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  • Originally posted by seskridge
    Well then dont do shady things. They shouldve been up front about it and then it would've been okay. The trump support on here is so loyal to a fault it scares me. He could murder someone and we would still have shockingbuttrue postinf stuff about the dnc and breitbart. It is quite frankly embarrassing. Look at stuff objectively regardless of which party you support.
    So you don't think he should want to be investigated. He should stop being shady. It's hard to follow with your blind hatred of Trump.
    Last edited by wufan; March 4, 2017, 09:10 AM.
    Livin the dream


    • Originally posted by seskridge
      Why is trump so scared of an investigation?
      He has the authority to halt it at any time.

      If he's scared, why doesn't he?

      In addition . . .

      In January, American law enforcement and intelligence agencies examined intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of Trump, according to the Times.

      The FBI led the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, and the Treasury Department's financial crimes unit.

      Investigators found no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said.
      This has been a recurring pattern for over a year now.

      But by all means, #resist.
      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


      • Originally posted by seskridge
        Shocking but true, your pictures prove nothing and a meme isn't true. Why not look for some actual journalism instead of fake news. Again, lets investigate both sides. Why is trump so scared of an investigation?
        Lol - actual journalism. What a joke. You keep saying let's investigate both sides, but you know that not going to happen. You are 8 years to late to this game.


        • Originally posted by seskridge
          Shocking but true, your pictures prove nothing and a meme isn't true. Why not look for some actual journalism instead of fake news. Again, lets investigate both sides. Why is trump so scared of an investigation?
          Fair enough seekridge. Since you prefer Truth to fakery here's one of the Presidents biggest, fascist, anti-semitic supporters:



          • Graham: 'I'm very worried' about Trump's wiretapping accusation


            • It is likely true (and this was reported initially in January). What is being really being debated is precision of language. Trump says Obama wiretapped me - he saying the Obama government (IMO). Obama then says "I didn't order any wire tapping" - which is true. The president cannot legally order wiretapping. But it has been reported that FISA warrant was granted that involved Putin daughters, Paul Manafort and some banking official. As we know from what happened in Wichita lately, when these things get granted the net starts get spread pretty wide. One of the reason why some have tried to reign in the FISA.
              Last edited by SB Shock; March 4, 2017, 08:44 PM.


              • Originally posted by seskridge
                Shockingbuttrue cites breitbart. Why are you against an investigation? Don't you want to know for sure nothing shady, illegal happened? Dont get the argument against it. If it comes back with nada then you got stuff to hold over liberals, right?
                There has been investigations and probably still ongoing investigations that are being conducted. So far the results have came back with "nada". What more do you want?

                Oh and pence, haven't heard your take on him getting secure email via his aol account which was hacked.
                There is no prohibition from elected leaders from using personal email accounts to do businesss. Where Hillary got into trouble was:

                1. She was using her personal email to violate federal disclosure laws
                2. She had email destroyed instead of turning them over to investigators
                3. She transmitted classified information through her private email.
                4. Emails showed that she ordered subordinates to take information from the classified email server (SIRPnet) and transmit in the non-secure server
                5. Additional emails showed that classified information was most likely compromised on China and Russia trips.

                Pence email was different.

                1. Indiana law requires Politicians to use private email for any political or private business. It is illegal to use government email for anything but official business, but does not prohibit use of private emails for government business. If you do use your private email for government business, then you have to preserve all you private emails.

                2. Pence preserved his email per the Indiana disclosure laws. The reason we know that Pence did use his private email was because he followed the law and provided disclosure. Hillary illegally tried to circumvent federal disclosure laws and destroyed emails (and evidence) - 50% of her emails were destroyed.

                3. Pence didn't transmit classified information, the FBI after recovering deleted emails from other sources and from recovering some from hard drives did determine Hillary did. I highly doubt he had access to the Governments SIRPnet. If he had, then the FBI would have already opened a criminal investigation on him.

                4. It has not been abnormal for elected officials to use their private emails, there has been republican and democrats (Hillary tried to throw Colin Powell under the bus on this) - the difference between Hillary and all others, she broke the law in various ways as listed above.


                • Legal Insurrection summarizes the timeline in the following article

                  Some curious language in both Trump’s “wiretap” accusation and Obama’s defense


                  • Best Executive Order to date!

                    The Assman


                    • Oh my goodness!!!! Stop with the basketball posts in the politics forum!!!!! If I wanted to read about people's basketball opinions I would go to the basketball forum where it belongs...



                      • Originally posted by SHURTZtheHERTZ View Post
                        Best Executive Order to date!


                        • Comment

                          • "By any means necessary."


                            • As a conservative, I'm pretty bummed by the Republican health care bill. Rand Paul's description of Obamacare-lite seems apt.

                              They tried to treat a few symptoms but left the tumor completely intact. How is this the best we can muster after 8 years to plan?

