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  • Originally posted by wufan View Post
    Hey MVJ! Good to hear from you!!!! What’d you think about the TarHeels getting Evansvilled?
    Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
    Watched it, loved it. Actually, I'd love to see E-Ville finally run the table in the Valley and kill the Bears dreams of finally getting into the dance.
    Did the TarHeels get Evansvilled too or just Kentucky?


    • As someone who never served, please allow me to express my humble gratitude to each and every one of you that so proudly served this great country of ours. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Perhaps it did at some point in our history, but certainly not now.

      Thank you, and God Bless each and every one of you.


      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

        No, it ain't nobodies business for sure. Certainly not smug a**holes.

        I was a member of the Squadron VAW-122 SteelJaws. We performed early warning exercises in the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans using E2C Hawkeye aircraft aboard the USS Forrestal, better known to most of us military personnel as the USS "Forrestfire!" She was finally put to rest (decomissioned) in '93. I know the people I served would have wanted nothing to do with an anti-american POS like vindman.
        Hey! In 1988, I was on the USS Wadsworth on a reserve deployment, and we plane guarded the Forrestal during five days of flight ops! Nothing to do as a sonar tech when your fast frigate is busting ass trying to keep up with a carrier. Every sonar tech just grabbed lawn chairs and watched an extended five day air show!

        As a sonar tech, I was always on a tin can, but my favorite thing was always plane guarding. Only did it a few times.

        The thing about the Forrestal was I watched Trial by Fire about 100 times. I haven't seen it in almost 30 years but I still remember the line, "The Chief is dead."
        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


        • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
          As someone who never served, please allow me to express my humble gratitude to each and every one of you that so proudly served this great country of ours. Your sacrifice does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Perhaps it did at some point in our history, but certainly not now.

          Thank you, and God Bless each and every one of you.
          I really get uncomfortable with the "Thanks for your service" stuff. So does my wife. I never got close to anything I'd consider combat. I floated around Granada for a couple of days. That was it.

          My wife On the other hand, was deployed during the Gulf War and had scuds hit within a mile of her at KKMC in Saudi Arabia. We were dating at the time, she was deployed at a field hospital and the whole thing messed with her. She broke up with me when she got home, saying that there had to be more to life then what she was doing. It took six months to get back together, then I married her as quickly as possible so she couldn't change her mind.

          Five kids later, we're very happy. As I said, we are both uncomfortable with the "Thanks for your service" sentiment. We just did what we did when we were young and it helped pay for college. We don'tdo the free breakfast thing on Veterans Day, nothing. That is, except we do take the 10% discount at Lowes. And we park in their veterans parking. Nothing like cheap tools and a close parking stall!
          There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


          • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

            Hey! In 1988, I was on the USS Wadsworth on a reserve deployment, and we plane guarded the Forrestal during five days of flight ops! Nothing to do as a sonar tech when your fast frigate is busting ass trying to keep up with a carrier. Every sonar tech just grabbed lawn chairs and watched an extended five day air show!

            As a sonar tech, I was always on a tin can, but my favorite thing was always plane guarding. Only did it a few times.

            The thing about the Forrestal was I watched Trial by Fire about 100 times. I haven't seen it in almost 30 years but I still remember the line, "The Chief is dead."
            We served proudly.

            One other thing about the Forrestal: Did John McCain ignite the flame that resulted in the deaths of so many sailors? I had read that somewhere, briefly...
            Last edited by ShockingButTrue; November 21, 2019, 04:23 AM.


            • Originally posted by revenge_of_shocka_khan View Post

              It does to me.

              You were in the military, thanks for your service.. You earned the right to your opinion of Lt. Col. Vinman.

              Shocking but true apparently did not.

              I fi nd it offensive when someone who never served our country speaks of anyone in the military in that manner.

              In fact, it would seem that the tone of his criticism would be remindful of what our troops experienced after they came home from Viet Nam.

              I would take offense if someone who never served used those kinds of words to describe anyone in my family . I believe you exercised a little more restraint in your criticism. Of Officer Vinman, and that is exactly the point I was making.
              I 100% disagree with you! Serving in the military does not earn you the right to have an opinion of an agenda-driven person like Vindman. I didn't serve in the military, but I am a huge supporter of the military and believe strongly in the importance of the military and honor those who have served.

              However, you are equating attacking an individual for their actions as an attack on the entire military or an attack on their service. That is simply not the case. I can 100% support the military, and at the same time criticize someone for their actions. Just because someone served our country does not give them a lifetime pass! They are still accountable for their actions! Using your logic a military veteran could commit heinous crimes like Jeffrey Epstein and we shouldn't criticize that person unless we also served in the military.

              I would have your back if ShockingButTrue was attacking Vindman for his military service and looking down on him because of simply serving in the military. But this is the exact opposite. ShockingButTrue is saying Vindman, because of his arrogance, doesn't deserve the respect normally granted to someone that has served.


              • I have great respect for all he who served our country honorably in the military especially those who have served in combat. One of our most very important freedoms that these fine men and women fought to protect is our freedom of speech. I find it a bit ironic when one of these fine men or women choose to attack the very freedom they fought to defend. Admittedly, freedom of speech is one of most difficult to defend when someone's speech pisses you off. Unfortunately, freedom of speech is under more assault these days from within and the erosion of the freedom appear to accelerating. As others have said serving honorably in the military should be respected and we should be honored and supported. But also as others say that doesn't exempt you from criticism for your actions whether in military service or outside military service. Whether the criticism is warranted or not is where the debate should be focused. Not just dismissed because the target wears or has worn the uniform of our military. The government certainly has had no problems going after Lt. General Mike Flynn.


                • revenge_of_shocka_khan, according to your value system, if you didn't serve in the military you no longer have a right to challenge ShockingButTrue's political opinions.
                  Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                  • The methods used in the Kavenaugh hearing is becoming mainstream today. Oregon Congressman calls out a boycott on Sondland hotels and then calls it off after Gordon Sondland changes his testimony to what is acceptable to Democrats.



                    • Ugh
                      Livin the dream


                      • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

                        Hey! In 1988, I was on the USS Wadsworth on a reserve deployment, and we plane guarded the Forrestal during five days of flight ops! Nothing to do as a sonar tech when your fast frigate is busting ass trying to keep up with a carrier. Every sonar tech just grabbed lawn chairs and watched an extended five day air show!

                        As a sonar tech, I was always on a tin can, but my favorite thing was always plane guarding. Only did it a few times.

                        The thing about the Forrestal was I watched Trial by Fire about 100 times. I haven't seen it in almost 30 years but I still remember the line, "The Chief is dead."
                        First, WuDrWu thanks for that, it was a pleasure serving.

                        MoValley John - What a great post! This is almost exactly the type of veteran that I am... I suspect there are more of us out there than we realize. I served as a helicopter mechanic in the Corps. I did my "four for the Corps," active duty, stationed in San Diego, and deployed once but spent the entirety of my deployment in an air conditioned hanger turning wrenches. Like you, I get uncomfortable when thanked for my service, and only ask for a discount at Lowe's (get with the time, Home Depot!). I loved my time in the Marines, but ultimately knew that I wanted to go to college, couldn't afford it, and didn't want to take out student loans... the United States Military felt like a solid option for a person like me, and I don't regret my decision at all...

                        That being said, I do get frustrated with the "student loan forgiveness" talk from the democrats... First and foremost, how can you forgive something that you're currently doing? Imagine offering reparations while slavery was still in existence. It seems duplicitous to forgive something while doing it... maybe my priest can offer an explanation the next time I'm in confession. But secondly, had I known they were going to forgive student loans anyway, I wouldn't have ever joined the Marines! Sure would be nice to get those four years back...

                        Nevertheless, God bless you all, God bless the Wichita State Shockers, God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America!


                        • Originally posted by WichitaStateGuy View Post
                          Nevertheless, God bless you all, God bless the Wichita State Shockers, God bless President Trump, and God bless the United States of America!

                          P.S.- too little too late for Spencer.

                          Last edited by ShockingButTrue; November 24, 2019, 06:05 PM.


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