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Own it

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
    Conservatives, ....
    Why do conservatives own it? Trump won because in part the left didn't turn out for Hillary. Maybe u need to look in the mirror.


    • #17
      Some of the things that will be Obama's legacy:

      Putting Men in Women's bathrooms

      Same sex marriage


      22 TRILLION in debt

      Racial Tension

      Weakening Law Enforcement

      Out of control Executive Orders

      Iran Nuclear deal

      and many more

      He's let the cat out of the bag on many levels and the cat is not getting back in the bag. Many of the roads he has led us down are long and dark. There is no fixing some of this.


      • #18
        Originally posted by CBB_Fan
        You can pass whatever you want.
        Wrong. The Republicans do not have a supermajority. They can use reconciliation to whittle away at Obamacare, but cannot just drop it lock, stock, and barrel. The Democrats can filibuster.

        Unlike when the Democrats used a supermajority 7 years ago to pass the most heinous law of modern times, Obamacare, without even allowing the Congress to read the damn thing.

        Were you crying about checks and balances when the Democrats passed that monstrosity even though the majority of Americans did not want it?
        Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


        • #19
          BTW - that 56% approval rating - was that poll taken by the same pollsters who predicted HRC was going to win the election ? Just curious

          They damn sure forgot to ask me.


          • #20
            I'm not sure that it's correct to call Trump a conservative. I think it is more accurate to describe him as a populist-nationalist.
            ShockerNet is a rat infested cess pool.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Shocker-maniac View Post
              I'm not sure that it's correct to call Trump a conservative. I think it is more accurate to describe him as a populist-nationalist.
              Trump isn't a conservative. Calling him a republican is a stretch.
              There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


              • #22
                Ding dong the witch is dead. I woke up humming that little ditty for some reason. Leftists, on the other hand, appear to have gotten no sleep at all. They've been wide awake since last night rending their garments and screaming that Literally Hitler was just elected. He's not a legitimate president,...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by moshock View Post
                  Some of the things that will be Obama's legacy:

                  Putting Men in Women's bathrooms

                  Same sex marriage


                  22 TRILLION in debt

                  Racial Tension

                  Weakening Law Enforcement

                  Out of control Executive Orders

                  Iran Nuclear deal

                  and many more

                  He's let the cat out of the bag on many levels and the cat is not getting back in the bag. Many of the roads he has led us down are long and dark. There is no fixing some of this.
                  *** **** him and Hillary for using divide and conquer tactics on their own citizens to win an election. And just as bad, they wined and dined the media... SCUMBAGS!!! Trump says *****, and they're entertaining rappers in the White House. What's the difference? Nothing now, because he'll be in there next.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by moshock View Post
                    Some of the things that will be Obama's legacy:

                    Putting Men in Women's bathrooms

                    Same sex marriage


                    22 TRILLION in debt

                    Racial Tension

                    Weakening Law Enforcement

                    Out of control Executive Orders

                    Iran Nuclear deal

                    and many more

                    He's let the cat out of the bag on many levels and the cat is not getting back in the bag. Many of the roads he has led us down are long and dark. There is no fixing some of this.
                    Obama did not put men in women's bathrooms. They have been used women's restrooms forever, because they get beat up and attacked in men's restrooms for being fags and trannies. Why did this become an issue? Do you think Obama came out of the blue and said "men can now use women's restrooms" with no impulse? No. That is complete revisionism. The bathroom law was started when the city of Charlotte explicitly said it was okay. Then North Carolina Republicans decided to use the issue as a package deal for other items and created HB2, largely to nullify local ordinances that expanded protections for LGBT people. The point was to push back against gays by explicitly denying them discrimination protections, and the bathroom law was a convenient way to try to win by finding an issue people would find more immoral than gay marriage as that had already reached a public consensus.

                    Same sex marriage is fine. I'm sorry, no one has been hurt by it. It is a sin and you can hate that, and it REALLY shouldn't have needed to have the religious connotations of marriage, but hate the sin/love the sinner and understand how little it impacts or hurts your life. Refusing to be baptized is a sin. Not blessing those that curse you is a sin. Astrology is a sin. Eating shellfish. Mixing fabrics. Eating blood. Not taking in the homeless is a sin. Not going to church is a sin. Dressing indecently is a sin. Women wearing gold and jewelry is a sin. Why treat none of those with the fervor you treat gay rights?

                    Obamacare is terrible policy. It is also a neoconservative plan adapted from Republicans in the 1990s, and it fundamentally misunderstood why the healthcare system is messed up. I could go on, but a blanket repeal to the system before will also do no good.

                    Please tell me how cutting taxes and raising spending fixes the debt. Between Reagan and Bush the first, the debt quadruple. Look at deficit compared to the GDP, and you'll note the big spike from (Bush's) large stimulus packages, which subsided in Obama's second term. The stimulus worked. We recovered better from the Great Recession than any state in Europe, because they took austerity measures. Now is the time to cut back the deficit and bring the debt/GDP ratio down to healthy levels, but the blame here is misplaced.

                    Racial tension cuts both ways. I agree Obama failed in this regard, but Donald Trump is the most racially divisive President in modern times. We'll see how this works out.

                    What does "weakening law enforcement" even mean? War weapon spending has surged. We still have by far the highest rate of incarceration of any state with reputable stats. Is this pure "Blue Lives Matter" rhetoric where you dislike the way people speak about police, or dislike recent cop killings, without regards to how militarily strong the police is? I actually don't understand what you mean by this.

                    Here is a chart showing executive orders, divided by length in office to account for the fact that Obama is not out of office yet. If his executive orders are out of control, then every President since Cleveland was significantly worse.

                    The Iran nuclear deal was good policy, and it would have happened no matter what the US did. France had already begun the process of signing the deal. Iran may, and probably will, try to circumvent the deal. But the day that deal was signed, Iran was capable of making weapons grade material and was two years from being able to make a weapon. Now they are not. Simply put, it is impossible for them to be more likely to develop a nuclear weapon after the deal because they were already close to a weapon. Even you think they will cheat, understand that now it would take Iran 10 years to do make a weapon that they could have finished by summer 2017 without the deal, and that is fix they immediately start full scale production.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 1972Shocker View Post
                      Not sure that (Conservatives) is an accurate description but the Republicans do have the floor and need to paint or get off the ladder. It won't be an easy task. In fact, this election may have been a careful what your wish for scenario for any and all candidates seeking the job. I wish them well though.

                      I am somewhat skeptical that the Republican big government solutions will be much better than the Democrat big government solutions. Maybe there will be some movement to devolve power back to the states but the only ones talking about that were Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin.
                      If Congress gave power to the States, that would take power away from Congress. At the State level Republicans champion states' rights. That gets them a lot of votes. At the national level, they campaign on decentralized government, but those in charge in Congress are unlikely to give up one iota of their political power and influence.

                      Giving additional rights to states is about as likely as Congress voting to cut their pay and institute term limits. Congress somehow ended up with the ability to regulate themselves. That could be step 1 to crippling a Democracy. Hillary and Trump being the options for President might be evidence that Democracy is already not working right. I don't think we have the political equivalent of free markets working in our political processes.
                      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                        Trump isn't a conservative. Calling him a republican is a stretch.
                        We had a choice of a corrupt businessman with absolutely no political experience or someone with a lot of political experience and a history that indicates a corrupt politician.

                        I have despised Hillary since Bill was running for Pres and she was letting us know her views. I've despised Trump for how he runs his businesses. He could write an autobiography, "How to Get Rich By Screwing Everybody".

                        I know "Apprentice" was a reality show, but Trump rewarded people for being backstabbers. The more the contestants could throw their competitors under the bus, the higher Trump regarded them. Even when they intentionally sabotaged their opponents, that got Trump's highest respect.

                        As a vet, I will refrain from using a lot of adjectives to describe Trump as our Commander-In-Chief. I was taught to respect the chain of command. There was very little of that when Obama was Commander-In-Chief.
                        The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
                        We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


                        • #27
                          This can't be real:

                          But if it is, this is the perfect thread to post in!
                          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                            Obamacare is terrible policy. It is also a neoconservative plan adapted from Republicans in the 1990s, and it fundamentally misunderstood why the healthcare system is messed up. I could go on, but a blanket repeal to the system before will also do no good.
                            You started a thread titled "Own It", then whined about not having checks and balances due to not having a Democrat majority anywhere, then admitted that Obamacare is terrible. And you know full well that a Democrat supermajority slammed it down our throats even though it didn't have the support of a majority of Americans, and never let the Congress even read it, much less debate it. Then you blame it on the Republicans even though not a SINGLE Republican voted for it.

                            Own it.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by moshock View Post
                              BTW - that 56% approval rating - was that poll taken by the same pollsters who predicted HRC was going to win the election ? Just curious

                              They damn sure forgot to ask me.
                              Even with a MOE of 5%, that's still a majority. A sad truth, but true nonetheless.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                                This can't be real:

                                But if it is, this is the perfect thread to post in!
                                I heard Yale postponed their mid-terms Wednesday after the "upset".

