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  • Originally posted by im4wsu View Post
    Would you rather have a despicable person as POTUS or as despicable criminal as POTUS?
    I believe both are despicable criminals and won't be voting for either.

    If forced to be the deciding vote, I would say your descriptions of Trump and Clinton are way oversimplified and my decision is much too nuanced to relate to your terms.


    • Originally posted by wufan View Post
      I don't read them that way.
      I find that interpretation incredible. How else do you possibly read it?


      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
        I give you some credit; At least you didn't call it a "False equivalent."
        When this is your response to being called out for sharing lies, you leave no doubt left that you are not interested in truthful conversation.


        • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
          Rubio would have been in over his head this election cycle. The Clinton Mob is relentless and taking the high road would not have worked, just as it did not work for Romney. Rubio is a great guy and an exciting candidate, but he would have got his butt kicked this election cycle.

          It will take someone willing to call out the Clinton Mafia for what they are to win this election and only Trump demonstrated that willingness. Christie skirted with it, but he would have clammed up when it started getting very, very tough. There is no way he would have threatened Clinton with jail time, for example. That was a VERY risky move. If Trump loses he will be up against the full force of the federal government. Guaranteed Clinton will go after him for _something_.

          Honestly it was always going to take an independant-style renegade to defeat the Clinton Crime Family. Trump is the right guy at the right time. He may have a questionable policy here or there, but he's got 90% of it right. If he wins and ends up sucking, Rubio should have a good chance in the future.

          My bet is that Trump will actually be a decent president if he wins.
          Rubio would have won the vast majority of the current Trump voter group, + a sizeable chunk of moderates who dislike Clinton but feel Trump gives them no chance to do anything but vote for her to keep him out. Even Bernie supporters would have had less reason to hold their nose and vote Clinton. Trump (rightly) scares people. Rubio would have offered a safe outlet for a protest vote by frustrated liberals.

          Trump started behind Clinton and has remained a similar distance behind the whole way. Rubio would have started in front and added to his lead throughout the email scandal.

          I truly find it incredible that people still think Trump is/was the Republican's best shot to win.


          • I don't beleive many Sanders supporters would go for Rubio.
            In the fast lane


            • Originally posted by tropicalshox View Post
              I don't beleive many Sanders supporters would go for Rubio.
              The data I've seen says Trump was one of the worst options against Clinton.

              Even if Sanders supporters don't vote for Rubio, they're more likely to stay home or vote for Stein. Now, there are many that feel it's particularly important to vote for Clinton.


              • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                I find that interpretation incredible. How else do you possibly read it?
                He was trying to discredit her. It was a logical fallacy and I can see why someone that is as butt hurt by Trump as you are reading it that way. In this situation, however, it doesn't matter what he said. Either he assaulted them or they are lying. Those are the two bad things here, not whether or not he was PC when he responded to the accusations.
                Livin the dream


                • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                  When this is your response to being called out for sharing lies, you leave no doubt left that you are not interested in truthful conversation.
                  Who? Obama? Yeah, I guess you're right.


                  • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                    He was trying to discredit her. It was a logical fallacy and I can see why someone that is as butt hurt by Trump as you are reading it that way. In this situation, however, it doesn't matter what he said. Either he assaulted them or they are lying. Those are the two bad things here, not whether or not he was PC when he responded to the accusations.
                    Exactly. Where's the evidence? Against Trump that is. We all know how much evidence is out there against the witch.

                    Maybe "Donnie the Fixer" buried it at the bottom of the Hudson, never to be found again. Where's our investigative media when we need 'em. Oh, wait... :beaten:


                    • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                      If he's elected, he will start with the fumigation of the DOJ. As far as Defense, get those Hawks outta there now! Hurry! Get some conservatives in there who understand diplomacy... Man, I never thought I'd say that about conservatives. But, nothing surprises me in this, the Year of the Monkey.
                      Boring trolling.



                      • His indiscretions were "Peanuts" compared to the corruption ring known as the United States Government. Filthy liars all!

                        Sorry for the meme, but I don't know how to spell his name.


                        • Him
                          Attached Files


                          • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                            I'm sure you are aware Condoleezza Rice detests Trump, never endorsed him, and earlier this month publicly called for him to drop out of the race.

                            The nationalist, populist but most certainly not conservative cabinet team would need to look elsewhere for talent.

                            I am fully aware of Secretary Rice's comments, as well as pretty much the entire Bush 41 & 43 teams. My hope is that some of the "best people" will still be willing to serve.
                            "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                            -John Wooden


                            • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                              In this situation, however, it doesn't matter what he said. Either he assaulted them or they are lying. Those are the two bad things here, not whether or not he was PC when he responded to the accusations.
                              You can have your wildly friendly interpretation of his actual words, but come on man... *if* he really meant it the way I'm interpreting, and really called them too ugly to assault, that's not failure to be "PC"... it's proof he's a disgusting piece of crap.

                              PC vs un-PC? Give me a break!


                              • He didn't call them did. Besides that, it doesn't matter. Get over it.
                                Livin the dream

