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  • And, in case anyone has a problem with Fox, Washington Post.


    • And at the same time,
      House Democrats Add $1 Billion in Border-Related Spending to Measures to Reopen Government
      from the New York Times.


      • Originally posted by ShockTalk View Post
        Mr. Trump?

        Saying the press is "an enemy of the people" might be kind of far-fetched, but there's not a doubt that a lot of the press is an enemy of the President of the United States, and therefore probably (obviously) the people who voted for him. They are brazenly disdainful of, and to, him (and, again, therefore...). No?

        Maybe some of the 5.5 billion he's asking for can be recouped here:
        Last edited by ShockingButTrue; January 20, 2019, 02:45 PM.


        • Trump is winning Bigly!

          Truth and common sense is winning Bigly!

          That is all.




          • Trump with a huge blow to the Democrat talking point on who owns the shut down? The only valid reason a Democrat can have for not opening the government and funding the wall (given the amazing compromise Trump proposed) is because they can't stand Trump getting another win even if it is good for the country...

            Democrats 100% own the shut down if they turn down this fair compromise that provides humanitarian relief, more judges to process asylum claims, DACA extension/protection, more border partrol officers, and wall funding.
            Last edited by shockfan89_; January 21, 2019, 09:07 AM.


            • Who called for the shutdown? Who was going to own it? Who was going to take the mantel for owning it?

              That is who needs to end the shutdown and just shut up.


              • wufan
                wufan commented
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                Is that really where you are going to set your goal posts? And for what purpose? Are you really against what Trump is proposing, or just against Trump?

              • C0|dB|00ded
                C0|dB|00ded commented
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                Isn't it obvious? His talking points come straight from Libtard Central.



              • shockfan89_
                shockfan89_ commented
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                Basically Trump stepped up and said you wimps have let this go on for 30 years and didn't have the guts to step up and do what is necessary. If it means shutting down the government to get it done, then blame me.

                That doesn't mean he is responsible for the length of the shut down, it means he did the adult thing to force Congress to finally act on something that should have been resolved decades ago. Thank goodness we actually have a leader in office, someone that is willing to do the right thing for the country and it's citizens, even if it isn't popular or if polling data says it could be controversial!!!

            • Jim Cramer says technology executives are telling him off camera that they support the Trump administration's hawkish approach to trade with China.

              Technology executives are telling CNBC’s Jim Cramer that they’re willing to endure short-term pain from the U.S.-China trade war in favor of the long-term payoff.

              “When I went out to San Francisco last week, I heard the same thing from a surprising number of people in the tech industry who do not like President [Donald] Trump one bit, ” the “Mad Money” host said Monday.

              “What they said was ‘If we’re going to take on China, now’s the time to do it,’” he said. “They may not be fans of the president, but they’re on board with the trade war.”
              “I think it’s because the Chinese economy has never been more vulnerable than it is right now, and our economy has rarely been this strong,” he explained. “If we’re ever going to do anything about China, this is the perfect time. If we’re ever going to stop them from forcing our companies into dubious joint ventures that represent ridiculous technology transfers and often outright theft, this is the moment.”
              Common sense, courageous leadership. Even the spoiled children of Silicon Valley cannot deny the positive impact Trump is having on this great nation. Imagine what their boy Hillary would be doing today on the issue...




              • wufan
                wufan commented
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                Those memes are pretty good

            • Further, concerning the media and their objective reporting, here's a diverse take that probably wouldn't be granted a voice in a healthy debate:

              Tucker Carlson addressed the media's quick trigger in prematurely vilifying a group of Catholic students wearing MAGA hats in a now-viral video.

              These high school kids are taking some serious blows in the media world. But all that will be spouted is "But, Charlottesville..." referring, of course, to when the President said there are bad people on both sides. BUT NOOO (qeueing Belushi) that's not a part of the conversation. Why bother, indeed...


              • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post
                Further, concerning the media and their objective reporting, here's a diverse take that probably wouldn't be granted a voice in a healthy debate:


                These high school kids are taking some serious blows in the media world. But all that will be spouted is "But, Charlottesville..." referring, of course, to when the President said there are bad people on both sides. BUT NOOO (qeueing Belushi) that's not a part of the conversation. Why bother, indeed...
                This is a nasty story. Almost the entire narrative has been demonstrated to be the opposite of what was initially reported. These kids schools have been shut down due to bomb threats and people are calling the colleges these kids applies to in order to get them rejected.

                The original narrative as reported by MSM:
                A catholic school boy wearing a MAGA hat lead a crowd to surround a Native American protest in order to intimidate him. The Native American fellow was performing a healing chant in order to calm the heated racist chants that the mob was spewing at young black men teaching from the Bible and protesting oppression.

                The factual 2+ hour videotaped circumstances:
                The black Hebrew Israelites were yelling racist and homophobic vitriol at catholic school boys waiting for their bus. In order to overcome these taunts, the school kids, wearing MAGA hats, starting doing school cheers. Several members of a completed Native American protest approached the kids in order to stand in solidarity with the racist black men and banged a drum in the face of one student for several minutes until the student left. During this time several other students danced to the drum beat while a fellow Native American protestor told the kids to go back to Europe.
                Livin the dream


                • shockfan89_
                  shockfan89_ commented
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                  I hope the boys and families sue for libel and slander and all become multi-millionaires.

              • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                the school kids, wearing MAGA hats, starting doing school cheers.
                Without getting into any of the other details, you truly believe a school whose mascot is the "Colonels" would have the "Tomahawk Chop" as one of their chants? I think you're overstating the innocence of the teenagers' side.


                • WstateU
                  WstateU commented
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                  Probably a bunch of Chiefs fans...

              • Why do Democrats hate Catholics so much?
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • Originally posted by jdshock View Post

                  Without getting into any of the other details, you truly believe a school whose mascot is the "Colonels" would have the "Tomahawk Chop" as one of their chants? I think you're overstating the innocence of the teenagers' side.
                  Just. Stop. The way this story was framed is sickening. The left, including you, needs to be ashamed and running from this story. You really need to get away from this mess as fast as you can, but I guess when someone like you, is entrenched as much as you are, are simply blinded.

                  You just might approve of Sarah Beatty offering a blow job to anyone that punches a 16 year-old minor in the face.
                  There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                  • I was appalled when I saw the two minute video of a 16 year-old taunting a Native American. I was more appalled when I saw the entire video showing adults relentlessly taunting high school students. Funny how it took a few days for the truth to come out. Disgusting the lengths the left will now go.
                    There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                    • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post

                      Just. Stop. The way this story was framed is sickening. The left, including you, needs to be ashamed and running from this story. You really need to get away from this mess as fast as you can, but I guess when someone like you, is entrenched as much as you are, are simply blinded.

                      You just might approve of Sarah Beatty offering a blow job to anyone that punches a 16 year-old minor in the face.
                      I figured this would be a story you'd be particularly passionate about. Welcome back.

                      This is certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I think you'll see that I did not share the earlier video on here. I haven't said anything about the topic. Even now, I'm not defending anybody involved. I was just giving wufan the exact same advice you're giving me: maybe don't put all your eggs in the basket that the teenagers were angelic, altruistic, champions for justice.

                      I don't know at all what you think I'm blind to. Please, enlighten me.


                      • Not all that passionate about this story, just very surprised that any liberal would be stupid enough to chime in when the facts of the story were proven to be completely falsified by the left. In this case, the left took a two minute snippet and tried to frame a story. The half hour video flips the whole thing on its ear.

                        And you don't have the sense to leave teenagers alone. Really? Talk about entrenched! Who taunts teenagers? The left. We shouldn't be going after them, they're teenagers. And even if they "tomahawk chopped" you can't criticize that without looking at what they endured. By bringing up the teenagers, you are attempting to defend the actions of the instigators? So how many taunts must they endure before they respond? Six? Sixty? Six hundred? Or as a grown ass adult, you are giving a free pass to any and all taunts leveled at a bunch of kids, but then point out their failed response? Classic!

                        So I ask you this, how do you defend the Sunday morning narrative? You can't. How do you defend the offer of a blow job for anyone that will punch a 16 year-old in the face? You can't. How do you defend racist, homophobic taunts being hurled at teenagers? You can't. But you, a grown ass man, have the balls to criticize a group of kids that were thrown into a shitstorm. A shitstorm most adults couldn't navigate. Really?
                        There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.

