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Legalize marijuana

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  • A little off-topic, but a true story.

    I recently overheard a conversation between a patient and a doctor, right after the patient got done with by-pass surgery.

    Patient: “Can I start smoking (cigarettes) again?” (He was being serious).

    Doctor: “Well, I’ll tell you the same I’ve told many others. If God intended us to inhale that, He would already have that in the air we breathe.”

    Don’t hate, just passing on a story.


    • There probably isn’t much room for decline with the average pot smoker.
      Deuces Valley.
      ... No really, deuces.
      "Enjoy the ride."

      - a smart man


      • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post

        There probably isn’t much room for decline with the average pot smoker.


        • Libs beware.

          Sir Elton John says now that Legalizing Marijuana in the United States and Canada was one of the biggest mistakes of all time. It doesn’t follow along with the Libertarians in North America, and they don’t even consider Marijuana one of the Hard Drugs. But, contrary to Libertarian’s beliefs, it is addictive.


          • I have no problem with marijuana users, but I don't want it legalized until testing can be done to see if someone is under its influence at a specific time. Like when driving under the influence or at work, while caring for a child, etc..
            ​​​​​​It is a useful drug for some, but it does cause laziness, slow reaction, over eating and stupidity. All of which do no harm to others, if done responsibly.


            • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
              I have no problem with marijuana users, but I don't want it legalized until testing can be done to see if someone is under its influence at a specific time. Like when driving under the influence or at work, while caring for a child, etc..
              ​​​​​​It is a useful drug for some, but it does cause laziness, slow reaction, over eating and stupidity. All of which do no harm to others, if done responsibly.
              Yes, because all of those things connote, promote & lead to responsible decision making.


              • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
                I have no problem with marijuana users, but I don't want it legalized until testing can be done to see if someone is under its influence at a specific time. Like when driving under the influence or at work, while caring for a child, etc..
                ​​​​​​It is a useful drug for some, but it does cause laziness, slow reaction, over eating and stupidity. All of which do no harm to others, if done responsibly.
                I thought it interesting that a regular drug and marijuana user like Elton John sees the dangers of using cannabis b/c of his personal experiences. Nobody has problems with marijuana users. However, Many abuse drugs through “regular, or heavy ” use alcohol and marijuana to solve problems (depression, or pain usually, etc. ), although there are other ways to solve those issues.

                The concern I have is that many youth are abusing marijuana like they have alcohol when their brains aren’t fully formed, therefore re-wiring their brains which is difficult to change back.

                Elton John sees that problem getting worse from his own experiences, especially in America and Canada.


                • Not a fan of legalizing marijuana but am a fan of decriminalizing simple possession. I believe that the city of Wichita voted to decriminalize simple possession but our governor SB or it could have been CK said that local law could not take precedent over state law. I also believe that Koch has been very active in trying to get national awareness to decriminalize or at least the felony part to some forms of possession of marijuana
                  Last edited by pogo; 3 weeks ago.


                  • Originally posted by pogo View Post
                    Not a fan of legalizing marijuana but am a fan of decriminalizing simple possession. I believe that the city of Wichita voted to decriminalize simple possession but our governor SB or it could have been CK said that local law could not take precedent over state law. I also believe that Koch has been very active in trying to get national awareness to decriminalize or at least the felony part to some forms of possession of marijuana
                    I believe it was the Kansas Supreme Court that made that ruling.

                    I also believe that the City of Wichita has instructed local WPD not to pursue possession and such, though that order isn't followed by Sedgwick County or KHP or any of the surrounding cities.

                    I also don't care what Elton John has to say about anything. That man did far worse drugs than marijuana that did far more damage than smoking did.
                    Infinity Art Glass - Fantastic local artist and Shocker fan
                    RIP Guy Always A Shocker
                    Carpenter Place - A blessing to many young girls/women
                    ICT S.O.S - Great local cause fighting against human trafficking
                    Wartick Insurance Agency - Saved me money with more coverage.
                    Save Shocker Sports - A rallying cry


                    • I have mixed feelings.


                      • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post
                        I also don't care what Elton John has to say about anything. That man did far worse drugs than marijuana that did far more damage than smoking did.
                        I have friends who did Acid (had flashbacks,etc ), and other drugs that no longer do those drugs. They do have a knowledge and perspective on those and other drugs that I don’t have. Some people support legalizing those drugs, opioids, and even Fentanyl. That doesn’t mean that any of those drugs are good for our youth who are still growing. While not everyone who participates will be seriously affected, at least some will. If anyone hasn’t noticed, psychosis, depression, anxieties, and all mental illnesses are on the rise. We need to be smart and proactive when looking at how our culture is being affected.


                        • Originally posted by SubGod22 View Post

                          I also don't care what Elton John has to say about anything. That man did far worse drugs than marijuana that did far more damage than smoking did.
                          And that was the whole point. A left-sided, free-spirited hardcore drug user even thinks legalizing pot is going over the edge. It’s a gateway drug. He’s probably speaking of his own personal experiences.

                          Take a look at Colorado’s lovely crime statistics and everyday life pre 2015 and post 2015. There’s so many correlations it isn’t even funny.
                          Deuces Valley.
                          ... No really, deuces.
                          "Enjoy the ride."

                          - a smart man


                          • IMO, weed is 110% a gateway drug to HS and college kids. For the medical community of 30+ers not so much.

                            But the more I think about it, which one of those groups needs legislation to protect them? Simple decriminalization protects the second.


                            • Originally posted by Onegreatracer View Post
                              IMO, weed is 110% a gateway drug to HS and college kids. For the medical community of 30+ers not so much.

                              But the more I think about it, which one of those groups needs legislation to protect them? Simple decriminalization protects the second.
                              This is something I've never thought about. But you are 100% correct.


                              • I feel like those that used in college are more educated, have better jobs, have a good to great income, and are/were able to handle pot without much worry or concern. Their experience tells them pot is no big deal.

                                But for every one of them there are 5 folks out there barely making it that are spending the little cash that they have on pot or worse. They aren't able to handle it because of the situation they find themselves in, and instead of digging their way out of the problem as generations prior to the 70's did, they end up using pot to try and self-medicate their way out. And we all know how that turns out.

                                Group #2 wants legalization REALLY bad, and have found it's pretty easy to convince group #1 that it's no big deal.

                                But society is already paying an economic and moral price based on just the states that have already legalized, and those costs are pretty easy to see.
                                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!

