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Man booked into Segwick Cty jail on Terrorism

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  • Man booked into Segwick Cty jail on Terrorism

    Not much details yet.

    WICHITA, Kan. (KAKE) - A man is under arrest in the Sedgwick County Jail for terrorism.
    Inmates records show Brendon Tyler May, 28, was booked shortly after 5:00 a.m. Monday. He is held on no bond for one terrorism count.
    But in light of the London mosque attack last night, you can't assume anything as we are seeing crazies everywhere.

  • #2
    The guy had posted on facebook

    Tomorrow I will probably make the news and after I'm dead you'll see this and know this could have been prevented I already warned you you thought what I did today was bad I'm taking it further it's amazing what money can buy and what money can't. Tell my children I love them since I couldn't see them on Father's Day but today I'm a civilian tomorrow I will be a suspect an armed gunman I have nothing to lost everything has been stripped away and the money I do have can't buy me happiness so for those who want to be rich thinking they'll be happy choose a different dream I can't take money with me. But nobody tells me when I can and can't see my children. This is the end I apologize to all the victims family of tommorow (sp) tragedy in advance.
    when arrested he had a bb gun

