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  • I think it’s mostly true.
    Livin the dream


    • ShockingButTrue
      ShockingButTrue commented
      Editing a comment
      "Mostly" maybe.

      But not the parts about Kelley or Mattis. Or the n-word tape.

    • jdshock
      jdshock commented
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      ShockingButTrue - I very rarely understand the intention of your posts. I believe Wufan is talking about the NYT article that everyone else is talking about. The NYT article didn't say anything about those topics.

      It seems like you're stuck on the Woodward stuff, but even that doesn't appear to mention anything about a tape of Trump saying the n-word. Even if wufan isn't talking about just the NYT article, he certainly isn't trying to suggest he thinks ALL reporting of any kind against Trump is "mostly true."

    • ShockingButTrue
      ShockingButTrue commented
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      Well, while were at it, I don't believe the source's of the pee-pee dossier are reliable either. Do you? The compiler didn't, not did the head of the FBI. I don't believe L. Davis did.

  • I think I believe the NY Times article. Like I said. This staffer has bought into the hype and convinced themselves they are the savior and must do what is right....

    Question. Who is gonna be the adult in the room when the left and that circus act comes to power with their ***** hats and demo socialism?
    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


    • In a very short time, The Democrat Party has become the party of Open Borders and Socialism. Not in Kansas but there are a growing number of them in a growing number of states. Pandora’s Box has opened. Just google it. I found New Mexico, Texas, California, Florida, and New York immediately. I guarantee that there are many more. In no time, the Dems will be the communist Party that welcomes all criminals. That statement may seem far out there, but if you do a little research, it really isn’t.

      Before anyone goes crazy, I'm not saying all Democrats are going that way. The majority, I'm sure are still mainstream, but the explosion of candidates in a short time, is alarming. If this trend continues, it may not be a long way off (majority of Dems). I used to be able to entertain voting for democrats, and still think I'm there,but that is becoming increasingly dangerous.
      Last edited by Shockm; September 6, 2018, 07:22 AM.


      • jdshock
        jdshock commented
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        lol - "Dems will be the communist Party that welcomes all criminals."

    • Bob Woodward is one of the most respected journalists of all time. The New York Times (regardless of whatever you think their bias is) is one of the most respected journalistic institutions in existence. Literally all they had to do was ask "so... do you have like a badge proving who you are?" And both are reporting that individuals on staff in the White House are subverting Trump by hiding papers or trying to dismantle his policy goals.

      We have multiple people on this board who think it's false. We have another few who think it's probably mostly true but not really a big deal.

      THIS is the "deep state" or whatever you want to call it. This isn't just some conspiracy theory. This is someone who works in the White House saying there is a group of people on staff who are attempting to take certain aspects of the presidency into their own hands. This is completely unacceptable. I don't know that "treasonous" is the right word (like Trump has suggested), but it's absolutely, unbelievably wrong.

      My suspicion is that people don't care because this person appears to align with their beliefs. This person has said they support the tax cuts and deregulation of this administration. And they are attempting to hold Trump in check. Many on this board regularly say they're fine with Trump because his policies have been good so far. So, I guess this individual is just fine?


      • ShockingButTrue
        ShockingButTrue commented
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        Multiple people would agree with Mattis and Kelley themselves over anonymous. You obviously don't. Who cares?

        That last paragraph was a nice spin. But it's never been a surprise that there is a group of Republicans who despise the President, and have since 2015, if one believes this anonymous opinion contributor is really Republican, that is. You readily do. Ok.

        But if Trump is a threat to the Republic, show the evidence, like, last week. Why the grotesque theatrics?
        Last edited by ShockingButTrue; September 6, 2018, 07:14 PM.

      • jdshock
        jdshock commented
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        ShockingButTrue - what are you trying to suggest?

        I feel like I'm in the loony bin here. I'm saying whoever wrote the op ed needs to resign immediately. I'm taking Trump's "side" if you can call it that. I'm just shocked no one else here is calling for this guy's head.

    • Livin the dream


      • ShockCrazy
        ShockCrazy commented
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        If only there were an amendment that had been added to the Constitution to deal with this specific issue. If only... Hmmm....

    • Comment

      • Kim Jong Un said he wants denuclearization by the end of Trump’s first term after meeting with South Korea.

        The United States, South Korea, and North Korea have been mired in talks for months over how to get Pyongyang to dismantle its nuclear arsenal. But it looks like that may, finally, be changing.

        There are a few reasons for that. One sign is that on Thursday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un told top South Korean official Chung Eui-yong that he wanted to denuclearize by the end of President Donald Trump’s first term. It’s the first real timetable put forward by the dictator about dismantling his nuclear arsenal.
        In spite of the deranged masses and "ALL OF TRUMP'S FATAL FLAWS" he's still winning...




        • If you Google Trump this is the Twitter summary they provide. No mention of N. Korea...

          This is a real summary of DJT's Twitter feed.

          The Fake News summary paints Trump as being unhinged and currently having a temper tantrum while Trump's real feed reads like a political news ticker... Coincidence?




          • ShockingButTrue
            ShockingButTrue commented
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            Not at all. They hate him so bad they're acting stupid. To the point of playing spy-vs.-spy in the nytimes. Wait 'til RBG moves on... Oh boy...

        • Here's the current news articles that are summarized. The only way I knew about the N. Korea deal was due to that trash organization Vox actually doing some real reporting...

          Notice the time stamps on the videos (non-chronological; i.e. - hand picked) and the ONLY news provider (Fake News Central).

          Now scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you find DJT's personal website showing news that's 7 days old. Maybe Google's web crawlers got tired...


          Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; September 6, 2018, 04:27 PM.


          • Here's the "latest" search return for "Trump News". Looks like those Google algorithms are dialed in TIGHT!!1111

            Just typing in "Trump" exactly like before and we see they got that silly geopolitically earth-shaking article about our most imminent nuclear threat bumped off. Back to the AGENDA!




            • Google algorithms are personalized. They must know that you don’t want to see that. Safe spaces and all.
              Livin the dream


              • WstateU
                WstateU commented
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                My Google algorithms keep showing me boobs and beer. Boobs and beer, thank God I’m not queer, not that there’s anything wrong with that. :)

              • C0|dB|00ded
                C0|dB|00ded commented
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                Personalized fo sho! They be trollin' CB like gangstas.



            • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
              The New York Times (regardless of whatever you think their bias is) is one of the most respected journalistic institutions in existence.
              Yeah, most respected:
              Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


              • jdshock
                jdshock commented
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                Yeah, most respected. What are you arguing? Every paper has had mistakes. The New York Times has broken some of the biggest stories over the last fifty years. They have more pulitzer prizes than anyone. Yes, I stand by the statement that they are "one of the most respected journalistic institutions in existence." It's just mind-boggling that someone might argue that statement. Can you name 10 that are more respected? Why do I always have to defend these tiny aspects of posts? If you want to add to the conversation, add to the conversation.

                By the way, the "senior official" descriptor is a vague title, and it could mean any number of people. Dollars to donuts that it's somebody you and I have never heard of. Liberals who think it is Pence are going to be disappointed when it's somebody who doesn't even work in the west wing. But it's not a misleading term, it's the term that has been used for decades.

              • revenge_of_shocka_khan
                revenge_of_shocka_khan commented
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                Kung Wu, you lost me here. You respect Alex Jones as a purveyor of factual news, I've seen you make this statement in various blog posts.

                Alex Jones has been totally discredited as a crank who traffics in conspiracy theories.

                Therefore, I don't believe you have sufficient credibility to judge whether a news outlet is factual or not..

              • Kung Wu
                Kung Wu commented
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                Huh? I have never mentioned Alex Jones once in my life (that I can remember). Or blogged about anything political. I am not even sure I know who Alex Jones is other than him making headlines about being controversial.

            • During Trump's short time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible

              During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3 percent-plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.

              Friday brought another round of good news: Nonfarm payrolls rose by a better-than-expected 201,000 and wages, the last missing piece of the economic recovery, increased by 2.9 percent year over year to the highest level since April 2009. That made it the best gain since the recession ended in June 2009.
              But even they acknowledge that the current numbers are a uniquely Trumpian achievement and not owed to policies already set in motion when he took office.

              "I still believe the big story this year is an economic boom that most folks thought impossible," Larry Kudlow, director of the National Economic Council and a chief advisor to Trump, said in a recent interview with "I understand that he's been in for a year and a half, but when you look at those numbers, this is not going away."

              Indeed, the economy does seem to be on fire, and it's fairly easy to draw a straight line from Trump's policies to the current trends.

              Meanwhile, Libtard Nation is furiously attacking the Trump administration from all sides in an effort to save us from certain destruction.

              You can't make this stuff up. It's too wacko for even the fiction section.

              I don't know about you but if this is what disaster feels like, I'll take it every day and twice on Sunday compared to Emperor B.O.'s Hope and Change...

              Trump Train with a full head of steam! TOOT! TOOOOOT!




              • jdshock
                jdshock commented
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                lol - I love that the one paragraph you cut out was that Wall Street economists, democrats, and some republicans all think it is going to end in a recession because the tax cut stimulus was a poorly timed, short term stimulus.

            • jdshock
              jdshock commented
              2 minutes ago
              lol - I love that the one paragraph you cut out was that Wall Street economists, democrats, and some republicans all think it is going to end in a recession because the tax cut stimulus was a poorly timed, short term stimulus.

              I cut out a lot of stuff. Here's some more:

              Business confidence is soaring, in part thanks to a softer regulatory environment. Consumer sentiment by one measure is at its highest level in 18 years. Corporate profits, owed in good part to last year's tax cuts, are coming close to setting records.

              Each of those accomplishments can be tied either directly to new policies or at least indirectly through a brimming sense of hope from businesses that the White House is back on their side.

              "When you look at those confidence indexes, they're telling you something," Kudlow said. "His attitude is, we're not punishing business, we're not punishing success, we want to make things easier to do business and to hire, and I think it's had a very positive effect and a very palpable effect."

              GDP most recently gained 4.2 percent in the second quarter, the best performance in nearly four years.

              At the same time, the unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, just one-tenth of a percentage point above the lowest level since 1969.

              At a time when most economists had been using the term "full employment" to describe the economy, 3.9 million more Americans have joined the ranks of the working during the Trump term. During the same period under former President Barack Obama, employment had fallen by 2.6 million. The economy in total, while still not in breakout mode, has grown by $1.4 trillion through the second quarter under Trump; the same time period for Obama saw a gain of just $481 billion, or a third of Trump's total.

              Businesses are investing, consumers are spending and innovation is on the rise as well.

              Trump pledged that he would pare down regulations that were choking business activity. While the actual moves toward deregulation haven't been quite as ambitious as planned, the approach has won him converts in the business community.

              The most recent reading from the National Federation of Independent Business was the second highest in history dating back 45 years. Small business owners reported aggressive hiring plans, the only obstacle to which has been a dearth of labor supply. The end of June saw 6.7 million job openings and just 6.6 million Americans classified as unemployed, an unprecedented imbalance.
              And of course we're headed for a recession, that's no Fake News. The American economy is cyclical and the stock market is due for a correction. Trump is just unleashing the beast before the inevitable happens. But one thing he has proven is that the American economy can be as strong as ever if the government remains American. That B.O. bullshit about needing to accept "the new normal" came from a Socialist hell bent on taking America down the low/zero growth Socialist path. What a friggin' dumbass that 'Bummer was.

              Thanks Donald!

              Oh, and the 3.9 million workers that joined the workforce AFTER we'd been at "full employment" during the 'Bummer years thanks you too!!!




              • Speaking of Da Bum, he's crawled back out from under his rock and just spoke in front of a Snowflake audience.

                MMMmmmmm Nom Nom Libtard! Google Bot likey!!!!

                And now my news search is littered with the guy with a cool voice who says and does nothing.

                Imagine if this was a normal world where Obama said his piece and then congratulated Trump on a strong economy.




                • C0|dB|00ded
                  C0|dB|00ded commented
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                  It's difficult for me to answer your question Shocker brother as I have few life experiences that match your hypothetical. I'm a bit of a trash talker when amongst friends, but I'd hardly consider them insults, more like locker room banter. Does someone ever get their feelings hurt? Perhaps. But I can take as good as I give.

                  My opinion on the relationship between Trump, Obama, Hillary, and anybody else in the primary political spotlight is that they all understand the game and take very little personally. We the voters are just watching reality television and unfortunately suspend disbelief more often than we should. Make no mistake, every actor in the high stakes White House game is worried about only two things: winning the presidency, and their legacy.

                  I qualified the statement about Obama complimenting Trump with "imagine if this were a normal world". By normal world I mean leaders that actually think like you and me. This is not the reality of power hungry Washington politicians. They are in it to win it, pure and simple.

                  As crazy as it may sound, I actually think Trump is one of the most honest politicians we've had in a very long time with respect to aligning his executorial action to that of his constituents' wishes. He already had enormous power and prestige before becoming president. All he wants to do now is prove to everyone that he is the smartest guy in the room and do it in Trumpian style. So far he is hitting hole-in-one after hole-in-one on the metrics that matter: economy, safety from nuclear threats and terrorism. And failing miserably on soothing the frazzled nerves of Libtards everywhere.

                  Trump's trollish behavior is welcomed by many conservatives because we feel like we've been on the short end of the civility stick for a long, long time.



                • Kung Wu
                  Kung Wu commented
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                  Bush's fault.

                • WstateU
                  WstateU commented
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