieved, then remember I told you so.

              By the way, what is "affordable"?

              Seriously.....anyone on the left and I know there are several of you out there...enlighten me please. Define what affordable is. I don't think I can afford more than what I pay now. Does someone else get to decide for me what is affordable? What is affordable for my near homeless sister?

              Please let me know so I can adjust to the correct spending pattern.


              • #8
                It's just shocking how the Administration can craft these wonderfully-worded, focus-group tested lies and lead us off the cliff in good conscience.

                If any citizen believes that all this won't add "a single dime to the defecit", please just leave the country and never vote again in your lifetime. You don't deserve to vote.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ISASO
                  If any citizen believes that all this won't add "a single dime to the defecit", please just leave the country and never vote again in your lifetime. You don't deserve to vote.

                  The even worse slant is that, of course, there wasn't much mentioned about TAX INCREASES which are 100% certain, that they plan on using them to cover some of the increases in didn't hear much about those increases but they are a comin' America....the big bad wealthy are FINALLY going to get what's coming to them!!!! The free lunch is over!!!!! Those of you not paying any taxes at all....your day of salvation, praise the Lord, is finally within sight! Hallelujah!!!

                  The pain and errors of the last decade are being fixed and with the help of the All Mighty and decent Americans everywhere we shall overcome and if you continue to lie about WE WILL call you out!

                  PRAISE BE!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WuDrWu
                    If they could get it through savings and fraud reduction in Medicare and Medicaid, my question is this:

                    Why are they not already doing it?????????

                    So what you are telling me, Mr. President, is that there is fraud and waste in Medicare, we know it, we know how to fix it and recoup it, however we are going to continue to waste the money and allow the fraud unless and until your program gets passed.

                    Is that what you are saying?

                    Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that believes what he was saying last night is simply not very smart at all.

                    His little conservative "bone" that he threw to the right on malpractice reform is a joke and if he thinks that is being bipartisan then I have some more crank to sell him to smoke with his boyz in da hood.
                    Could you hear me talking to my tv last night? I was saying the same thing.
                    Marge: The plant called and said that if you don't come in tomorrow, don't bother coming in Monday.
                    Homer: WOOHOO! Four day weekend.


                    • #11
                      I don't really have an opinion one way or another about the public option.

                      The one thing I have a problem with is this. You have all these senators and representatives that are against a public option because they say it will end up being government run healthcare. Yet these same members of congress are currently using a government run healthcare system. That sounds hypocritcal to me.

                      If they're against a public option, they need to drop their own government run healthcare and use what every ordinary citizen uses.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 1979Shocker
                        Yet these same members of congress are currently using a government run healthcare system.
                        They have two options. They can get free care from an attending physicians on capitol hill and use Walter Reed (but families are not eligible and have to use private insurance).

                        They also have the option is private health insurance (one plan option is Blue Cross) offered through the government. It is not a government run system, but it like any place of employment (the government pays a large majority of they cost) and the employee pays a certain portion (usually much smaller).


                        • #13
                          Newt Gringrich has gone on record and says Obama is right about the savings in Medicare and Medicade. In fact he said more money can be saved than Obama has said!

                          If Newt hasn't lost his mind, then what has been going on in Washington, while all this waste of tax payer money has been ignored?

                          I'm sorry but things just aren't adding up right (at least in my mind).

                          I say no health care bill until Washington comes clean with the American taxpayers!

                          Another question, Who is pocketing all this money that is being wasted? If it is fraud, we want it back and I mean now. Don't put it to a new healthcare bill, put it toward the debt!

                          I'm tired of this and I'm not going to take it anymore!


                          • #14
                            Why don't they first eliminate the all the waste and fraud as a "proof of concept" before spending these yet-to-be-realized savings?

                            I think we know why. They either aren't there or aren't anywhere near enough.

