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  • Gotta love a guy that challenges our President's ability to read, less than 18 hours after he reads THE inaugural address of the last half century nearly flawlessly. Then calls a guy that opines that Trump's pulse on policy versus Hillary's makes him "maximum partisan" beyond civil discussion.

    If insinuating that a self made billionaire that graduated from Wharton and ultimately became the U.S. President has trouble reading is not maximum partisanship, then what is?

    I mean that is just plain goofy.
    Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


    • Originally posted by RoyalShock View Post
      I quit reading after this paragraph. If Trump were suggesting publicizing all crimes by people of Mexican heritage, then you might have a comparison.
      Part of the point you didn't read (should I my make posts like Trump briefings, 9 bullet points or less) was sensationalizing things like this will in and off itself is wrong because it sends a message to the wrong people. The quoted portion was part of that proof.


      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
        Gotta love a guy that challenges our President's ability to read, less than 18 hours after he reads THE inaugural address of the last half century nearly flawlessly. Then calls a guy that opines that Trump's pulse on policy versus Hillary's makes him "maximum partisan" beyond civil discussion.

        If insinuating that a self made billionaire that graduated from Wharton and ultimately became the U.S. President has trouble reading is not maximum partisanship, then what is?

        I mean that is just plain goofy.
        Yes, I challenge his literacy. That doesn't mean he's totally illiterate, but he might be functionally illiterate. Being able to read a teleprompter speech without ad libbing like normal doesn't change that, because literacy also covers understanding. If you don't think he has a literacy problem and gets mentally fatigued from reading, just look at the fact that he requires cliff-note briefings (Obama typically asking for 40-page reports, Trump asks for 1 page, 9-bullet point reports with graphics). Or you can read a police guideline for how they identify and deal with people with low literacy to make sure they understand the written material handed to them:

        In a verbal interview, a person with low literacy may:
        • have difficulty telling a clear story; for example, they may get the order of events confused
        • seem to talk in circles – this thinking pattern is common among people with low literacy
        • have stiff body language; for example, they may not nod or shake their head to indicateagreement or disagreement

        When asked to read or write something, a person with low literacy may:
        • read very slowly
        • stare at the page they’re supposed to read, but not move their eyes back and forth
        • ask questions about things that are clearly stated in the document• make a lot of spelling or grammar mistakes in their writing, or fill out a form with incorrectinformation

        People who have difficulty understanding verbal and written information haveother tell-tale behaviors. Many people with low literacy:
        • give what seem to be indirect, confused, or irrelevant answers to questions
        • act confused or ask questions that do not seem to relate to the problem or situation
        • not ask any questions at all (rather than reveal they don’t understand what’s going on)
        • nod to indicate they agree or understand something, but then not do what you expect

        They may also:
        • not show up for meetings or hearings (because they did not understand the instructions on awritten notice)
        • sign statements or legal documents that they do not understand (rather than admit theyhave a reading problem)
        • look dazed or uncomfortable when someone gives them something to read
        There are tons of reports that Donald Trump doesn't like reading and instead prefers to watch television, and he hits almost all of those points. I could go through point by point, but I'll just link the accompanying YouTube video. I'm not calling him illiterate because I want to smear him, I'm calling him illiterate because it explains a lot of his behaviors and because it matches the actual information from the news that he avoids reading.

        And no, I'd didn't say that he reached maximum partisanship because he agreed with Trump. I said that because he believed Trump knew more about policy than Clinton. Not that his policies were better or worse, but rather that he factually knew more about policy than someone that has been involved with politics for 30 years. You can like Trump's policies and still realize that he came in without knowing about the One China policy, or that Clinton had more knowledge about the intricacies of the healthcare system after having tried to pass healthcare reform. To say that he actually knew more requires a denial of reality that only a completely partisan person can make.

        Just like it takes a denial of reality to think that his speech was the greatest inaugural address in 50 years, partially because it wasn't an inaugural address at all or a state of the union. Yes, it is unusual that he was able to speak at a higher level for a longer period of time, but that doesn't instantly make the speech the greatest ever. Not the greatest inaugural speech, not the greatest state of the union, and not the greatest address to Congress. Every normal President could speak with the same or greater eloquence without it being noteworthy.


        • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
          Would you be okay if an SJW Democrat ran on a platform calling Republicans violent white nationalists and promised to push a weekly list of crimes by white people to show how dangerous they are? No, and you shouldn't be. You shouldn't accept propaganda just because the outcome might be favorable to your political views.

          You are saying that as long as you agree with the ends the means are fine. But the means are not fine. The government is not the media. The government should not be promoting its policies by pushing propaganda and trying to create emotional responses, and it certainly shouldn't be doing so in a deliberate attempt to get around the media. This is a huge escalation of government power, and if you think it is acceptable now you need to know that it can and will be used against you. You don't want to see a liberal government go after right-wing media for being deceitful and creating their own propaganda against right-wing groups and churches, and that is exactly the type of abuse you get when you accept the means.

          And this is pure emotional propaganda. If Trump wanted to combat illegal immigration and crime in a responsible way, it wouldn't be a weekly report. It be a end of year report by an agency with a list of policy suggestions. A weekly report is just a way to sensationalize crime and make it feel like a much bigger threat, a way to keep a constant stream of "illegal immigrants bad" in the news. If you just wanted accurate information, what difference does it make if it comes at the end of the year? No, this is designed to create fear.

          And even if you don't think Trump's policies towards immigrants are unethical, you have to understand that pushing fear is reckless. There are dirtbags and looney-toons out there that won't take more than a push to commit a hate crime, like that Kansas shooter that attack the Indians. There is no reason to send even the slightest message of approval to those types. Even if you agree with statements like:

          You should recognize that there are bad hombres out there with similar opinions, but a lot looser grip on reality and civility. If you want, I can provide proof even for those specific statements.
          Sorry, this doesn't work. RoyalShock pointed that out pretty cleanly.
          Livin the dream


          • Originally posted by cbb_fan
            Just like it takes a denial of reality to think that his speech was the greatest inaugural address in 50 years, partially because it wasn't an inaugural address at all or a state of the union. Yes, it is unusual that he was able to speak at a higher level for a longer period of time, but that doesn't instantly make the speech the greatest ever. Not the greatest inaugural speech, not the greatest state of the union, and not the greatest address to Congress. Every normal President could speak with the same or greater eloquence without it being noteworthy.
            Yes, Congressional address, thank you for the correction.

            Did you watch any of it live?
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • [QUOTE=CBB_Fan;707555
              you have to understand that pushing fear is reckless. There are dirtbags and looney-toons out there that won't take more than a push to commit a hate crime, like that Kansas shooter that attack the Indians. There is no reason to send even the slightest message of approval to those types.

              You mean like saying cops are just targeting black people only? Or is that something different?


              • Attached Files


                • Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                  Yes, I challenge his literacy. That doesn't mean he's totally illiterate, but he might be functionally illiterate.
                  He graduated from Penn, an Ivy League school. Aside from debating the merits of whether his father got him admitted there, I would point out that he's probably smarter than you are.

                  Not only that, to even suggest he's functionally illiterate shows you know nothing of the meaning of that phrase, and on top of it all, it's extremely disrespectful.

                  Don't get offended when the day comes where a democrat gets elected and people start openly speculating on whether he/she is functionally illiterate. Or whether he or she is a legal citizen of this country.

                  Some on here say political correctness is killing our country. I can buy that, but I will also say partisan politics is killing our country because people like you disrespect the president to make intellectually lazy accusations, it hurts our country. No matter who the president is.


                  • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                    Don't get offended when the day comes where a democrat gets elected and people start openly speculating on whether he/she is functionally illiterate. Or whether he or she is a legal citizen of this country.
                    Are you referring to 8 years and a couple of months ago?

                    It worked for Trump, so maybe CBB is preparing to run for president.


                    • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
                      He graduated from Penn, an Ivy League school. Aside from debating the merits of whether his father got him admitted there, I would point out that he's probably smarter than you are.

                      Not only that, to even suggest he's functionally illiterate shows you know nothing of the meaning of that phrase, and on top of it all, it's extremely disrespectful.

                      Don't get offended when the day comes where a democrat gets elected and people start openly speculating on whether he/she is functionally illiterate. Or whether he or she is a legal citizen of this country.

                      Some on here say political correctness is killing our country. I can buy that, but I will also say partisan politics is killing our country because people like you disrespect the president to make intellectually lazy accusations, it hurts our country. No matter who the president is.
                      CBB is a libertarian I believe. He's not bipartisan at all. He hates everybody equally.
                      Livin the dream


                      • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                        CBB is a libertarian I believe. He's not bipartisan at all. He hates everybody equally.
                        Thanks for your response. I understand there are liberal libertarians out there. He's probably one of them. I consider myself to be more of an independent these days, but after voting twice for Obama and once for Trump, what I have witnessed as I changed my political stripes is the disrespect shown to the President from the political extremes on both sides. CBB may not agree with the current incumbent, but it is far more effective to focus on those points of disagreement than to make personal insults, as it makes the person making those insults out to look like a fool.


                        • Originally posted by seskridge
                          If Trump has nothing to hid then he would like to have an investigation to clear his team and him. At this point all these russian ties are more than just a coincidence.
                          So at this point he is guilty until proven innocent.


                          • Originally posted by seskridge
                            I think this applies to most court cases that get media attention. Here is an interesting doc.

                            Sessions was a senior member of the Senate Armed Service Committee. He met with the Russian ambassador as well as 25 other ambassadors. It's called doing his job. There is no evidence that the election was discussed, but I'm sure you think Sessions slipped him a piece of paper with Podesta's email password on it!

                            HAHA on that Trump/Russia investigation google document, what a monumental waste of time. Can you add to it for me please?

                            1/29/2011----Trump was spotted at a steakhouse. He ordered a NY strip well done with ketchup. He also ordered a salad with Russian dressing. Shots of vodka were served before the meal and he called his table companion a comrade.


                            • Originally posted by jdmee View Post
                              So at this point he is guilty until proven innocent.
                              To be fair, we should be able to expect our presidents to be above reproach. It's why they've always released tax returns. It's why we do extensive background investigations, even if there were no convictions. It's why people wanted Clinton to be impeached for consensual sexual activity.


                              • Originally posted by seskridge
                                I took it off of reddit. And someone on that committee has also said it is not part of their job to meet with russian ambassadors. But if there is no links then why not investigate m i always wonder why people still bring up Hillary. 1. She isnt president 2. I can be outraged by both hillary and trump. 3. It makes your argument look weak when you constantly are on hillary when she isnt part of this discussion
                                Well he met with the Russian ambassador as well as 25 other foreign ambassadors so I assume it's a pretty common practice.

                                Who brought up Hillary? Find her name mentioned in my post please. The whole liberal agenda against Russia is that they interfered in the election by releasing Podesta's emais. Is that not the issue or am i missing something?

