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  • Will be interested to see the fund raising numbers for May and June.

    I am guessing that Trump is going to get a sizable bump, but will it continue?


    • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
      And there's the quote:

      "The real verdict will be Nov. 5 by the people."
      Polling up to this point shows that Trump may lose support, but they do not go to Biden. They either go to a third-party candidate or may not vote. And a sizeable portion of Trump supporters in those polls say they "might reconsider" their vote. That is not the same as "Not Voting for Trump."

      I think the key will be who he chooses as his vice president. He needs to choose somebody who is solid, presidential material because the odds say he won't make it through the four years.


      • The loser Dems who get aroused every time they dream Trump is going to get convicted finally got their wish. 113th time's a charm!

        Meanwhile, you rob a store, mug a tourist, or do a carjack in NYC, they will bend over backward to look the other way.

        What a bunch of sad sacks. I would say I feel sorry for them, but in all honesty, I despise them. The fact that their only joy is thinking Trump is 'getting his' makes me happy. Because the reality is that they are miserable shits, as they should be.
        "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


        • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
          I will first say, I'm not a fan of Trump. Didn't vote for him, and still won't. But in no way was he going to get a fair trial in NY. No way did the jury take their job seriously and deliberate each count. The judge is absolutely trying to influence an election by setting sentencing four days prior to the GOP convention.

          And in all likelihood, he's now going to get elected. But I have no idea how this will play out Constitutionally if the conviction holds after what will certainly be a lengthy appeals process.
          I will say that our political system is really messed up. This can be proven by the fact that Trump was even elected as President at all, and now he is a candidate again, and then further proof is that Biden is the other candidate. The Minor Party candidates are also "rubbish" although that has almost always been the case. The last 3rd Party candidate from the past that was a good candidate was Ross Perot over 30 years ago.

          Both sides agree that hush money was paid out, although they disagree on why it was paid. Prosecutors say that it was to win the election, while the defense says it was to protect his family. None the less, it is agreed on payment (which would be a misdemeanor), but what law was broken to make it a felony? Many on here are at least somewhat educated in political circles. Sp,my question for anyone on here, is to tell us....................

          *****what law Trump was declared guilty of by the jury of the people of New York.
          Last edited by Shockm; May 31, 2024, 09:36 AM.


          • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

            I will say that our political system is really messed up. This can be proven by the fact that Trump was even elected as President at all, and now he is a candidate again, and then further proof is that Biden is the other candidate. The Minor Party candidates are also "rubbish" although that has almost always been the case. The last 3rd Party candidate from the past that was a good candidate was Ross Perot over 30 years ago.

            Many on here are at least somewhat educated in political circles. My question for anyone on here, is to tell us....................

            *****what law Trump was declared guilty of by the jury of the people of New York.
            When our political leaders stray from the constitution by ignoring it's content and defy supreme court rulings. It's no longer a matter of the system being messed up. It's a matter of not following the system.
            Our founding fathers were very smart dudes. They saw how other societies were taken over by tyrants and then formed our constitution to shield against tyrannical takeovers. Dems for years have put a high priority on supreme court justices who legislate from the bench. Once Trump placed a majority of judges who follow the Constitution on the supreme court, Joe and the Dems only move to further their socialist empire, is to defy the constitution and ignore the supreme court rulings.

            If I put a delivery system in place that works well, but one day an employee decides to stray from my system and do as he pleases, it's not the system that's messed up, it's a bad cog in the system.
            And believe me, we have way too many bad cogs in our system. We need to replace those bad cogs with cogs who follow the system. Cogs who will prioritize and push God, Family then Country to its citizens.
            Last edited by Atxshoxfan; May 31, 2024, 10:11 AM.


            • I dont give a **** if Trump did pay it to win an election. To me, that's something that, at worst, is a pittance fine. Who are we kidding? When the Dems are trying to decriminalize everything, how is this even a thing? Its the same with that stupid loan fraud case.

              If this is the type of crimes the DA is going after, given crime in NY, the citizens of NY should be throwing all these Dems out of office.
              "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


              • The argument that he was trying to influence the election is comical. Every single person that has ever run for office is trying to influence the election. Every ad, every comment, every speech, every smile, every handshake, LITERALLY everything is done to influence the election.

                When Joe Biden says inflation was 9.4% when he took office, that's done to INFLUENCE the election. IT'S LITERALLY EVERYTHING!

                But, but, NO Doc! What Trump did was illegal. He paid off Stormy!

      's not against the law. It's inconceivable that this thing went as far as it did. I promise you not one juror understood the legal hoops that had to be jumped through to make this a reality. Not even the 2 lawyers (which I'd wager were ambulance chasers anyway). Hell, Bragg doesn't know what he's talking about. The whole thing is a joke.

                And IF you say Trump is guilty, then you better be ready to prosecute the other side for Russiagate. Because that's a lot easier to follow. Same with Hunter's laptop. If influencing an election is the flint to get the felonious fire going, those are much simpler bread crumb trails to follow.


                • The 2024 election will be the most important election in the history of the US. Unfortunately it will be ripe with election fraud by the Dems. I believe we will see record numbers of votes in this election, maybe to the point of outnumbering registered voters. It takes so long to address and correct election fraud, that the proclaimed winner will have served their full term before the investigations and courts can hear the case and make judgement.

                  While the politicians and media complicate the true effect of this coming election, it really breaks down to one simple decision for Americans.

                  if you want America to remain a constitutional republic- vote Trump.

                  If you want America to be a socialist country- vote Biden.


                  • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post
                    The 2024 election will be the most important election in the history of the US. Unfortunately it will be ripe with election fraud by the Dems. I believe we will see record numbers of votes in this election, maybe to the point of outnumbering registered voters. It takes so long to address and correct election fraud, that the proclaimed winner will have served their full term before the investigations and courts can hear the case and make judgement.

                    While the politicians and media complicate the true effect of this coming election, it really breaks down to one simple decision for Americans.

                    if you want America to remain a constitutional republic- vote Trump.

                    If you want America to be a socialist country- vote Biden.
                    The Dems are crooked. I also like how when someone brings up fraud, the response is always, "but its not enough to sway an election". My rebuttal to that is "then why do they do it?" Seriously, if the fraud is never enough to sway an election, then why do the people doing it, do it?

                    I think everything they've pulled in the past, while maybe it didn't sway an election was to test the cheating systems and paint a narrative in people's minds so that when they actually do go full bore, they have a better chance at getting away with it. They will do it this year. No doubt in my mind.
                    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                    • It all started when Gregg Marshall was wrongly accused and lost his job. It comes full circle to now a former President and current GOP nominee has been convicted of something that’s not even a crime. The American Judicial System is compromised.

                      I just don’t understand how anyone could ever vote for a Democrat after this.

                      Free DJT.


                      • He's brought it all on himself. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut after the votes were counted Nov, 2016 and he'd be finishing up his second term and folks would likely be voting for a very nice Conservative candidate in 2024.

                        Ya'll like believing in conspiracy theories; well how about the one where Trump is actually working for the Dims? He's been great for them!


                        • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                          When our political leaders stray from the constitution by ignoring it's content and defy supreme court rulings. It's no longer a matter of the system being messed up. It's a matter of not following the system.
                          Our founding fathers were very smart dudes. They saw how other societies were taken over by tyrants and then formed our constitution to shield against tyrannical takeovers. Dems for years have put a high priority on supreme court justices who legislate from the bench. Once Trump placed a majority of judges who follow the Constitution on the supreme court, Joe and the Dems only move to further their socialist empire, is to defy the constitution and ignore the supreme court rulings.

                          If I put a delivery system in place that works well, but one day an employee decides to stray from my system and do as he pleases, it's not the system that's messed up, it's a bad cog in the system.
                          And believe me, we have way too many bad cogs in our system. We need to replace those bad cogs with cogs who follow the system. Cogs who will prioritize and push God, Family then Country to its citizens.
                          That actually was my point. The system is messed up because people want that. Trump is a disruptor in our political process. He has been elected the candidate by half of voting America because most of his supporters want a disruptor. He would never have been elected 20, 30, or 40 years ago, but most people today don’t want a typical politician or problem solver.

                          Typical Republicans (or people who would have fit that past profile) who refuse to vote and support Trump seem to be stuck in the past and wish for a typical establishment type of political candidate.


                          • Good read from Guy Benson, a gay conservative.


                            • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                              That actually was my point. The system is messed up because people want that. Trump is a disruptor in our political process. He has been elected the candidate by half of voting America because most of his supporters want a disruptor. He would never have been elected 20, 30, or 40 years ago, but most people today don’t want a typical politician or problem solver.

                              Typical Republicans (or people who would have fit that past profile) who refuse to vote and support Trump seem to be stuck in the past and wish for a typical establishment type of political candidate.
                              I don't agree with your rationale here. Our system of government worked very well until the Obama/Biden administration loaded government agencies with leftists who do everything in their power to make America a one party rule.
                              That is what Trump is disrupting, not the system laid out in our constitution, but the government agencies who have been loaded with leftist ideology and act to change America. EPA is a prime example. Congress hasn't made laws to ban appliances or vehicles, it was all done for the "good of the environment", regardless of what the public wants.
                              That is only one small example of the BS that Trump is fighting. But he is not fighting anything that is protected under the constitution.


                              • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                                I don't agree with your rationale here. Our system of government worked very well until the Obama/Biden administration loaded government agencies with leftists who do everything in their power to make America a one party rule.
                                That is what Trump is disrupting, not the system laid out in our constitution, but the government agencies who have been loaded with leftist ideology and act to change America. EPA is a prime example. Congress hasn't made laws to ban appliances or vehicles, it was all done for the "good of the environment", regardless of what the public wants.
                                That is only one small example of the BS that Trump is fighting. But he is not fighting anything that is protected under the constitution.
                                I never said he was disrupting our Constitutional system. I said he was disrupting the political process. Not even close.

