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  • It was pointed out today on one of the news shows that Trump corralled 13 million votes in the GOP primary. He will need approximately 65 million votes to defeat Hillary Clinton.

    I would to ask Kung Wu or other Trump loyalists where the remaining 50 million + votes will come from. Trump is constantly off message and I don't see him becoming disciplined enough to take the fight to Hillary instead of these ancillary issues he touts and and enemies he makes when he could be drawing undecided voters into his camp.


    • June Poll Averages:
      2000: Bush +3
      2004: Bush +2
      2008: Obama +2
      2012: Obama +1
      2016: Clinton +5

      I thought the whole point of selling your soul was to get something good in return. Trump supporters, you're doing it all wrong.


      • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
        Regarding write-in votes - please correct me if I'm wrong - who you write in will never be tabulated unless doing so affects the outcome of the election. That is to say, it just gets counted as "write-ins". If in reality Rubio got 95% of the write-in vote, which accounted for 5% of the total, but one of the major candidates wins be enough to receive the minimum number of electoral votes, we will never know how many votes Rubio actually received.
        Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
        Well, you learn something new every day...

        Voters unhappy with the major parties' choices may be considering some options not on the ballot including writing in a name of their own. But in reality, those votes will not actually go to that…

        I guess I should just skip the polling place this November and instead burn toupees and shred emails in the middle of the street in protest.
        After contemplating over the weekend, I still think I'd rather write-in Rubio and get 1 more count added to the "other" column than vote for Gary Johnson. As dismal as things look, I'm still more in favor of pushing quality Republicans (yes, some do still exist) vs backing the crazy libertarian party.


        • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
          It was pointed out today on one of the news shows that Trump corralled 13 million votes in the GOP primary. He will need approximately 65 million votes to defeat Hillary Clinton.

          ... where the remaining 50 million + votes will come from.
          Primary votes are not an indicator of general election votes. If they were, Trump, with the most GOP primary votes in history, would be sitting pretty.

          Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
          I would to ask Kung Wu or other Trump loyalists ...
          Just because you are bitter does not mean I am a Trump loyalist. I am rooting for whatever candidate that is not a socialist that has the most likely chance to beat Hillary. If you have a candidate that can beat Trump and beat Hillary, please feel free to put them forward. I believe the primaries showed that that candidate does not exist.

          Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
          Trump is constantly off message and I don't see him becoming disciplined enough to take the fight to Hillary instead of these ancillary issues he touts and and enemies he makes when he could be drawing undecided voters into his camp.
          I share your concern that he may not win. However, I don't see any other Republican winning either.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • Originally posted by shock View Post
            I know for sure two things about Trump:
            1. A good businessman hires people that add to their abilities. For instance (very very basic), if someone makes tshirts and they are really good at cutting out the pattern, but can't sew worth ****, they don't hire another really good cutter, they hire a seamstress.
            For this reason, I know there will be good people at each cabinet positions. There will be no valarie jarretts or Hillary Clintons, in reference to their relationship with Obama. Instead, it will likely be a mixed bag of politicians and civilians.
            @shock, have the last 6 weeks changed your mind on this? The idea that Trump surrounds himself with only "the best people" just seems crazier by the day. Trump surrounds himself with some of the most corrupt, unethical trash to be found.


            • I heard on a radio program recently that Trump's philosophy is to surround himself with largely incompetent people so it makes him look that much better. Supposedly he has said as much in the past. Sorry, I don't have a source. I'm thinking it was on the Mark Levin show, but my confidence level is low.


              • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                Primary votes are not an indicator of general election votes. If they were, Trump, with the most GOP primary votes in history, would be sitting pretty.

                Just because you are bitter does not mean I am a Trump loyalist. I am rooting for whatever candidate that is not a socialist that has the most likely chance to beat Hillary. If you have a candidate that can beat Trump and beat Hillary, please feel free to put them forward. I believe the primaries showed that that candidate does not exist. As for primary votes, he isnt adding many voters to his cause because the Lewandowski philosophy of "letting Trump be Trump" isn't working. It appears he may see the idiocy of his campaign now. We'll see.

                I share your concern that he may not win. However, I don't see any other Republican winning either.

                You have been touting him as a good President. I've consistently written my skepticism of him being a good President. However, good for The Donald, I'm feel worse about Hillary and the Clinton Machine. If you don't like the word Loyalist, insert your own word that you feel describes you better. As for Trump adding voters, he isn't doing it yet.
                Last edited by shockmonster; June 21, 2016, 06:04 PM.


                • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                  @shock, have the last 6 weeks changed your mind on this? The idea that Trump surrounds himself with only "the best people" just seems crazier by the day. Trump surrounds himself with some of the most corrupt, unethical trash to be found.
                  I like his lone cabinet announcement. I'll let you know on the rest as they are announced.
                  People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

                  Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
                  Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


                  • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
                    I heard on a radio program recently that Trump's philosophy is to surround himself with largely incompetent people so it makes him look that much better. Supposedly he has said as much in the past. Sorry, I don't have a source. I'm thinking it was on the Mark Levin show, but my confidence level is low.
                    Based on what I have seen from him during his campaign this year, this sounds exactly like his philosophy. I am still hopeful that a miracle occurs between now and the convention and the Donald either drops out or is replaced by someone competent to be President.


                    • Originally posted by shockmonster View Post
                      You have been touting him as a good President. I've consistently written my skepticism of him being a good President. However, good for The Donald, I'm feel worse about Hillary and the Clinton Machine. If you don't like the word Loyalist, insert your own word that you feel describes you better. As for Trump adding voters, he isn't doing it yet.
                      I think he might surprise. Then again he could flame out too. He has far more executive leadership experience than Hillary and Obama ever hoped to have -- with impressive results. That experience may not translate over to running a country though, sort of like community organizing didn't.

                      It would be refreshing to see a businessman take a crack at running the country, which is why I was hopeful for Romney. But too many Republicans are looking for a perfect candidate (yet nobody agrees on what perfection looks like), so we keep falling further and further behind while GOP voters sit on their hands.

                      The notion that Obama winning would help the GOP was complete idiocy just like the notion that letting Hillary win will somehow help the GOP. Just wrong. Every election we end up having to choose a candidate further and further and further away from conservatism, in order to be competitive.

                      Painful to watch, really.
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                        He has far more executive leadership experience than Hillary and Obama ever hoped to have -- with impressive results.
                        It would be refreshing to see a businessman take a crack at running the country
                        Experience in unethical, immoral, dishonest scams is worse than no leadership experience at all. It does not make one better qualified to lead the United States well. It makes one more prepared to profit ones self at the expense of the country, not at its benefit.

                        The problem has rarely been lack of experience. It is lack of character, integrity, honesty, and wisdom. If Obama had those, his "lack of experience" wouldn't have been a problem.

                        Trump's business experience has prepared him to seek enormous amounts of personal gain as President. Unfortunately, he would make the money, while the rest of us would be like Trump University attendees, sold a bill of goods by a con artist.

                        The fact that he has proven time and time again he knows how, and is willing to, make money cheating people is in no way a good thing. The whole "Trump might be good because he is business savy" argument is complete bull.


                        • Originally posted by shock View Post
                          I like his lone cabinet announcement. I'll let you know on the rest as they are announced.
                          Who is his lone announcement? According to this article, Trump has talked about making some announcements at the upcoming convention, and the article questions if that is even legal. At this point, I don't think we have any serious clue who he would select for any of the positions.


                          • If Trump happens to win, I am willing to let him have his chance to lead without any public negative input from me. On the inside, I'll be seething like many of you do over Obama. I hope that if he wins, all my perceptions of him are wrong.


                            • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                              Experience in unethical, immoral, dishonest scams is worse than no leadership experience at all. It does not make one better qualified to lead the United States well. It makes one more prepared to profit ones self at the expense of the country, not at its benefit.

                              The problem has rarely been lack of experience. It is lack of character, integrity, honesty, and wisdom. If Obama had those, his "lack of experience" wouldn't have been a problem.

                              Trump's business experience has prepared him to seek enormous amounts of personal gain as President. Unfortunately, he would make the money, while the rest of us would be like Trump University attendees, sold a bill of goods by a con artist.

                              The fact that he has proven time and time again he knows how, and is willing to, make money cheating people is in no way a good thing. The whole "Trump might be good because he is business savy" argument is complete bull.
                              I'm not too thrilled with Trump, but the same adjectives you use to describe Trump could also be applied to Hillary.

                              - Her secret meetings with Ira Magaziner to draft healthcare legislation when her husband was president.
                              - Her questionable dealings when she was with the Rose Law Firm (obvious conflicts of interest in her clients and their business with the state of Arkansas when her husband was governor)
                              - Her lack of judgment over servergate.
                              - Her lack of transparency in her paid public speeches (most notably the money from Goldman Sachs).

                              You always criticize Trump, but are you objective enough to see the other side of the coin? All I've seen from you on this blog is pretty much non-stop blathering on how bad Trump is (without mentioning that Hillary is, in many ways, just as bad).


                              • The election is a long ways off, there will be a few momentum swings before then. Tomorrow's Brexit vote may provide an indirect but substantial boost to either candidate (Remain/Hillary, Leave/Trump).

                                The Republicans who touted Trump as a conservative, however, have had some air let out of their balloon over the last six weeks and frankly look like idiots now. Credit to him, however, for masterfully targeting the least educated, poorest and most isolated segments of society in the primary and riding support built around a core of easily-manipulated simpletons (bless their hearts) to a resounding victory. It was a unique accomplishment in modern American politics, and he managed to pay his affiliates over a million bucks in the process.

                                Do not fret, though, he will absolutely bring back all of those manufacturing jobs from 1979 if he is elected by way of tariffs, assorted trade barriers and currency wars. Huge pay raises for uneducated union workers will be inevitable. Spending will increase, entitlements will not be touched (as he noted emphatically yesterday), and taxes will be slashed. How? Don't fret the details, it will just happen.

                                Everyone wins, nobody sacrifices (or actually pays for anything, evidently). Oh, and we can finally put a stop to the inflows of those pesky legal immigrants coming via H1B visas since, you know, the third world brain drain worked out so poorly for the U.S. in recent decades.

                                The last few elections have offered a choice to conservative voters between a **** sandwich and a four day old donut. This year, we are choosing between the extra value meal and happy meal versions built around the same **** sandwich.

