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    Maybe cnn has turned the corner... Nahhh, what other choice did they have? Absolutely a sane and true perspective.

    It's kind of shocking that don lemon didn't debate the guy. And surprising.
    Last edited by Kung Wu; February 26, 2019, 08:12 AM.


    • They better hurry and get cohen up there on capital hill before the Korea's sign an official declaration of peace, as is being reported.


      • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
        They better hurry and get cohen up there on capital hill before the Korea's sign an official declaration of peace, as is being reported.

        It's a bad day to be a TDS'er.

        They just keep losing and losing and losing. It's like the 2016 election stuck on groundhog day mode.

        There's a saying in trading that you don't bet against the trend. Fortunately for me there are an unlimited supply of people willing to step in front of that freight train. Then I take their money.

        Trump voters are getting paid every single day they get outta bed.




        • Cohen is going to jail for lying to Congress.............but first, the Dems want him to go testify before Congress again.


        • The President is off to a good start.

          Welcome news for the aerospace industry in the US:


          • WuDrWu
            WuDrWu commented
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            Can't these little Asian bastards all squeeze onto a couple of trains or take some rickshaws instead? Seriously, it's gettin' ought in air.

            Gotta keep that climate temp down down down yanowhaimsayin?

          • C0|dB|00ded
            C0|dB|00ded commented
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            Whoa! Hot racist take! Hopefully you're an equally opportunity assailant. I abhor discriminatory racism. Awaiting jokes involving watermelons and chicken next!



          • WuDrWu
            WuDrWu commented
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            Could be meter needs calibrating? #TooCloseToCall

        • Whenever the name Cohen comes up, all I can think about is a guy that's going (needs) to have an "accident".





          • The Dims are all congratulating Trump on not signing a deal with N. Korea. 2020 would have been game-set-match if he had. There's still time. Trump and Rodman need to take Kim to Las Vegas and get him a bunch of hookers and blow and explain to him that he can have all this in N. Korea if he'll just drop the bombs (pun intended).




          • OMG - Trump is absolutely killing it at CPAC
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • Thadd Ernstmeyer, 52, a plumber who voted twice for Obama and then for Trump, said people wanted the Democrats to stop badgering Trump and instead tackle issues such as medical bills and jobs.

              Last edited by Kung Wu; March 5, 2019, 02:36 PM.


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                Thadd Ernstmeyer, 52, a plumber who voted twice for Obama and then for Trump, said people wanted the Democrats to stop badgering Trump and instead tackle issues such as medical bills and jobs.


                Not only that, but they need to stop the hate too...



                • Over a year ago, my wife Mary and I moved from Florida to a tiny town in the hills of West Virginia to be closer to our ailing parents; population 500. There are five churches in town. I enjoyed the town's patriotic July 4th parade and their faith-based Christmas parade.

                  worth the read


                  • Fact-checkers at the Washington Post report that President Trump has made more than 10,000 false or misleading claims since Inauguration Day.

                    This just in: "Trump surpasses 10,000 false or misleading claims"

                    In other news: The collective mainstream media surpasses 10,000,000...




                    • Joseph Yun, the former State Department Special Representative for North Korea, confirmed Monday that he signed an agreement to pay North Korea $2 million for the release of American student Otto Warmbier in 2017.

                      Read the first few paragraphs of this and my blood started to boil. I don't care how bad of a TDS affliction you suffer from, you don't make public statements like this. American lives are at stake.




                    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                      This just in: "Trump surpasses 10,000 false or misleading claims"

                      In other news: The collective mainstream media surpasses 10,000,000...


                      I call BS. That’s 125 lies per day...everyday!
                      Livin the dream


                      • wufan
                        wufan commented
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                        I didn’t have an extra zero. He’s been in office a little over 800 days. 12 per day would only be 1000. See if you can find 12 maybe lies today.
                        Last edited by wufan; April 30, 2019, 06:18 PM.

                      • jdshock
                        jdshock commented
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                        It's 100% not a big deal, and it really doesn't matter. But to be clear, 800*12=9600.

                      • wufan
                        wufan commented
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                        Thank you jdshock. My mistake! If only I had learned common core math.

                    • All kidding aside... I'd like someone to point out 10 irrefutable lies Trump has committed since he's been in office. I'll be surprised if anybody can find 10.

                      The Fake News media has been calling every single Trump boast as a lie since day one. Trump has said a million times that he's going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. The FN media counts each occurrence of that boast/taunt/"promise" as a lie. It in fact is not and has never been. Now, if Trump said today that he HAS built the wall and Mexico HAS fully paid for it, then that would be a lie. There are a million examples of this. Trump is a salesman, BS artist, and finally, a New Yorker.

                      Lemme see what you've got JD.




                      • C0|dB|00ded
                        C0|dB|00ded commented
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                        The Fake News media should be as honest as you were right now. America would be a far better place.

                        To call a person a liar is a serious charge - you better be able to prove it! And as you just found out, it ain't easy.

                        And for the record: Trump can be for "pre-existing conditions coverage" and be involved in a lawsuit against other forms of pre-existing conditions coverage at the same time.

                        Any legislator that would be for allowing the populace to sign up for "insurance" after they've received a cancer diagnosis (when they passed on a previous open enrollment) is suffering from far greater lapses in cosmic comprehension than Trump ever will.



                      • jdshock
                        jdshock commented
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                        It was not that I "just found out" how hard it is to prove something is a lie; it's that I just found out what your standard is.

                        In a criminal trial, you have a chance to depose the defendant, which is how you can establish actual intent or actual knowledge relating to the falsity of the statement. And to be clear, your loophole about knowing what the person actually believed at the time of saying the statement is exactly why perjury is a tough crime to prove. That is not how it works in everyday life, though.

                        If a friend of mine says to me "I slept with a supermodel last night," and he says this to me on 10 different occasions, and in each instance I can show a picture where that supermodel was very clearly across the country on each given night... well, my friend is a liar. And I will call him a liar because he told me a falsehood (multiple times) where he should have clearly known the underlying truth. But in a criminal proceeding, he may get off because he may have actually believed the woman he picked up at the bar was the supermodel in question.

                        It's an Occam's Razor situation. If I can show you 10 irrefutable falsehoods (which, by the way, the WaPo article doesn't say "lies") from Trump, the simple answer is that Trump is intentionally trying to mislead people. But if you prefer to jump through hundreds of hoops so that you can say "well, Trump isn't informed about history" or "Trump forgot" or "Trump doesn't know what his staff does" or whatever it is, then by all means it's going to be a pretty ridiculous conversation back and forth since I can't establish those things based on what is in the public domain. When Trump says Ted Cruz's dad was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination, it's a lie because Trump has absolutely no credible knowledge that should make him believe it. It is incredibly obvious that his statement was made without any regard for the actual truth. But, because I'm sure Trump actually believed it, it's not a "lie" under your standards.

                        To me, hundreds and hundreds of false statements mean (i) you're a liar; and (ii) even if you actually believed every word of it, that's almost the worse offense.

                      • C0|dB|00ded
                        C0|dB|00ded commented
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                        Ehhh. Your latest post doesn't really help you my friend. I liked your initial reaction. Much more honest and cogent.

                        "it's that I just found out what your standard is."

                        Yeah, my standard is a clear lie which the Fake News media portrays as an hourly occurrence with DJT.

                        And the comment about Ted Cruz's father was obviously not a Trump lie; it was dirty pool commonly played by nearly every politician since the beginning of time. I think Hillary's campaign starting the Birther rumors about Obama was far worse as they just made it up outta thin air.

                        The comment came on the heels of an Inquirer story showing a picture of a man looking strikingly similar to Cruz's dad standing next to Oswald. Flimsy for sure, but Trump was on a warpath after one of Cruz's Super PAC's circulated borderline nude pictures of Melania during her modeling days. Trump usually is at his worst in response to someone attacking him. Like THE GREAT Newt Gingrich once said upon discussing Trump's possible run for the presidency: "He's a blue-collar, bar room brawler." The intimation being that Trump won't back down when attacked like all the former Republican presidential candidates whom the Dim's have been tossing around like rag dolls for years had. You poke Mr. Trump and he'll pop you right in the chops taking out a waitress and the maitre d in the process.

