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  • Russia, Russia, Russia, bullshit.

    Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and drop this tariff bullshit!

    Get rid of the tariffs and make America the world's market.
    "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Better have some sugar and water too, or else your lemonade will suck!


    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
      Russia, Russia, Russia, bullshit.

      Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and drop this tariff bullshit!

      Get rid of the tariffs and make America the world's market.
      Be cool.


      • C0|dB|00ded
        C0|dB|00ded commented
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        Luv those tweets JD. Keep 'em comin'!!!



      • C0|dB|00ded
        C0|dB|00ded commented
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        Full disclosure: When Trump first talked about tariffs I thought he was crazy. Eventually I discovered the angle of his gamble and now I am calm as a cucumber. "Crazy like a fox" gets a point on this one.



    • Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
      Russia, Russia, Russia, bullshit.

      Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and drop this tariff bullshit!

      Get rid of the tariffs and make America the world's market.
      It's all a negotiating ploy. Trump has access to an unlimited number of economic opinions. He's fully aware of the academic opinion on tariffs. He's merely waiting for his opponent to blink.

      Don’t look now, but there are numerous signs that President Trump is winning the trade war with China. While the battle over tariffs and protecting intellectual property may eventually damage the United States’ economy, there are signs that China is already paying a price for its refusal to bend to Trump’s demands.


      • ShockerPrez
        ShockerPrez commented
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        I'm not going to go lib-crazy over his move. I'm not a fan of it. I don't think it's good economic policy.

        If he wants to say, we are raising our tariffs on country 'X' in order to reciprocate their active tariff in order to prompt a new deal, fine.

        I hope he moves away from the protectionist tariffs.

      • C0|dB|00ded
        C0|dB|00ded commented
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        You have three choices in dealing with trade issues if the opposing country is uncooperative: 1) You can ignore it and absorb the economic loss (what we've been doing), 2) enact tariffs to force equality, 3) Go to war.

        Which would you prefer?



      • ShockerPrez
        ShockerPrez commented
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        Honestly, i would prefer A. My reasoning being that so long as the rules of the game remain stagnant the market will adapt and, in the U.S., (which is all I am concerned with), we will adjust accordingly and remain economically stable and flourish in the long term.

        I concede that long term, his move may pay off, but hate to see possibly unecessary economic harm for any American, even in the short term.

    • Honestly, Trump's tactics are the best kept secret in the history of Washington.

      Anything that makes him look unstable, erratic, or otherwise "off", is good in his mind. We'll see how long he can keep this up. As the article points out, this only works if the other countries believe you really might be crazy. Libbies play a pivotal part in the performance when they roll around in the streets crying, moaning, vomiting. Keep it up!




      • Originally posted by CollegeHillShocker View Post
        This is going to be a fascinating thread to go back and read after his time in office is done and the history books are written.
        the President said he was willing "to take a political risk in pursuit of peace, rather than risk peace in pursuit of politics."

        The record, so far, states that's precisely why he won the election. And...

        "The cold war is a thing of the past. The era of acute ideological confrontation of the two countries is a thing of the remote past- it's a vestage of the past."

        Why are the progressive/socialist's resisting prospects of peace? It's almost as if they hate their own country.
        Last edited by ShockingButTrue; July 25, 2018, 11:39 AM.


        • Remember when Howard Dean's campaign was sunk because he let out a funny sounding yell?

          And today the debate between the two sides is whether Trump or his lawyer first proposed paying off former mistresses in cash as opposed to a check.


          • C0|dB|00ded
            C0|dB|00ded commented
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            Remember when Bill Clinton used White House intern's vaginas for make-shift humidors and publicly discussed what the meaning of "is" is?



        • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
          Remember when Howard Dean's campaign was sunk because he let out a funny sounding yell?

          And today the debate between the two sides is whether Trump or his lawyer first proposed paying off former mistresses in cash as opposed to a check.
          Keep hope alive. Plan D?

          On a side note, Pompeo is getting ready to answer questions by the foreign Relations Committee. Tune in, maybe they'll ask him about the White House doctoring tapes concerning Russia.


          • Originally posted by ShockingButTrue View Post

            Keep hope alive. Plan D?

            On a side note, Pompeo is getting ready to answer questions by the foreign Relations Committee. Tune in, maybe they'll ask him about the White House doctoring tapes concerning Russia.
            Cut them a little slack SBT. Being a Democrat right now is akin to being Drake in the Valley.

            With the release of second-quarter growth numbers just three days away, President Donald Trump is enthusiastic about growth, to say the least. While not mentioning the upcoming gross domestic product report from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Trump indicated in a tweet Tuesday that the economy is powering along.

            The pain is only going to get worse.




            • Here's a Libtard spin on what is now the strongest economy in the modern era.




              • Big storm in DC. A lot of people are left without power. They call them Democrats. (I stole that)


                • Just an aside, Howard Dean's campaign wasn't sunk because he let out a funny yell; Howard Dean's campaign was sunk because he was Howard Dean. The yell didn't help, but the yell was just the final scoop of dirt on the grave, it hardly sunk that Titanic.
                  There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                  • C0|dB|00ded
                    C0|dB|00ded commented
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                    Oh Christ. It's the Nebraskan with a penchant for diminutive people.

                    The one who killed ValleyTalk with low IQ spam.




                • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                  For everyone who thinks Trump's lies don't matter: how can you read stories like this and not get the sense we're on a really bad path?

                  The White House has altered the video and written transcripts of the Putin press conference to hide the question/answer where Putin admits that he wanted Trump to win the election. And Trump goes and Tweets this:

                  We've always been able to say that we aren't going to turn into North Korea, China, Russia or whatever other country that controls and alters the information disseminated to citizens, and we've been able to say that because we have said we would hold our politicians accountable. But we seriously have people saying "libs" are out here with "Trump derangement syndrome" and that it's a "great day to be an American" and just straight questioning everything that comes out of our intelligence agencies in favor of what is being said by Trump himself.

                  Trump's White House is spreading false propaganda daily. And people are just cool with it. And critics are accused of having Trump derangement syndrome. It's just exhausting.
                  This is not akin to North Korea. In countries where there is a dictator in power, there is no discussion on whether or not the mic was faulty or there was deliberatee tampering. There is ONLY a state run press and anyone that disagrees is swept away in the night.

                  The fact that people don’t recognize that deliberate misrepresentation (if this can be called that) is the seedy part of politics, regardless of party, is Trump derangement syndrome; literally!

                  A mic failed, “[paraphrased] we are on the path to becoming a tyranny”. Definition.

                  if you had said, “this is not a good thing.” I would agree. That is something a concerned person would say.
                  Livin the dream


                  • jdshock
                    jdshock commented
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                    I guess I don't get what your issue is with my post.

                    I didn't say we're North Korea. I said the check we've had in place to prevent ourselves from ever moving that way is that we would hold politicians accountable. But we have such loyalists in place that I'm accused of "Trump Derangement Syndrome" if I say we're on a bad path. Therefore, there's no such thing as holding politicians accountable. Obviously I'm not getting whisked away tonight for saying that. But the fact that people just dismiss these claims by saying it's all unreasonable, unfounded political fears, just shows how effective the propoganda has been and is further evidence of our bad path.

                    But alright. Go ahead and believe it was a transcription error. Go ahead and believe it is just totally a coincidence that Trump tweeted the next day that Russia supports the Dems. But please don't buy into the propoganda so much that you accuse people like me of Trump Derangement Sydrome (again, a bonkers term that's just a political tool to invalidate any opponents of the guy in charge).

                  • wufan
                    wufan commented
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                    What are you holding him accountable to? He possibly put a favorable spin on a publicly available presser?

                    What would you say to someone that says we are now on the way to totalitarianism? You think that’s a normal reaction?

                    Let’s say I’m wrong. Is it more likely that 50% of the population blindly follows the propaganda that’s not put out by the media?

                  • ShockingButTrue
                    ShockingButTrue commented
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                    Have to agree with wufan on this one.

                    What "bad path" are we on? Executing gays? Bringing back jim crowe? The rebirth of the third reich? To a lot of snowflakes out there these are legitimate issues, unless I'm misunderstanding what I'm seeing on Colbert and CNN every other hour.

                • All my life I listened to what politicians have said and mostly ignored what they did which usually amounted to nothing. With Trump I mostly ignore what he says and pay attention to what he does which has been substantial and lock step with freedom-loving American ideals.

                  The second Trump deviates from the actions that have made him so popular, he will lose his followers overnight and be booted out of office.

                  His demeanor could be compared to a child, much of which I think is an act. His executorial behavior, on the other hand, is nothing short of magestic and Mount Rushmorian.




                  • wufan - "He possibly put a favorable spin on a publicly available presser."

                    Geez... this is what I was trying to explain a few pages ago. "Spin" is like marketing stuff. It's saying "economic growth is strong" or "our relationships with our allies are great!" or whatever. Every politician throughout history has used spin.

                    This is objectively false, and people should be willing to say it. Information that comes from the government should not be objectively false. And calling it objectively false gets me labeled with "Trump Derangement Syndrome." Do you honestly believe that's productive? Do you honestly not see how that's just a political tool to silence critics? You're immediately discrediting anything said by someone labeled with "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

                    More than most on here, you have engaged in actual legitimate discussion on topics. And if you can't see that these types of labels harm our ability to have open, honest dialogue, it's just a depressing example of the direction our country is headed. We are going to have less and less legitimate discussion between folks who disagree.


                    • Originally posted by jdshock View Post

                      More than most on here, you have engaged in actual legitimate discussion on topics. And if you can't see that these types of labels harm our ability to have open, honest dialogue, it's just a depressing example of the direction our country is headed. We are going to have less and less legitimate discussion between folks who disagree.
                      Deplorable's anyone?

