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  • Don't forget, the letters in FBI stand for Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity, at least it is the motto of the FBI.

    Given the praise from both sides of congress regarding Comey's integrity, it is highly unlikely he would stoop so low as to bad-mouth (as you would like to say) the President of the United States.

    Lyle Denniston, Constitution Daily's Supreme Court correspondent, looks at the unique role of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's director and the President's ability to remove the director if warranted.

    Google is your friend.

    "The FBI has a very positive image with much of the American public, and that has always supported its authority. Even though a director is subject to being dismissed at the President’s choice, it has always been apparent that there are political risks in doing so. When the FBI director was fired in 1993, President Clinton felt obliged to order a full investigation of complaints and waited for a recommendation from Attorney General Reno."

    Even though this post points out the president can dismiss the director of the FBI, it is fraught with political risk. Another mistake from our not-ready-for-prime-time president.
    Last edited by shocka khan; May 12, 2017, 01:09 PM.


    • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
      That is a totally ridiculous statement. Do you have any proof to back this up?
      Public testimony last weekend in congress when Comey said he was "mildly nauseous" when he thinks he helped Trump in the election through the handling if Hillary. And I'm sure if you google it you can find the articles where Comey friends are coming out saying that Comey thought Trump was crazy and a loose cannon.

      Unfortunately for both you and Trump, Comey is in a job where he has to exercise a great deal of independence both in thought as well as action, as opposed to being an ass-kissing syncophant, which is what Trump loves.
      Comey was an administrator. A REMF. He wasn't involved in investigations and not suppose to be his decision whether anything goes in front of the grand jury. He violate DOJ policy and he short cutted the process to kiss ass.


      • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
        Public testimony last weekend in congress when Comey said he was "mildly nauseous" when he thinks he helped Trump in the election through the handling if Hillary. And I'm sure if you google it you can find the articles where Comey friends are coming out saying that Comey thought Trump was crazy and a loose cannon.

        Comey was an administrator. A REMF. He wasn't involved in investigations and not suppose to be his decision whether anything goes in front of the grand jury. He violate DOJ policy and he short cutted the process to kiss ass.
        You really don't understand how oversight works at executive levels. Not only that, you can't even provide one statement to back up your wildly speculative claim regards Comey talking behind Trump's back.

        Your statements are all hat and no cattle. If you notice, every time I make an assertion (as most of the people here on Shockernet either do or learn to do), you also post information that supports your position. Evidently you're too intellectually lazy to do that.

        Better luck next time.


        • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
          Don't forget, the letters in FBI stand for Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity, at least it is the motto of the FBI.

          Given the praise from both sides of congress regarding Comey's integrity, it is highly unlikely he would stoop so low as to bad-mouth (as you would like to say) the President
          Lol - conservatives were pissed at him when he made the case that Hillary broke the law but that it was okay because she just stupid. The democrats have been calling for Comey removal since the election. Maxine Watters was quoted that it wasn't alright for Trump to fire him but she was fine if Hillary had fired him.

          Nobody really cares that Comey was fired except for scoring some political points. The guy was a train wreck. If Trump hadn't been so stupid and had just waited for the DOJ report on Comey election actions he would have been his head served up on a platter.


          • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
            Lol - conservatives were pissed at him when he made the case that Hillary broke the law but that it was okay because she just stupid. The democrats have been calling for Comey removal since the election. Maxine Watters was quoted that it wasn't alright for Trump to fire him but she was fine if Hillary had fired him.

            Nobody really cares that Comey was fired except for scoring some political points. The guy was a train wreck. If Trump hadn't been so stupid and had just waited for the DOJ report on Comey election actions he would have been his head served up on a platter.
            Trump isn't stupid. But I have to give him an 'A' for his hard work on trying to spin this. As for execution, I would give him an 'F'. I chalk that up to his lack of political experience, but in my mind, he has gone way past the line for 'rookie' mistakes and more toward the line of a desperate, self-absorbed narcissist trying to cover his backside. The only reason I can see as to why someone did not hold him back was either they are afraid of him (with good reason) or he froze his advisors out.

            This is more about finding an excuse and a justification to subvert the investigation and less about Comey's performance. That's why this happened when it did.


            • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
              You really don't understand how oversight works at executive levels. Not only that, you can't even provide one statement to back up your wildly speculative claim regards Comey talking behind Trump's back.
              I'm pretty sure I made several statement. If you get off of daily kos you would find the articles. Not that hard to find. I could probably find the link but you know they saying - give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him how to fish feed him for a lifetime.

              Your statements are all hat and no cattle. If you notice, every time I make an assertion (as most of the people here on Shockernet either do or learn to do), you also post information that supports your position. Evidently you're too intellectually lazy to do that.
              You take yourself way to serious. Nobody reads any of the links anybody posts. People minds are made up and not going to change. Pretty much all this forum is for is to blow off steam, annoy anothers and wait for next basketball season to come around.


              • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                Trump isn't stupid. But I have to give him an 'A' for his hard work on trying to spin this. As for execution, I would give him an 'F'. I chalk that up to his lack of political experience, but in my mind, he has gone way past the line for 'rookie' mistakes and more toward the line of a desperate, self-absorbed narcissist trying to cover his backside. The only reason I can see as to why someone did not hold him back was either they are afraid of him (with good reason) or he froze his advisors out.

                This is more about finding an excuse and a justification to subvert the investigation and less about Comey's performance. That's why this happened when it did.
                You give way to much credit to trump. He reminds me of Johnny Dangerous. And frankly I have faith that the FBI will investigate fully the Russsian deal and if there was a law broken will try and prosecute. Firing Comey won't have an affect - it was the AAG who is overseeing the Russian investigation.

                And if they find Trump was involved - I have no problem with President Pence. Lock'em up. I don't care if it Flynn, trump, or Hillary. If u violate the law u should have it applied equally regardless of your standing.


                • Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
                  You give way to much credit to trump. He reminds me of Johnny Dangerous. And frankly I have faith that the FBI will investigate fully the Russsian deal and if there was a law broken will try and prosecute. Firing Comey won't have an affect - it was the AAG who is overseeing the Russian investigation.

                  And if they find Trump was involved - I have no problem with President Pence. Lock'em up. I don't care if it Flynn, trump, or Hillary. If u violate the law u should have it applied equally regardless of your standing.
                  Philosophically, I don't agree with Pence on some things, but I think he would make a much better president than Trump. He has an even keel and has proven his leadership as governor of Indiana. I have a lot of friends up there. One of my old acquaintances up there is a guy by the name of Jeff Cardwell. Google that one and see what you came up with.

                  I took a vacation to Brazil with Jeff (we collected tropical fish northwest of Manaus one year) and spent New Year's eve at his home once. His wife is a bagpiper (and a member of the Gordon Bagpipes, who play at the Indy 500 every year). His parents are probably retired (and I'm betting he's running the business now), but at the time, they owned the largest electrical contracting firm in Indiana.

                  I checked again.....might not be that Cardwell. The guy running the Republican party in Indiana owns the Do-It-Best home centers, which are pretty ubiquitous up there.

                  This guy I'm thinking about lives in Kokomo, not Indy. And he's in the electrical contracting business, not the home supply business.
                  Last edited by shocka khan; May 12, 2017, 04:29 PM.


                  • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    Philosophically, I don't agree with Pence on some things, but I think he would make a much better president than Trump. He has an even keel and has proven his leadership as governor of Indiana. I have a lot of friends up there. One of my old acquaintances up there is a guy by the name of Jeff Cardwell. Google that one and see what you came up with.

                    I took a vacation to Brazil with Jeff (we collected tropical fish northwest of Manaus one year) and spent New Year's eve at his home once. His wife is a bagpiper (and a member of the Gordon Bagpipes, who play at the Indy 500 every year). His parents are probably retired (and I'm betting he's running the business now), but at the time, they owned the largest electrical contracting firm in Indiana.
                    See there are things we can agree on - and we don't even need a "hyperlinks".


                    • I don't think Trump will be impeached, let alone be booted from office. If the impeachment fever starts to rise, I would not be surprised to see Trump pull an Eric Cartman (SCREW YOU GUYS--I'M GOING HOME). In his true narcissistic form, he will say that America needs him more than he needs to be President, that he was doing this country a favor by serving as POTUS, and that we just didn't appreciate his true greatness enough. He'll go back to running his business where he'll still be a billionaire, so nothing will change for him. Meanwhile, President Pence will pardon Trump so that the country can move on and forget that a Trump presidency ever happened.


                      • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                        Philosophically, I don't agree with Pence on some things, but I think he would make a much better president than Trump. He has an even keel and has proven his leadership as governor of Indiana.

                        Was talkin with a libtard friend of mine. He was whining about Trump. I said I like Pence better. He exclaimed, oh no, that guy is religious. That's the last thing we need.


                        • I guess I am right on some matters, and left on others. Definitely I am not anti-republican, I am however vehemently anti-Trump.


                          • This whole controversy is way over my head. Everyone is looking at what this means and whom was thinking and doing what. Meanwhile, I cant even wrap my head around why when I bought a flat of sirloin steaks at Costco, the package was marked "Gluten Free."
                            There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                            • Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                              This whole controversy is way over my head. Everyone is looking at what this means and whom was thinking and doing what. Meanwhile, I cant even wrap my head around why when I bought a flat of sirloin steaks at Costco, the package was marked "Gluten Free."
                              I think it had something to do with Trump raping/asualting/violating 15-35 women... Oh, wait... Shoulda posted this in media bias I think.
                              Last edited by ShockingButTrue; May 13, 2017, 12:56 AM.


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