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  • It's just about time for Kick Off!!! Finally, a little relief from all of the ugly politics of hate...

    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; September 9, 2018, 09:36 AM.


    • Back to our regularly scheduled programming...

      Former President Obama gave the nation some insights into the Democratic Party’s midterm election strategy Friday with a political speech demonizing Americans who elected Donald Trump as president and doubling down on the failed liberal ideology that devastated our economy.

      In a moment reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s outrageous characterization of Trump voters as “deplorable” and “irredeemable,” President Obama said: “I have to say this … Over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party.”

      Labeling the 63 million Trump voters as “deplorable” and “irredeemable” didn’t work out for Hillary Clinton when she ran a failed presidential campaign against Trump in 2016. Labeling the same voters as divisive, resentful and paranoid will not work for Democrats in the November midterm elections.

      Democrats continually demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding and active demonization of Trump voters. They are clearly wrong but don’t realize they’re wrong.

      I traveled the country in search of the Trump voter for my book, “The New American Revolution: The Making of a Populist Movement.”

      Here is what I found: a mother who lost her only son to an illegal immigrant; a wife whose husband died while languishing on a waitlist for health-care from the Department of Veterans Affairs; a mom whose entire family perished in a terrorist attack; factory workers whose jobs went overseas; and so many other great Americans who wanted change – a change from the Obama presidency.

      These are some of the millions of Americans who made Donald Trump our president in an election that the liberal media, pollsters, and political elite never saw coming. They never saw it coming because they never took the time to talk to voters and understand their one simple request: “change.”

      As I wrote previously: “In every single one of the twenty-seven states where CNN conducted exit and entrance polls during the Republican primaries, more than 80% of the Republican electorate felt angry or dissatisfied with the federal government. In total, just shy of 90% of Republican voters overall expressed a negative view of the federal government.”

      In the states where CNN asked the same question of Democrats, an average 61 percent of Democratic voters had a negative view of the federal government! Interestingly, the highest level of Democratic frustration was in the state of Michigan, where 69 percent of voters reported frustration with the federal government. Michigan, of course, voted for Trump after 30 years of going blue.
      LOL this article is golden...

      GO BUMMER GOOOO! Speak non-stop until the mid-term elections PLEASE!


      Blue-collar jobs are growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, helping fuel a hiring boom in many small towns and rural areas that are strong supporters of President Trump ahead of November's midterm elections.

      Jobs in goods-producing industries — mining, construction and manufacturing — grew 3.3 percent in the year preceding July, the best rate since 1984, according to a Washington Post analysis.

      Blue-collar jobs, long a small and shrinking part of the U.S. economy, are now growing at a faster clip than those in the nation's much larger service economy. Many factors collided to produce the blue-collar boom. Some are linked to short-term boom-and-bust cycles, but others may endure.

      The rapid hiring in blue-collar sectors is delivering benefits to areas that turned out heavily for Trump in the 2016 election, according to the Brookings Institution, a shift from earlier in this expansion, when large and midsize cities experienced most of the gains.
      Trashy WAPO starts out with a legitimate news article. Of course it wasn't going to get past the editorial desk without tossing in a dash of Libtard opinion, otherwise known as Fake News.

      “Small towns and rural America are finally winning a little,” said Mark Muro, a senior fellow at Brookings, but he added: “Very little of the favorable economic shift likely owes to President Trump's erratic flailing and bluster.”

      But Muro says that "the present surge is a continuation of gradual economic improvement that not only began during the Obama years but directly continues trends in the last year of the previous administration." The economy has added fewer jobs per month, on average, than it did during President Barack Obama's second term.
      This second part is Fake News with a whopper of a lie as a cherry on top.

      But hey, I wanted to applaud the WAPO for at least trying to be a reputable news source for the first third of the article.




      • ShockingButTrue
        ShockingButTrue commented
        Editing a comment
        ... and the liar even tried to kiss the media's a** too. He must think we're either blind or stupid, or both... Oh, wait...

    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
      Back to our regularly scheduled programming...

      Former President Obama gave the nation some insights into the Democratic Party’s midterm election strategy Friday with a political speech demonizing Americans who elected Donald Trump as president and doubling down on the failed liberal ideology that devastated our economy.

      LOL this article is golden...

      GO BUMMER GOOOO! Speak non-stop until the mid-term elections PLEASE!


      Trashy WAPO starts out with a legitimate news article. Of course it wasn't going to get past the editorial desk without tossing in a dash of Libtard opinion, otherwise known as Fake News.


      This second part is Fake News with a whopper of a lie as a cherry on top.

      But hey, I wanted to applaud the WAPO for at least trying to be a reputable news source for the first third of the article.


      It's just silly that you refer to people from Brookings as a "libtard" opinion. THIS is the kind of thing that makes for more division. If I'm not reading Breitbart, I'm reading the "liberal MSM!"


    • It's amazing how the message from the liberals and never Trumpers was that the United States was doomed. Krugman and Summers look like idiots. Tons of these articles.

      Foreign tourism to New York City is set to rise 3.6 percent this year — defying yet another of the many doomsday predictions about Donald Trump’s presidency. Back in February, the city tourism agen…

      Now they have changed their tune to Trump is unfit for office. The attacks continue non-stop but we are on one of our biggest economic surges in history. I don't know how the economic negotiations will end, but China is struggling so far, while the US is booming. I had my questions too, but I have to admit that Trump has done what people who voted for him hoped for. More drama than I would like but the end result seems to be GREAT.

      On the other hand, Kudlow is a real gem.


      • Breaking News, Latest News and Current News from Breaking news and video. Latest Current News: U.S., World, Entertainment, Health, Business, Technology, Politics, Sports.

        Cuban-American Republican Maria Elvira Salazar, who's running for a U.S. House seat in Miami, said Monday that Carrey and Sen. Bernie Sanders "have no idea what they're talking about."

        She called on both to take a trip to Cuba and live with a poor family who does not have running water or electricity after decades under the Castro regime.

        "In a week they will really figure out what socialism looks like," she said, adding that being a conservative does not mean being "cruel."

        "We all want our kids to go to wonderful schools. We all want every single American to have a good health care system or coverage, but we cannot expect - in order to help the poor and needy - for the whole country to become needy and poor," said Salazar.
        The Republican party needs to fill the halls of Congress and the House of Representatives with immigrants from Socialist countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. It will be game, set, match on this wellspring of economic stupidity in America.

        I have a homework assignment for my Leftist Shockernet friends: Please find me one American immigrant (from a Socialist country) who's run for political office under their native country's political affiliation. It doesn't happen. You know why? Because they have lived the experiment and know it to be a fool's paradise.

        And just in case you want to bring up somebody from the tiny Nordic countries... they're not quite as Socialist as you might think.

        As much as liberals like to use Nordic countries as examples that socialism and successful societies can co-exist, the reality is that these countries are not socialist, or even farther along the spectrum toward socialism than most other developed countries.

        To the extent that the left wants to point to an example of successful socialism, not just generous welfare states, the Nordic countries are actually a poor case to cite. Regardless of the perception, in reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.

        First, it is worth noting that the Nordic counties were economic successes before they built their welfare states. Those productive economies, generating good incomes for their workers, allowed the governments to raise the tax revenue needed to pay for the social benefits. It was not the government benefits that created wealth, but wealth that allowed the luxury of such generous government programs.

        Second, as evidence of the lack of government interference in business affairs, there is the fact that none of these countries have minimum wage laws. Unions are reasonably powerful in many industries and negotiate contracts, but the government does nothing to ensure any particular outcome from those negotiations. Workers are paid what they are worth, not based on government’s perception of what is fair.

        A third example of Nordic commitment to free markets can be found in Sweden which has complete school choice. The government provides families with vouchers for each child. These vouchers can be used to attend regular public schools, government-run charter schools, or private, for-profit schools. Clearly, the use of government funds to pay for private, for-profit schools is the opposite of socialism.

        We can also confirm these isolated facts by looking at a comprehensive measure of capitalism relative to socialism. The Fraser Institute, a Vancouver-based, pro-free market, think tank, compiles a worldwide ranking of countries called the economic freedom index. Its website explains that its ranking “is an effort to identify how closely the institutions and policies of a country correspond with a limited government ideal, where the government protects property rights and arranges for the provision of a limited set of “public goods” such as national defense and access to money of sound value, but little beyond these core functions.” Clearly, a socialist country should perform poorly in any ranking based on these principles.

        What we find, however, is the Nordic countries rank quite high on this index of economic freedom. In fact, while Hong Kong and Singapore top the list and the U.S. ranks 12th, we can find the Nordic countries in quite respectable rankings. Denmark ranks 15, Finland 17, Norway 25, and Sweden 27. In terms of numerical scores, Sweden is only 5% lower than the U.S. For further comparison, South Korea and Japan, both considered fairly pro-free market, rank 32 and 39, respectively.
        P.S. Why doesn't the Canadian Jim Carrey get the F out of Dodge and run back home to "paradise"? He can leave the $150 million he made in America behind on his way out too. Canada is a funny place. The entire population is equal to California yet they enjoy Saudi Arabianesque levels of oil reserves (#3 in the world behind KSA). This tiny, tiny, populace with its extremely rich natural resource base can't even afford to supply national healthcare without employing brutal rationing policies. And Libtards think the United States with its 300 million+ can? *sigh*




        • We need JDShock and 'Crazy to recruit more players for their team. This thread is starting to look like the Shocker - Houston home game last year. We need equal representation under Shockernet law. I wonder if this thread would remain civil with more Libbies in it? I doubt it, JD is a special one.

          The few liberal contributions we get in this thread are short and explosive - like someone popping in to scream and then running off.




          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
            This thread is starting to look like the Shocker - Houston home game last year.
            Are you sure you don't mean the one down in Houston that was ugly, a waste of time, and just disappointing start to finish?


            • C0|dB|00ded
              C0|dB|00ded commented
              Editing a comment
              NO! Layup city! :)



          • Trump's economic council speaks on the current state of the economy and shuts down, once and for all (I wish), the Fake News media's narrative of the current economic trend being a continuation of the 'Bum trend.

            The press is speechless afterwards attempting to parry into other topics that could be construed as negative (i.e. rising CPI - which got shut down, Trump 100 years Tweet - which got shut down).

            If this press conference could just be ran as a commercial between episodes of Game of Thrones and Big Bang Theory... much peace could be restored in this great nation.




          • Some economists predict wage growth will top 3% within a few months. And by early next year it could start edging up toward this century’s high water mark of 3.6%.

            “The labor market is tight. That is a reality,” said Tom Porcelli, chief U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets.

            Many companies, especially smaller ones, are howling about a shortage of skilled labor. Some desperate to keep baby boomers from retiring and others have resorted to hiring ex-felons and other job candidates they normally would shun.

            Witness the ongoing decline in what’s known as the “real” rate of unemployment to a 17-year low of 7.4%. Officially known as the U6 rate, it adds to the number of unemployed Americans those who can only find part-time work as well as discouraged job seekers that gave up looking.

            That’s not all. High-school dropouts, for example, “are enjoying their best job prospects since record-keeping began in 1992, with their jobless rate around 5.5%,” said Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets.

            Here’s another sign. Some 14% of the people who said they were unemployed in August had left their jobs voluntarily, the highest level in almost 18 years, according to the government’s employment report for August that came out last Friday.

            In other words, they quit to take better-paying jobs elsewhere. That’s what happens when unemployment sinks and companies have to draw from a shrinking pool of workers.
            He warned us about all this...




            • All this positive economic news has me positively giddy. I think it's time for some more video memories!




              • Kung Wu
                Kung Wu commented
                Editing a comment
                Holy crap. 3rd video, jump to 19:47. I never have seen this video before. Good golly.

              • C0|dB|00ded
                C0|dB|00ded commented
                Editing a comment
                "He's a blue-collar bar room brawler" - Newt Gingrich



            • surprise-monkey.jpg
              "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


              • We need JDShock and 'Crazy to recruit more players for their team. This thread is starting to look like the Shocker - Houston home game last year. We need equal representation under Shockernet law. I wonder if this thread would remain civil with more Libbies in it?
                Some times I do feel like simply giving a Trump quote every day. But that would be like yelling at the wall hoping it changes its color. If you still think Trump is more intelligent than you, who I am to convince you otherwise? It is beyond my power, and for all I know you are right.

                If you believe the President is:
                • Smart
                • Attractive
                • Rich
                • Financially brilliant
                • A better military mind than our generals
                • Wise
                • Patriotic
                • Innocent
                • Moral
                • Fighting for the common man
                Then I'm not going to argue with you. I would not know how; I can't conceive of how you could come to some conclusions so I can't argue with them. I could tell you about the time Trump was about leave a Korean trade agreement, and his aides simply took the paper off his desk (mental illness). I could talk about the time he was accused of raping a 13 year old at an Epstein party (moral depravity). I could explain that he has been forced to pay tens of millions for con jobs, like the fact that he earns money each and every he golfs at one of his golf clubs.

                But honestly, if you listen to the man and agree with him, none of that will ever break through. If you can convince yourself the man is smart by listening to him, you can convince yourself of anything else you need to avoid any mental hangups. But, hey, here's a Trump quote for thought. Maybe this time you'll read it and think what I thought: "Holy ----. This man is actually, literally demented." But probably not.

                Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.


                • ShockerPrez
                  ShockerPrez commented
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                  I don't have to believe he is Jesus Christ in order to prefer his plan for America over Hillary's.

              • You should start a blog.
                Livin the dream


                • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post

                  Some times I do feel like simply giving a Trump quote every day. But that would be like yelling at the wall hoping it changes its color. If you still think Trump is more intelligent than you, who I am to convince you otherwise? It is beyond my power, and for all I know you are right.

                  If you believe the President is:
                  • Smart
                  • Attractive
                  • Rich
                  • Financially brilliant
                  • A better military mind than our generals
                  • Wise
                  • Patriotic
                  • Innocent
                  • Moral
                  • Fighting for the common man
                  Then I'm not going to argue with you. I would not know how; I can't conceive of how you could come to some conclusions so I can't argue with them. I could tell you about the time Trump was about leave a Korean trade agreement, and his aides simply took the paper off his desk (mental illness). I could talk about the time he was accused of raping a 13 year old at an Epstein party (moral depravity). I could explain that he has been forced to pay tens of millions for con jobs, like the fact that he earns money each and every he golfs at one of his golf clubs.

                  But honestly, if you listen to the man and agree with him, none of that will ever break through. If you can convince yourself the man is smart by listening to him, you can convince yourself of anything else you need to avoid any mental hangups. But, hey, here's a Trump quote for thought. Maybe this time you'll read it and think what I thought: "Holy ----. This man is actually, literally demented." But probably not.
                  Irony know that any of those descriptors are how I would describe Trump. While I don’t know anything besides what I read about him, he may be a disgusting person (I would argue that Hillary is disgusting too and Obama is not a uniter either). However, he shot the economy into gear for the middle class and created lots of jobs and appears to be increasing incomes by cutting taxes, and regulations. He doesn’t give away our economy to tree huggers, appoints good justices who adhere to the Constitution and many other things.


                  • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post

                    Some times I do feel like simply giving a Trump quote every day. But that would be like yelling at the wall hoping it changes its color. If you still think Trump is more intelligent than you, who I am to convince you otherwise? It is beyond my power, and for all I know you are right.

                    If you believe the President is:
                    • Smart
                    • Attractive
                    • Rich
                    • Financially brilliant
                    • A better military mind than our generals
                    • Wise
                    • Patriotic
                    • Innocent
                    • Moral
                    • Fighting for the common man
                    Then I'm not going to argue with you. I would not know how; I can't conceive of how you could come to some conclusions so I can't argue with them. I could tell you about the time Trump was about leave a Korean trade agreement, and his aides simply took the paper off his desk (mental illness). I could talk about the time he was accused of raping a 13 year old at an Epstein party (moral depravity). I could explain that he has been forced to pay tens of millions for con jobs, like the fact that he earns money each and every he golfs at one of his golf clubs.

                    But honestly, if you listen to the man and agree with him, none of that will ever break through. If you can convince yourself the man is smart by listening to him, you can convince yourself of anything else you need to avoid any mental hangups. But, hey, here's a Trump quote for thought. Maybe this time you'll read it and think what I thought: "Holy ----. This man is actually, literally demented." But probably not.
                    Things I believe:

                    -Donald is a fighter and will not waver on his core principles/agenda (it will appear to those who haven't studied him closely or obtain their perspective via the mainstream media that he is exactly the opposite)
                    -He is a born again Capitalist and Free Market advocate (ditto for the above parenthetical statement especially when it comes to trade)
                    -He is a self-made business man in every sense of the world (if you're laughing at that statement I would advise you watch the following UK-produced documentary at your earliest convenience Trump: An American Dream
                    -That having a business man in the White House immediately after "The Socialist" would be good for disrupting the economic death spiral America was entering
                    -That as bad as the media portrayed the man, I knew he wasn't capable of anything dangerous due to the love he shows for his children.

                    Things I don't believe:

                    -That Donald is a moron
                    -That Donald is an agent for the Russians

                    I find it laughable that people are still posting transcripts of Donald's speaking idiosyncrasies. Anybody with half an ounce of deductive reasoning would discover in very short order that Donald is speaking in a very common New York/New Jerseyan, blue collar dialect (lots of repeating and random interjections). He's spent a lifetime around NJ/NYC commercial construction workers and has admitted publicly that he feels more comfortable around them than corporate/political types. Watch some of Donald's earlier interviews when he was young and he speaks eloquently and intelligently. As he's aged, his linguistic style as evolved (devolved?) for reasons that are his own. I will agree, reading a transcript of him speaking in his signature freestyle manner sounds retarded from a Kansan's perspective. But if you've spent a second around New Yorkers, particularly Italians, you'll understand where it comes from. Think of it like Ebonics but for white New Yorkers. And hearing it live makes a whole bunch more sense than reading it as there are pauses, emotes, and gesticulations that serve to deliver it (reporters know this very well yet continue to exploit the transcripts for dishonest purposes).

                    I'm gonna do you a solid today CBB_Fan, I'm going to heal you of the Fake News spun misconception that Donald is/was/or might be a retarded ape due to the difficulty in reading transcripts of his freestyle commentary. Watch the following videos and you. shall. be. healed.

                    Regarding Donald being smarter than me... that really has no bearing on his capacity to fulfill his campaign promises. There are a lot of people who aren't smarter than me but hold higher positions of authority in life, believe me (that sounded positively Trumpian didn't it?). I've heard Jimmy Carter is a borderline genius yet he was as useless as tits on a boar hog in the White House.

                    How smart do I think Donald Trump is you ask? I think he had above-average intelligence as a young man and now he is 72. He's certainly gained wisdom from a lifetime of business dealings (mostly successful) and I'm sure he stumbles and bumbles over words at times and has a declining memory (like most 72 year olds). As I've stated before, Donald's job was to go to the White House and shake things up will implementing what he promised he would implement. So far Trump voters are tickled shitless.



