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  • 64384705.jpg
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • Talk about a threat to the republic... and I don't mean Blutarski.

      Un huh, make a jihadi sympathizer head of the CIA (thanks Obama) and what could possibly go wrong? Looks like we're all going to find out.


      • ... Or, better yet, what this country needs, in the name of unity & healing, is Hillary to be the CEO of facebook...

        More "Innovative" opportunities would be awaiting her, and -ahem-us. Hey, what could go wrong there?


        • Comment

        • Rolling Stone senior writer Jamil Smith suggested over the weekend that Melania Trump was being hidden deliberately from the public to conceal possible domestic violence. “I wish that I didn’t suspect that the prolonged, poorly explained public absence of Melania Trump could be about concealing abuse,” said Smith in a tweet Sunday. Smith presented the idea with no supporting evidence, a matter which was pointed out to him in several prominent comments to his tweet.

          in your wildest imagination, can you imagine the furor had a white writer suggested this about Obama?


          • ShockingButTrue
            ShockingButTrue commented
            Editing a comment
            Maybe he's just relating his real-world experience/s.

            There are some that "just wouldn't understand."

        • Did the President forget he was a racist or what? Let's get Lebron to weigh in on this.


          • Ugh on the increased tariffs! If Trump gets the tariffs down on American goods I will be a full on MAGA hat guy! I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen.
            Livin the dream


            • This guy is walking demonstration of liberal policy/principle...



              • Hopefully most folks that dislike Trump are arguing against his ideas/actions rather than wishing for his failure.
                Livin the dream


                • Nm
                  Livin the dream


                  • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                    Ugh on the increased tariffs! If Trump gets the tariffs down on American goods I will be a full on MAGA hat guy! I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen.
                    Everybody talks the talks on tariffs and barriers to trade,but countries don’t walk the walk. I just looked up Canada tarriffs - 1,500+ pages worth.

                    There is a whole economy to administering tarrifs.


                    • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post

                      Everybody talks the talks on tariffs and barriers to trade,but countries don’t walk the walk. I just looked up Canada tarriffs - 1,500+ pages worth.

                      There is a whole economy to administering tarrifs.
                      Yep, so Trump stated he was going to fix the trade imbalance. We have trade imbalances with almost everyone. Some are net favorable to the US while others are net negative. Now IF Trump can get everyone to back off on tariffs against the US (similar to forcing The USSR to spend into bankruptcy in the arms race), then he’s done something positive. I don’t think that a two term presidency (if he gets re-elected) is anywhere near enough to financially pressure the rest of the world into backing off. I doubt there is another legitimate presidential candidate in any party that has the philosophy or want to continue this economic policy, therefore it will be a short term net negative.
                      Livin the dream


                      • I find it humorous that everyone goes on and on about how negative tariffs are and how Trump is reckless for even talking about adding tariffs, yet other countries charge tariffs on US goods all the time and that is ok???

                        Trump is proposing free trade, but that has to go both ways. If our allies are really our friends then they will back off of tariffs they charge on our exports (imports into their countries). If they insist on leaving tariffs in place, then how are we being a bad "friend" if we charge tariffs on their products?


                        • Well, tariffs are a two way street. We charge duties on about 30% of imported goods. Here's a good article on this:

                          So while other countries charge tariffs on US goods all the time, so do we. We routinely protect (or attempt to protect) domestic industries with tariffs--clothing and agriculture are the two best examples.

                          I believe in free trade. I also believe our trade imbalance has less to do with other countries and more to do with our own habits. Want a better trade balance with China? Then stop buying cheap Chinese crap. Actively look for products made in the US and spend the extra few bucks on it. Stop blaming other people and start changing our own behavior. Take some personal responsibility. But that's just me being crazy.
                          "It's amazing to watch Ron slide into that open area, Fred will find him and it's straight cash homie."--HCGM


                          • We've largely ignored foreign tariffs due to the fact that we are the richest nation in the world. Same reason we also provide more foreign aid than other countries.

                            We've done a "great job" creating and supporting the Chinese economy. It's time to take the training wheels off now as they are #2 in the world.



