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Black college student tells white student he can't have dreads

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  • Black college student tells white student he can't have dreads

    because it's not his culture. No surprise it's from San Francisco State.

    Last edited by RoyalShock; March 29, 2016, 01:51 PM.

  • #2
    Anyone of any culture can be a racist. Anyone of any color can be a knucklehead.

    This employee was being a knucklehead and being racist. Rules should apply to her as well as any other 'fill in the blank with your favorite race' when they behave in a racist manner.


    • #3
      SFSU has said the woman is not an employee, so I changed the topic subject.


      • #4
        I thought it was funny how she was going to try and argue that because Egypt is in Africa, dreadlocks are of African origin.

        That would be like a Canadian telling an Asian he can't eat a burrito because it's the Canadian's culture, not the Asian's. Because Mexico and Canada are both in North America, don't ya know!

        I liked one of the comments on the article, which insinuated that by her logic, she's engaging in cultural appropriation by speaking English.


        • #5
          I would think this kind of thing is covered in the student handbook. I also think since there's evidence, whatever punishment is called for in the handbook should be imposed.

          My thinking might be a little harsh, but since I do not agree with any racism at all, I think it is appropriate.

