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  • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
    At least I wasn't a Shill for Hill like you were.
    Must we do this all over again?

    Originally posted by JH4P, From this past summer

    Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
    All I've seen from you on this blog is pretty much non-stop blathering on how bad Trump is (without mentioning that Hillary is, in many ways, just as bad).

    Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
    Basically, I despise Hillary
    Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
    I am undecided who would be worse, Trump or Hillary
    Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
    If I had to place a bet, I would bet Trump would be a better president than Hillary. “Less terrible” might be a more accurate way to put it.
    If I haven't made myself clear already, let me say it again... Hillary is indeed scum. I despise her. Hillary would be a horrible president. I would never vote for Hillary in 1 million years.

    There. Feel better now?

    All of my comments about Trump take those thoughts about Hillary as a given. In no way am I trying to polish the turd of a Hillary presidency.

    Hillary has had questionable dealings and lacks judgment and transparency? My God, Trump might be the worst at those things in the history of presidential candidates. Both candidates are such complete garbage that I feel like yelling at anyone who would vote for either. It just so happens that this board has 10x more people open to voting for Trump than for Hillary, thus the conversation you've seen playing itself out.


    • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
      You can say whatever you want. However, I choose to not believe you. Let's just say that your posts and rhetoric tells me more about you than the obvious denials you're prosecuting here today. Your behavior speaks more with respect to your intent than your denials do, in other words. Or put another way, I don't believe you're being transparent. For instance, I freely admit to voting for Trump. I don't spend a lot of time on these political boards anymore, but when I was spending a little more time (and in the run-up to the election) I don't believe I have seen a single, solitary post from you as to whom you actually voted for and why.

      Using my transparency against me whilst you continue with your opaque behavior indicates that you are being less than honest about this whole thing. Not only that, I have better things to do with my time than live on this board, which you seem to enjoy doing. It must be nice to not have to work for a living.

      I am done with you.


      • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
        The guy who shot Tiller was a Christian. I believe he said God told him to do it. Those are facts.
        99% of Christians strongly condemned the actions of that guy. Calling those actions "the Christian thing" the way you did is reprehensible.

        Shooting abortion doctors is not the "Christian thing"
        Shooting police officers is not the "liberal thing"

        I think you know better and are just trolling. At least, I hope so.


        • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
          You can say whatever you want. However, I choose to not believe you. Let's just say that your posts and rhetoric tells me more about you than the obvious denials you're prosecuting here today. Your behavior speaks more with respect to your intent than your denials do, in other words. Or put another way, I don't believe you're being transparent. For instance, I freely admit to voting for Trump. I don't spend a lot of time on these political boards anymore, but when I was spending a little more time (and in the run-up to the election) I don't believe I have seen a single, solitary post from you as to whom you actually voted for and why.

          Using my transparency against me whilst you continue with your opaque behavior indicates that you are being less than honest about this whole thing. Not only that, I have better things to do with my time than live on this board, which you seem to enjoy doing. It must be nice to not have to work for a living.

          I am done with you.
          Wow!! You should be really hurt, JH4P.


          • Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
            I don't believe I have seen a single, solitary post from you as to whom you actually voted for and why.
            I spent 6 months saying I would vote 3rd party or write-in and would never vote Trump or Clinton, ever.
            I wrote a couple dozen posts discussing the pros and cons of the alternatives, and whether 3rd party or write-in would be more meaningful.
            I ultimately came down to Rubio vs McMullin for write-in, and chose McMullin.

            But you do you.


            • Comment

              • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
                BAHAHAHA!! This is hilarious!!
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                  Well, a nearly universally accepted medical definition of death is "when the heart stops beating". By corollary, the medical definition of life must be "when the heart starts beating". The heart starts beating about 3 weeks after fertilization. With no religious argument at all, and only a nearly universally accepted medical argument, one can easily claim that life begins at about 3 weeks after fertilization.

                  If that argument -- which is really hard to argue against from any non-religious angle I look at it -- were accepted, it would open up the doors to a compromise by allowing use of the "morning after" pill with a clear conscious on both sides.

                  That would also answer your IVF question.
                  Pretty strong argument. The only other viable argument would be; when a fetus is able to live outside the womb. I assume this is where 90% of the argument lies, but 90% of the arguing is about some other minutia.
                  Livin the dream


                  • Originally posted by jdshock View Post
                    I believe this is what progressives need to figure out if they want to start having more than just moderate democrats gaining power. I don't believe there is a consensus.

                    What does failure mean in society? Death? I suppose most progressives probably want to provide resources so that doesn't happen. Even that is more difficult than it sounds, though. If you provide resources to an individual and he squanders them, do you let him die? What if there are children? If failure just means that you don't get every thing you want, then I definitely want a system that allows failure.

                    Personally, I'm really influenced by my belief that in the next century we are going to see 90% of all unskilled labor go away. I know that is a common argument that has been brought up every generation, but I just think there are a lot of signs that we're getting really close (close being a relative term). So, for example, I think a universal basic income makes a lot of sense. A low basic income hopefully allows individuals to survive, but people still have incentives to go out and create.
                    What does failur mean? Certainly not death. Death is inevitable. It happens to all of us at different times. Death is the only real "equal outcome."

                    Failure, as our nation was framed in the Constitution, is the lack of happiness. We are garunteed, as a society life and liberty. We are only garunteed the PURSUIT of happiness. If I am unhappy because my marriage didn't work out, my kids are a mess, or my job sucks; well, that's okay. Every citizen, so long as he/she follows the laws, has the equal opportunity to succeed and fail as many times as they can until the equal outcome is upon them. It is not the job of the government to grant them this happiness, rather it is the job of the government to allow a person the joy of success (which can not be had without the possibility of failure).

                    If you agree that these are good things to have in society, then discussions of "how" the government keeps its promise of the pursuit of happiness. If you disagree, that discussion can also be had.
                    Livin the dream


                    • Did you know about 10.5 million black captives survived the trip to America, before the Republicans won the war to end slavery?

                      Did you know that the Democrats fight ferociously to uphold a law that has resulted in the abortion of about 14 million black children since Roe v. Wade?

                      We have killed more black people in 40 years than the total number of slaves brought to America over a 300 year time period.

                      Hey Democrats, I thought black lives matter?
                      Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                      • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                        Did you know about 10.5 million black captives survived the trip to America, before the Republicans won the war to end slavery?

                        Did you know that the Democrats fight ferociously to uphold a law that has resulted in the abortion of about 14 million black children since Roe v. Wade?

                        We have killed more black people in 40 years than the total number of slaves brought to America over a 300 year time period.

                        Hey Democrats, I thought black lives matter?
                        Nope. jdshock explicitly stated that black people arent alive. Wait...I think I messed that up. This whole, what is alive debate has me confused.
                        Livin the dream


                        • Originally posted by wufan View Post
                          What does failur mean? Certainly not death. Death is inevitable. It happens to all of us at different times. Death is the only real "equal outcome."

                          Failure, as our nation was framed in the Constitution, is the lack of happiness. We are garunteed, as a society life and liberty. We are only garunteed the PURSUIT of happiness. If I am unhappy because my marriage didn't work out, my kids are a mess, or my job sucks; well, that's okay. Every citizen, so long as he/she follows the laws, has the equal opportunity to succeed and fail as many times as they can until the equal outcome is upon them. It is not the job of the government to grant them this happiness, rather it is the job of the government to allow a person the joy of success (which can not be had without the possibility of failure).

                          If you agree that these are good things to have in society, then discussions of "how" the government keeps its promise of the pursuit of happiness. If you disagree, that discussion can also be had.
                          th.jpg :p


                          • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
                            BAHAHAHA!! This is hilarious!!
                            Makes me miss ol' Dubya, from a personality perspective.


                            • Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                              The chasm between directly murdering someone, and being held responsible for not doing enough to go out of your way to help improve someone's life, is massive. We can debate whether the latter is important, is lacking among conservatives, etc., but don't you dare equate that to outright committing murder.

                              JD, you are better than that cartoon.
                              I thought so to. It will now take evidence to restore my confidence that he is anthing but shallow in his analysis. That cartoon was created in ignorance and forwarded out of malice.

                              While anecdotal, I offer the following:
                              I belong to a very conservative Presbyterian church, right of center. Attendance is 40/50 per Sunday. In spite of 3 with cancer, 2 waiting on kidney transplants, two heart surgeries in the last 3 years we have expressed much grace. We have 2 biracial families, 3 minority families, 2 families with multiple adopted children, 1 family took a disabled family of 5 into their home 5 years ago and counting, with very minimal governmental help (small food stamps and heathcare benefit).

                              Of course there are some that may act like that cartoon, and I do know one or two, the vast majority of conservative Christians look more like my congregation. Those type cartoons are conversation killers


                              • Never mind -

                                This is all just silly. It's so incredibly infuriating that this is the direction the topic went. 99% of the members of this board agree on the abortion issue.

                                I have yet to put forth an argument for abortion. I refuse to engage in that debate.
                                Last edited by jdshock; January 27, 2017, 07:32 AM.

