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  • #46
    My simple solution for Iran, the Middle East, and everything else:

    Russia wants to thump their chest and raise their influence in the region. Good. Let them. Let them have the Middle East.

    We're safe from terrorism and Russia goes bankrupt in one fell swoop. The only question would be protecting Israel. The rest of it, I could care less what happens.
    Originally posted by BleacherReport
    Fred VanVleet on Shockers' 3-Pt Shooting Confidence -- ' Honestly, I just tell these guys to let their nuts hang.'


    • #47
      Originally posted by wufan View Post
      I had not heard that take before @CBB_Fan:. Very interesting.
      All of us should find this video interesting.

      27 minutes | Meet the new head of the United Nations panel on Human Rights: the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Abby Martin takes us inside the brutal reality of this police-state monarchy, and tells the untold...
      In the fast lane


      • #48
        Originally posted by shocka khan View Post
        IIRC, other than Bush, who served in the National Guard, none of the people (Wolfowitz, Cheney or Rumsfeld) who were the architects of the Iraq war, ever ran for president. I would not consider deferments or military service as something that would qualify or disqualify a potential candidate. I would, however, consider statements that we ought to fight a war with 'x' or 'y' (insert a country - we have a whole bunch of people clamoring for war with any number of countries) by a candidate without 'x' or 'y' attacking us who did not serve or had deferments as a negative for that candidate.
        Obama, Clinton - when did they serve? They were the architects for Libya and Syria (and the whole mediterrainian fiasco that includes others like Egypt).


        • #49
          Originally posted by SB Shock View Post
          Obama, Clinton - when did they serve? They were the architects for Libya and Syria (and the whole mediterrainian fiasco that includes others like Egypt).
          I'm not tracking here. Libya? I think I recall Reagan sent some air strikes in, but missed Qadafi. Was there some secret invasion of Libya by Obama or Clinton that got covered up?

          I don't recall invading Libya, Egypt, or Syria.

          Syria? Really? Which of the opposing extremist forces that both hate us would you like for us to support? Or should we just go over there and kill everybody on both sides? Anybody who sends troops into the Middle East right now is only going to create more jihadists, increase the hate in the area, and create more terrorists in the invading (non-Islam) country.

          You're blaming Clinton and Obama for two factions in Egypt (who hate each other) overthrowing the government there from time to time? Are you saying that Clinton started something in Egypt, then for the 8 Bush years, we had no involvement in Egypt, but as soon as Obama was elected, the USA was interfering with Egyptian politics to the detriment of US interests?
          The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
          We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Aargh View Post
            I'm not tracking here. Libya? I think I recall Reagan sent some air strikes in, but missed Qadafi. Was there some secret invasion of Libya by Obama or Clinton that got covered up?
            Where have you been? Did you miss the whole NATO mini-war to take down Qaddafi?

            I don't recall invading Libya, Egypt, or Syria.
            You don't think we have U.S. troops boot on the ground during Libya or in Syria. You missed how we destabilized the Egyptian government and called for the authoritarian government to be removed by elections?

            Syria? Really? Which of the opposing extremist forces that both hate us would you like for us to support?
            Really that is your argument? Obama made this mess during the Arab spring when he drew his "red line" and supported the factions (which he quickly erased) and then calls for the removal of Assad and starts providing material support, weapons, military support etc to destabilize an authoritarian regime he doesn't like with no plans for afterwards. Had Obama not interfered, the Assad government would have crushed the opposition quickly. It much like what Bush did in Iraq excep at a 3rd grade level, and Saddam was actually using chemical weapons on his citizens and Iran and had a history of invading neighbors.....

            You're blaming Clinton and Obama for two factions in Egypt (who hate each other) overthrowing the government there from time to time? Are you saying that Clinton started something in Egypt, then for the 8 Bush years, we had no involvement in Egypt, but as soon as Obama was elected, the USA was interfering with Egyptian politics to the detriment of US interests?
            Well if you call supporting the present government - no involvement for the past 40 years....sigh. Obama interfere - when Mubarak became sick and was losing grip, he pulled all U.S. support for the government that was working with us and demanded elections be held which of course meant "muslim brotherhood"....

            There was a key lesson from our experience in Iraq is these people in this region don't have the ability to govern democratically (fair and balanced manner). When the majority gets power, they kill the minorities and plunder the resources for themselves. The root of this comes back to how the borders were drawn after WWI by Europe.

            You can't have it both ways and say what Bush did in Iraq was wrong, but then what Hillary and Obama did through the whole Mediterranean from Morroco to Syria to remove leaders of those governments is right?


            • #51
              Hmmm. I guess I need to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News more often so I can keep up on all this stuff.
              The future's so bright - I gotta wear shades.
              We like to cut down nets and get sized for championship rings.


              • #52
                @SB Shock:'s post was not right wing rhetoric. It would be easy to site lots of left wing articles to substantiate the events that he posted. I have come to realize that @SB Shock: follows military actions closely and knows his military history and military current events quite well.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Aargh View Post
                  Hmmm. I guess I need to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News more often so I can keep up on all this stuff.
                  You just outed yourself from the liberal playbook - when challenged with facts just go to play 666 and blame it on Rush and Fox. I don't even watch fox except during breaking events (and then it will be Fox and CNN) - that is the only time these two actually report the news - otherwise it just a group screamfest. I also don't listen to Rush, I have a day job that actually requires complex mathematical calculations - I prefer to listen to some Don Giovanni

                  If you really want to know what is going on in the world you might try Strategy Page, Nightwatch, STRATFOR, or Geopolitical Monitor among a few.

