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  • Sorry, had to add some 'pazzaz' to page 100. :)
    "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


    • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
      Obama took his first round of golf on April 26, 2009. Trump has golfed 9 times as of March 17.
      Obama's total vacation expenses over 8 years totaled $97M. Trump's vacation expenses this year this year projected to eclipse $120M.

      It is not okay. And it simply awful optics to be so liberal with taxpayer money while campaigning for cuts.
      Lucky him. I also hate it when the liberals are liberal with my money they take from me.

      By all means write your congressman and demand they pass a law that President be given a set many days of vacation.


      • Seems like there might be one or two battles liberals could focus on which are more consequential than the President's vacations.


        • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
          Reductio ad absurdum only works if the situations are analogous.
          No, it really doesn't.
          Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
            No, it really doesn't.
            Alright, man. You can think both rely on the same logical premises, but it's just not even close.

            Situation A: Jdshock stopped eating spinach, he must not like it.
            Situation B: Jdshock eats a lot of spinach, guess he doesn't like it.


            • Trump wants to gut meals on wheels. That is my nana's livelihood in rural Kansas. I hope he feels the weight of the blood on his hands.
              jdshock, Since you like to point out logical fallacies lets take a look at this one and how many you can point out because I hear this argument alot. The "he does X so he hates/wants to kill Y." There is such a large gap between X and Y.

              I think most of the arguments were to point this out, even the post you are argueing about.


              • Originally posted by seskridge
                Lol so we as a country should pay for outrageous vacation expenses. He lied. He said he would not take vacation and he is. He said he had the gusto to do the job well apparently not. I'm sorry, he can go watch some netflix to chill out. No reason to go on crazy expensive vacas when we are cutting programs that people need.
                Is it really a vacation when he's staying at his Florida home?

                What you call a vacation, he probably calls working from home on the weekends.
                "Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should accomplish with your ability."
                -John Wooden


                • Originally posted by Eric View Post
                  Exactly. Obama and Clinton are no longer in the picture. There is a man in charge. That's what we're dealing with now.
                  yep it is Bush's doing
                  "I not sure that I've ever been around a more competitive player or young man than Fred VanVleet. I like to win more than 99.9% of the people in this world, but he may top me." -- Gregg Marshall 12/23/13 :peaceful:
                  Remember when Nancy Pelosi said about Obamacare:
                  "We have to pass it, to find out what's in it".

                  A physician called into a radio show and said:
                  "That's the definition of a stool sample."


                  • I honestly think the budget cuts are a much more interesting topic than vacation.
                    Livin the dream


                    • Originally posted by seskridge
                      When it cost tax payers a ton of money it is reckless to "work from his florida home". I work from home too and you know what, it gets called vacation time. With you all it is a moving goal post. When you ever admit trump is an embarrassment to this nation. Every country except for russia is laughing at us.
                      There are good ways to present a liberal argument, and there are poor ways to do it. This is an example of a poor attempt - you are on a board that skews something like 90% republican and making consistently emotional arguments that are 1-2 sentences long with little to no analysis, all the while voicing frustration that the opposition won't just agree with your global characterizations (not going to happen, especially if you don't present a well-argued bridge to reach that conclusion).

                      You're hitting your head against a brick wall - the arguments you are putting out here would only get likes and +1s in a liberal echo chamber of similarly aligned folks on fb or reddit. Gotta try to be more persuasive - jd and cbb do a good job of putting out well-reasoned moderate and liberal arguments here because they back up their conclusions with factual support and well-reasoned analysis. Folks often do not agree with their conclusions, but most would acknowledge that their typical argument has merit and reasonable minds could differ on what to take away from it. Of course, not even well-constructed arguments will change the vast majority of internet posters' views here or elsewhere, so ultimately it probably is not worth the exercise in futility.

                      I am also about the furthest thing imaginable from a Trump fanboy fwiw, just from the conservative end of the spectrum instead of the liberal one.


                      • Trump pisses your money away

                        Originally posted by seskridge
                        When it cost tax payers a ton of money it is reckless to "work from his florida home". I work from home too and you know what, it gets called vacation time. With you all it is a moving goal post. When you ever admit trump is an embarrassment to this nation. Every country except for russia is laughing at us.
                        His first three trips cost $10 million (as of February 21st):
                        The president has been at his “Winter White House” the past three weekends – 11 days of his first 33 days in office

                        No one here is mentioning the cost of keeping his family in New York so his special needs son can get the schooling he needs:

                        That's another $308,000 per day.

                        According to this, Trump has spent more than Obama and Biden have ALREADY.
                        By one estimate the president has already rung up as much in travel costs as the Obama and Biden families did in eight years – all at the expense of taxpayers

                        This is what is called hypocrisy. Call out the other guy for doing something, then do the EXACT same thing, except worse.

                        If Trump is so rich, why can't he pay for his OWN security? He seemingly wants us to believe he is 'donating' his salary because he 'doesn't need it'. Since the expenses are so much more, since he told all of us how easy it would be for him to be president, my conclusion is that he either was lying or he is in over his head so he needs a LOT of stress relief.

                        Either way, when the voters see how much this is costing and how much will be cut from the budget, I'm sure most of them who aren't affiliated with a political party will want some change in a couple of years. This should be getting fun REAL soon.


                        • Oh yes, then there's the promotion of Mar-a-lago, the increase in initiation fees and the huckerism of promoting something his business benefits from (and as a result himself personally) when he told us he would not create confrlicts of interest.


                          • Originally posted by seskridge
                            Happy there is an investigation and based on questions of what it would take to open an investigation, it probably isn't good for trump. Trump was tweeting as the hearing went on and got fact checked by comey in real time! Interesting the republicans are only interested in the leakers and not the russia part. Party pver country, I guess.It is also interesting that the FBI has been conducting an investigation SINCE JULY about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Kind of hard for Trump to keep saying it is a fantasy made up by democrats when the FBI has spent EIGHT MONTHS looking into it - yet they were able to dismiss the wire tapping claim in just a few weeks. It sounds like the FBI is aware of the crime and has spent a huge amount of time gathering evidence for a rock solid case. You can't accuse the president and/or his close staff of treason without bullet proof evidence.
                            Will you be happy when the investigation is over?
                            Livin the dream


                            • I will be happy when the Trump presidency is over, be it in 8 years, 4 years, or 6 months. It's not a partisan thing. I could've lived with just about any candidate from the right, but this pusillanimous bag of wind is just the worst.


                              • Originally posted by Eric View Post
                                I will be happy when the Trump presidency is over, be it in 8 years, 4 years, or 6 months. It's not a partisan thing. I could've lived with just about any candidate from the right, but this pusillanimous bag of wind is just the worst.
                                Damn! First, @1972Shocker: with "Fortunately, I am sanguine about the prospects of moving on to the AAC which is a game changer."

                                Now, you @Eric:!

                                This is a freakin' Fan Board! We can't have that kind of language here. We got certain standards to uphold. :grief:

