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  • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
    Man, you guys are still at it. Give 'Crazy a break will ya. He's fully indoctrinated and likely receiving at least part of his income from government sources. He's got skin in this taxation game. His beliefs don't exasperate me any more than a small child who's struggling to put his sweater on backwards. You've just gotta be patient and start from the beginning.

    Remember you are arguing over a tax cut that went into effect a mere 7 months ago. If the government is headed for a small reduction in receipts (yet to be proven), this executive action by Trump will have been a resounding success. And it pretty much makes the conservative's point: lowering taxes stimulates production/employment which increases the overall tax base. If the tax reduction reduced the tax receipts dollar for dollar there would be something to argue about. But the argument would still be moot as we've not had nearly the time to feel the entire effect of capital investment and the subsequent expansive effects on the economy.

    P.S. If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.


    I’m totally fine with that, but we have to start by defining the measurement. If you define “withholdings” as a basis, and I’m totally fine with that, then it shows that we’ve had a net decrease of ~2% on the year from February through June. That’s at least a starting point for a discussion.
    Livin the dream


    • C0|dB|00ded
      C0|dB|00ded commented
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      "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."



    • shockfan89_
      shockfan89_ commented
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      So let's just try to focus on July.

      In 2017 receipts were 232,040.
      In 2018 receipts were 225,266.

      That is a 6,774 reduction or 2.9%. The amount that comes out of my check for federal taxes went down 16.8% from July 2017 to July 2018. I can't say everyone saw the same reduction, but I imagine most people saw a 7% - 20% reduction in the amount of federal taxes being taken out of their paycheck.

      So if receipts are down 2.9% YoY and my taxes reduced over 15% YoY, how can you say that tax receipts decreased? We are taking in less money, but the decrease in overall receipts is far less than the decrease in taxes withdrawn from checks. If my experience is anywhere close to average, tax cuts have stimulated the economy substantially in that a 16.8% tax cut has resulted in only 2.9% less receipts.

    • wufan
      wufan commented
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      They were arguing against my assertion that individual income tax receipts were up. While technically true, that does account for tax payments that were for the financial tax 2017 year. Therefore, that money shouldn’t be counted as part of the tax cuts. I learned something other than differences in biological sex yesterday.

      So, when we look at money coming in, it’s quite clear that it is thus far less than last year when attributed to the differences in the tax code. One next question might be, as you proposed, did the percent decrease in rate proportionally decrease the receipts. It would appear to be no it didn’t (though i haven’t looked at any data on that).

      So if the tax rate is less, and people are spending more money/investing, is that a net good for the country, even though receipts are down?

  • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
      Who doesn't love a tax cut?
      People who don't pay taxes....
      "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


      • WuDrWu
        WuDrWu commented
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        Common sense waved bye bye to a plurality of this country long ago I'm afraid.

      • Guest's Avatar
        Guest commented
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        The elderly and working poor make up about 22% of that number.

      • wufan
        wufan commented
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        Okay. The elderly aren’t working. The working poor aren’t paying taxes. 2/3 of the budget is spent on social security, Medicaid and Medicare and tax cuts don’t impact that. So, they would be against tax cuts because why?

    • There I go, shitting where I eat again. Mea culpa... I will try harder to behave.




      • The struggle is real


        • nm



            This story about Woodward's new book made me laugh out loud, face palm, and feel a little nervous all at the same time.

            My crazy-genius meter on Trump just ticked a smidge toward the crazy side.

            Hey, just get Kavanaugh in there and Trump will have served his purpose. Then if Mueller and Co. eat Trump alive, I'll "sleep like a baby" with Pence in office. I'll be sad about what could have been with a pure businessman in the White House vs. another B.S.-spewing politician, but if this cat truly is kooky...




            • C0|dB|00ded
              C0|dB|00ded commented
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              In the White House statement released on Tuesday, Kelly re-upped an official comment he made in May calling the accusations "total BS."

              “I spend more time with the President than anyone else, and we have an incredibly candid and strong relationship," he said in the statement. "I'm committed to the President, his agenda, and our country. This is another pathetic attempt to smear people close to President Trump and distract from the administration’s many successes."

              "While it is not always pretty, and rare that the press actually covers it, President Trump has broken through the bureaucratic process to deliver unprecedented successes for the American people," press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. "Sometimes it is unconventional, but he always gets results. Democrats and their allies in the media understand the President’s policies are working and with success like this, no one can beat him in 2020 – not even close.”



            • C0|dB|00ded
              C0|dB|00ded commented
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              Bob Woodward's forthcoming book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," says that President Donald Trump referred to Attorney General Jeff Sessions as a "traitor" and "mentally retarded," while himself being called an "idiot" by White House chief of staff John Kelly. Kelly issued a statement denying that "I ever called the President an idiot."

              Mattis' full statement:

              "The contemptuous words about the President attributed to me in Woodward's book were never uttered by me or in my presence. While I generally enjoy reading fiction, this is a uniquely Washington brand of literature, and his anonymous sources do not lend credibility.

              While responsible policy making in the real world is inherently messy, it is also essential that we challenge every assumption to find the best option. I embrace such debate and the open competition of ideas. In just over a year, these robust discussions and deliberations have yielded significant results, including the near annihilation of the ISIS caliphate, unprecedented burden sharing by our NATO allies, the repatriation of U.S. service member remains from North Korea, and the improved readiness of our armed forces. Our defense policies have also enjoyed overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress.

              In serving in this administration, the idea that I would show contempt for the elected Commander-in-Chief, President Trump, or tolerate disrespect to the office of the President from within our Department of Defense, is a product of someone's rich imagination."
              I pay particular attention to what Secretary of Defense James Mattis says as I respect the man implicitly.



          • What is he talking about? Is the witch hunt against Putin himself now? And is he admitting that the general investigation into issues surrounding Russia is not a witch hunt against Trump?

            I truly hated when people would say W was unintelligent or people would refer to certain presidents as being dumb. For the most part, presidents in our recent past have all been incredibly intelligent, savvy individuals, even if you disagree with them on every point. Trump is a whole different ball game though.


            • BOBB
              BOBB commented
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              W looks better through today's lens, but hIraq is a giant albatross around his neck. A shitstorm that trickled down to Syria, Lybia, et al and was only worsened by O. W's Iraq is the wellspring of ISIS, aforementioned failed states, and the current immigration debacle unraveling the eurozone. If the west retreats to fascism, Iraq is the beginning. That being said, W is the second coming of Jefferson compared to Trump.

            • ShockingButTrue
              ShockingButTrue commented
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              I took it as a knock against the times, strictly, and their crusade to diminish his position as a duly elected president, thus bringing into question the legitimacy of anything they report about him/investigation. It seems to be pretty obvious.

            • C0|dB|00ded
              C0|dB|00ded commented
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              Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; September 4, 2018, 04:19 PM. Reason: Misfired

          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

            This story about Woodward's new book made me laugh out loud, face palm, and feel a little nervous all at the same time.

            My crazy-genius meter on Trump just ticked a smidge toward the crazy side.

            Hey, just get Kavanaugh in there and Trump will have served his purpose. Then if Mueller and Co. eat Trump alive, I'll "sleep like a baby" with Pence in office. I'll be sad about what could have been with a pure businessman in the White House vs. another B.S.-spewing politician, but if this cat truly is kooky...


            ... there might be more to come...



            • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

              This story about Woodward's new book made me laugh out loud, face palm, and feel a little nervous all at the same time.

              My crazy-genius meter on Trump just ticked a smidge toward the crazy side.

              Hey, just get Kavanaugh in there and Trump will have served his purpose. Then if Mueller and Co. eat Trump alive, I'll "sleep like a baby" with Pence in office. I'll be sad about what could have been with a pure businessman in the White House vs. another B.S.-spewing politician, but if this cat truly is kooky...


              Trump's apparent response today:

              And contrasted with one of the old classics:


              • C0|dB|00ded
                C0|dB|00ded commented
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                Yup. What's good for the goose is definitely not good for the gander. Trump knows those old texts exist yet he contradicts himself anyway. I guess he figures 90% of his supporters won't connect the dots so who cares. He also called Woodward a couple weeks ago and told him how much he respected him. Some politic'n goin on, that's for sure. Deny, deny, deny is a tried and true strategy in Washington.



            • Originally posted by jdshock View Post

              Trump's apparent response today:

              And contrasted with one of the old classics:

              There you go again. You spend all your time on what he says. I look at unemployment, gdp growth, etc. Woodward spends his entire book on tabloid types of things. 0ld stuff with All attacks and zero good. With all the chaos, how are so many good things happening? More good things happening than Obama but he doesn’t spin things as good or have the fine speeches as BO. I imagine that everyone is a racist in Woodward’s book too. That sure gets old too.


              • Originally posted by Shockm View Post

                There you go again. You spend all your time on what he says. I look at unemployment, gdp growth, etc. Woodward spends his entire book on tabloid types of things. 0ld stuff with All attacks and zero good. With all the chaos, how are so many good things happening? More good things happening than Obama but he doesn’t spin things as good or have the fine speeches as BO. I imagine that everyone is a racist in Woodward’s book too. That sure gets old too.
                I dunno if it's tabloid-esque to say key staffers of the president have had to remove documents from his desk in order to protect national security interests. Or maybe it's tabloid-esque to report that Trump's (ex) lawyer thought Trump was too incompetent to sit for an interview with Mueller.

                Personally? I think those are actual crucial to being an effective president. The economy is doing well. Obviously, we spent a few pages here arguing about why that's silly. I'm pretty clearly of the opinion that it doesn't make any sense to reduce tax revenue just to give the economy a shot in the arm when it's already doing well, but whatever.

                But presidents are also the figurehead for the country and they're responsible for relationships with allies, and they set the top-down strategy for our country as a whole. I do not believe Trump is well-informed enough to understand very many basic aspects of how our government works. And I think that's bad for our country as a whole. I think Trump got really lucky that he came into office during a time of prolonged economic growth that he can pretend he's responsible for. Minus the economy, it's my opinion things are actively getting worse. Health insurance premiums are going to drastically rise (pre-existing coverage without a mandate to have insurance?), our relationships with our allies are worsening, and spending is increasing while tax revenue is decreasing. Just all in all, a bad presidency.

                But, I'll be totally honest here, it's just a guilty pleasure of mine when Trump has created the perfect tweet a few years ago that exactly criticizes his current behavior. And it happens ALL THE TIME. It's just hysterical to me.


                • Shockm
                  Shockm commented
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                  It’s tabloidesque because it’s all anonymous sources and there are plenty who have reasons to lie. I would trust General’s Kelly and Mattis before I would Omarosa or just anonymous sources. CNN got into trouble by using anonymous sources too.
                  Last edited by Shockm; September 5, 2018, 12:08 PM.

              • I think the good things happening are proof that if the president just leaves the country alone, America can do just fine by itself....

                Seriously, if a president just played golf everyday and didnt do ****, things would be great.

                Gridlock is good.
                "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


                • Woodward's sources are all anonymous, but it's taken as the gospel truth to those with itching ears. Maybe omarosa was one of 'em? obama holdovers? Because it sure wasn't Mattis or Kelley. None verified.

                  What next, a tape where he says the n-word? Oh, wait...

                  It's just more of the same we've seen for 20 months now. He's trollin'.
                  Last edited by ShockingButTrue; September 5, 2018, 10:30 AM.


                  • "Only the Obama WH can get away with attacking Bob Woodward." And apparently Shockernet regulars?


                    • ShockingButTrue
                      ShockingButTrue commented
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                      Politics is an ugly game jd. It was built on healthy and robust debate. To silence those with whom we disagree is done in socialist countries and not America. The snowflakes have to suck it up, and if the President fails let it be of his own doing. Anything beyond that smells kind of fishy. No?
                      Last edited by ShockingButTrue; September 5, 2018, 11:39 AM.