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  • Originally posted by wufan View Post
    Did Dan get fired from Illinois State?
    He is highly skilled in sweeping criminal behavior under the rug.
    Wichita State, home of the All-Americans.


    • The special counsel will take a lot of stuff off the front page and away from the news channels. That may give Trump a chance to accompl;ish something in his Presidency, but that ship may have sailed. It's hard to believe that an elected President could have gotten into this many situations in something like 4 months on the job.

      If Trump can figure out that he needs to keep his mouth (and tweets) shut down, that would help.

      Trump already had a trip to Israel scheduled before he leaked intel collected by Israel to Russia. Russia is Iran's ally, and Iran has vowed to destroy Israel. The Israel trip so close to the time of the release of Israeli intel to the Russians gets into the category of "you can't fix stupid".
      The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
      We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


      • Who cares about Russia? It's time to move on and let Trump work. That's what he was elected to do. Obama and Hillary are the ones that need to be investigated.


        • Originally posted by dwbarcl View Post
          Who cares about Russia? It's time to move on and let Trump work. That's what he was elected to do. Obama and Hillary are the ones that need to be investigated.
          I had no idea DT had an account on here.


          • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
            I had no idea DT had an account on here.
            I wouldn't say it was DT yet, let's wait until they start the 'I'm the most persecuted politician in the history of the world' schtick.

            He's actually out there posting right now. I have an acquaintance who calls him 'Twitler' :). I don't think I would go that far, but some responsible adult really needs to ground him from twitter. That's probably his whole problem. No one has ever really stood up to him. He does not really know what an authority figure is.

            I get the fact successful business people naturally tend to be arrogant, but he's way off the charts.


            • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
              I wouldn't say it was DT yet, let's wait until they start the 'I'm the most persecuted politician in the history of the world' schtick.

              He's actually out there posting right now. I have an acquaintance who calls him 'Twitler' :). I don't think I would go that far, but some responsible adult really needs to ground him from twitter. That's probably his whole problem. No one has ever really stood up to him. He does not really know what an authority figure is.

              I get the fact successful business people naturally tend to be arrogant, but he's way off the charts.
              He's an idiot, but you think he's more arrogant than Obama? No way........


              • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                He's an idiot, but you think he's more arrogant than Obama? No way........
                Way, and it's not even close.
                Where oh where is our T. Boone Pickens.


                • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                  He's an idiot, but you think he's more arrogant than Obama? No way........
                  Absolutely. I have a different standard of measurement than you do. You tend to dislike anyone who is a democrat. I tend to dislike anyone who is incompetent, regardless of political party.

                  Did Obama fire the Assistant Attorney General for disagreeing with him (on the Muslim ban - she said it was unconstitutional - has she been proven wrong?)? Did he fire the federal prosecutor in New York City when said prosecutor was conducting an investigation into his self enrichment (which is supposed to be a violation of the constitution - government officials are not supposed to profit from their business dealings while in office)? Did he ever fire the head of the FBI (couldn't have done that, the only one, up to this point, who ever fired an FBI director was Bill Clinton and the fact-case on that one was definitely different)?

                  Trump has been in politics a very short time, but the list of screw-ups he's leaving behind him would kill the average politician.

                  Note I fully understand what I think is your point: That Obama used executive orders to force changes you did not agree with. I don't disagree with that, and I was also disappointed with and disagreed with him on that and several other things), which was another reason I voted for Trump.

                  If that is, indeed, your point, how did that Muslim ban go for Trump, anyway?

                  My point here is he did all these things because he thought he could get away with them. He didn't. This pattern is reflective of a problem with unbridled arrogance.


                  • Not arguing politics, I just think that Obama felt he was the coolest, smartest man who ever walked the face of the earth.


                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      Not arguing politics, I just think that Obama felt he was the coolest, smartest man who ever walked the face of the earth.
                      Thanks for the clarification, I can appreciate your comment, but I will leave you with this. Is it worse to project an air of self-confidence (and exhibit some degree of restraint in taking actions which objectify that air of smugness/arrogance) or is it worse to not only project an air of self-confidence while acting on those impulses in an arrogant manner, believing you can get away with it?

                      I hope you have a great day.


                      • Originally posted by dwbarcl View Post
                        Who cares about Russia? It's time to move on and let Trump work. That's what he was elected to do. Obama and Hillary are the ones that need to be investigated.
                        Well so far he has nominated Gorsuch (thumbs up) and rammed through a health care bill that would have had early 90s Hillary doing backflips (thumbs down) so I'm not sure if we want to aggressively push forward with an agenda that bats .500 for the left. I imagine tax cuts and infrastructure spending would see a similar split.


                        • Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
                          Well so far he has nominated Gorsuch (thumbs up) and rammed through a health care bill that would have had early 90s Hillary doing backflips (thumbs down) so I'm not sure if we want to aggressively push forward with an agenda that bats .500 for the left. I imagine tax cuts and infrastructure spending would see a similar split.
                          I have tried to tell some tell some of his supporters who are family members to be careful In hitching themselves to closely to Trump, because Trump is more democrat than conservative. It mainly falls on deaf ears.


                          • Originally posted by dwbarcl View Post
                            Who cares about Russia? It's time to move on and let Trump work. That's what he was elected to do. Obama and Hillary are the ones that need to be investigated.
                            Why weren't they investigated? There were many years of a Republican controlled legislature that would have had some mechanism of prosecuting or investigating either or both of them. O and H are out of the picture. Trump is the office-holder now. I say do the investigation, if he as is clean in this dealing as he proclaims, he should have nothing to worry about. Time to sack up, be a leader, and get on with it.


                            • Originally posted by Eric View Post
                              I say do the investigation, if he as is clean in this dealing as he proclaims, he should have nothing to worry about. Time to sack up, be a leader, and get on with it.
                              Yeah, I think this is probably a no-lose situation for Republicans. Scenario 1: Trump is Guilty - Trump likely gets impeached. Pence comes in and re-solidifies the base. Scenario 2 - Trump is exonerated. This makes Dems look really petty and is obviously a big win for Republicans. Scenario 3 - Some middle area where some wrong doing happened, but nothing major. Dems don't get to keep saying "but Russia!" nearly as effectively and it likely provides enough evidence of innocence that the base can still stand behind Trump.


                              • Fourth option, it goes on and on and on .....

